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    So. Nursing School.

    First semester in the nursing program, what an eye opener.

    I guess I wanted to start this more or less for myself. To keep track of my time in college and jot down what I've been through and how I've felt through this journey. When I first started going to nursing school, the things I expected compared to the things that actually happened were completely different. After just graduating high school, I expected to go in, barely study, and be able to pass. I mainly thought this because of how I was taught in high school and how I could make A's by doing nothing. Oh boy did I learn from that.

    Moving past all of the gen. ed. classes was a blessing itself. Once I applied to get into the program, I was ready. I was ready to throw myself into the work and I was ready to put my nose into the books. And I did. Going into this, I thought that since I hadn't done my best in my gen ed science courses that there would be no hope for me one I got into the program but I couldn't have been more wrong.

    See, I second guessed myself before giving myself time to show what I could do. After taking my first test and passing it with a good grade, I had a huge confidence boost. I kept up my study habits and in the process, I've made some really good friends. One in particular who I study with. We tell each other you know what? You can do it. And when you're in nursing school, you need someone like that.

    So here I am, 1 week left in my first semester in the nursing program at my college and I couldn't feel happier with myself. I've made the grades I wanted and I've shown everyone who ever doubted me just what I can do. Because I pushed my nose into the books and notes and I told myself "Ericka, you're going to succeed."

    No matter what career choice you have made, always know that if you put your mind to it, you can get it done. Even if it means having a few breakdowns, a few angry moments, and a lot of homework.

    The follow up to this post probably won't happen until mid-September when I get into my next course. If you read this, thank you. I hope it's somewhat insightful. It's just my thoughts.
