21 Basic Ashira Moments

    What better way to celebrate 21 than to look at all the things that make Ashira who she is and all the reasons we love her

    1. When she manages to find a random dog

    2. When she takes the DJ stand

    3. When she shows us that the peace sign really never goes out of style

    4. When she brings us back to her athletic days

    5. When she smiles so big that her inner asian comes out

    6. When she tries to be artsy

    7. When she can't contain her excitement over Jewish food

    8. When bear makes an appearance on snapchat

    9. When she makes it clear that Thomas is bae

    10. When she throws what she knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    11. When she poses with an animal

    12. When she captures the classic camp photo

    13. When she instagrams grandma

    14. When she beats everyone else at tbt's

    15. When she ends her night with a cup of ice cream

    16. When she's reppin' FSU

    17. When a drink is always in her hand

    18. When she takes over your newsfeed while in Israel

    19. When she fishy faces at you

    20. When she becomes natures next top model

    21. When she gets overly excited about food

    22. When EEEEEE