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    The Maddow Blog Throwing Dirt On The George W. Bush Presidential Library Mystique

    Steve Benen of the Rachel Maddow Blog couldn’t let the 'confluence of events' that has inspired several GOP pundits and writers attempt to 'improve Bush's Reputation' go unnoticed.

    Steve Benen of the Rachel Maddow Blog couldn't let the 'confluence of events' that has inspired several GOP pundits and writers attempt to 'improve Bush's Reputation' go unnoticed.

    Benen sites two articles, Jennifer Rubin's article of the Washington Post:

    "Unlike Obama's tenure, there was no successful attack on the homeland after 9/11."

    And Fox News' Eric Bolling:

    "I will tell one thing, from you 9/12/01 until the time President Obama raised his right hand January of '09, the man kept us safe. And there -- you certainly can't say that since President Obama has taken the oath of office."

    Benen then attacks their, what he calls, 'bizarre assertion' that Obama is in some way responsible for the Boston Marathon bomb attacks.

    He brings up something that probably will not be on display at The Bush 43 Museum:

    "Bush received an intelligence briefing on Aug. 6, 2001, at which he was handed a memo with an important headline: "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.

    He goes on to write, Bush, however, was on a month-long vacation at the time. He heard the briefer out and replied, 'All right. You've covered your ass, now.' A month later, al Qaeda killed 3,000 people."

    Benen alleges GW Bush's responsibility for the greatest attack on Americans since Pearl Harbor.

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