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    Why Pole Dancing Is The Next Big Thing (For Me At Least)

    Chris Rock once said his job as a father was to keep his baby off the pole. Now women young and old are taking up the pole as a form of physical activity, as well as to get their sexy on.

    I took my first pole dancing class in March of 2014. Despite it's reputation as a strip club staple, I knew exactly what I was signing up for. Once I hit my first spin- the fireman/firefly spin- I was hooked, all puns intended.

    And then life happens. Your money gets funny. Your job sucks the soul out of you. Your car goes to hell (RIP to the Dodge). Food and copious amounts of Mary Jane become more enjoyable than seeing the light of day. Eventually you bounce back and you realize that you need to get your booty bouncing as well.

    With the new year, I am working on being more committed to things, including making it clap and making pole dancing work for me, especially because the only athletic thing I've ever been good at is running away from shit.

    With that being said, here are five reasons why pole dancing is the next big thing, for me at least.

    It's Sexy

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    The Secret Pole Dance Studio / Via

    Okay, so yeah, you can take away my strong, educated, independent woman card for this, but I like being sexy for me. I like being sexy for my hypothetical man. If there's a woman around I can be sexy for, I'll do that too. Whether you're performing for a private audience of 1, or during happy hour at Starz, pole dancing is sexy. You're wearing minimal clothing (if I had a house, I'd wear no clothing). You're putting your body into compromising positions (hello invert!). You will walk sexy walk, body roll, and do a sexy push up on the floor. If you were never sexy before, you will be after taking pole.

    But It Is a Workout

    Dat Upper Body Tho!

    It's Mentally Stimulating

    It's All Inclusive!!