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    41 Things That'll Make You Want To Spend More Time Outside This Fall

    This $32 portable heater is about to make your porch the most popular one on the block.

    1. A set of affordable, highly popular (seriously, these have over 164,000 popular reviews) wireless Bluetooth earbuds that were basically *made* for fall hikes — they're so waterproof you can take them in the shower, so fall downpours have nothing on 'em.

    Reviewer image of two black earbuds next to their charging case

    2. Or for chillier autumn days, a pair of warm wireless sleep headphones so versatile you can use them for everything from playing white noise to fall asleep or blasting music on a cold-weather run — 110% would not be surprised if half the neighborhood outfits themselves with them by the end of fall.

    people wearing the sleep headphones to sleep, do yoga, run, and in an exercise class

    3. A reviewer-beloved Carhartt beanie to help you stave off the cold all autumn long, keeping your noggin both super warm and — perhaps most importantly of all — color-coordinated to your cute blazers and coats. This comes in so many colors that whoops, you might just buy three.

    4. A popular water-resistant Under Armour face mask designed to withstand any kind of fall weather, particularly the cold and rainy. Bonus: It's plenty secure, but sits off your lips, giving you plenty of room to breathe without getting fabric sucked into your mouth.

    BuzzFeed editor in a black face mask that protrudes slightly off the face

    5. Or a 3D mouth bracket you can clip to the inside of your face mask to keep you from breathing in fabric, which is *especially* handy if you get fall allergies or get stuck in the rain a lot.

    6. *Plus* a popular streak-free anti-fog spray you can quickly apply to eyeglasses, sunglasses, and face shields to prevent them from fogging up in the cold weather (especially when wearing a face mask!).

    7. A flip-top lid for your wineglass you can use to save your red wine during fall nights on the patio instead of halfheartedly batting away flies and fishing them out later. All you do is secure it to the base and the rim of your glass and then you can flip it on and off at your leisure — 100% fewer bugs in your diet, guaranteed.

    8. A set of super-soft, breathable wool blend socks to keep your toes toasty when the autumn chill comes out to play. Plus with all the color combos you can get these in, you're *bound* to find one to match your fall aesthetic.

    9. A portable George Foreman grill for anyone whose heart says "ROAST UP SOME AUTUMNAL SQUASH AND FOOTBALL GRUB!!" but whose outside space says "I am so small." This has a nonstick coating and a removable stand, so you can cook on a tabletop or in the grass.

    10. An oversized houndstooth sweater vest perfect for those transitional fall days where the sun's like, "Is it hot? Is it cold? IDK, but stay on your toes!" This is layerable and snuggly for cold weather days but lightweight enough to easily transition into a solo vest if it heats up.

    11. A durable, waterproof Bluetooth speaker so you can have some tunes for fall picnics or outdoor workouts without worrying about its wires getting fried by unexpected showers.

    A black triangle-shaped Bluetooth speaker

    12. A blister-preventing balm that basically magics an extra layer between your skin and your shoe, so you can go on all your fall hikes and jump on crunchy leaves without worrying about breaking in your new boots.

    A model rubbing balm on their heel

    13. A LifeStraw, aka a personal water filter perfect for hiking, camping, or accidentally getting drafted into The Hunger Games. This compact gizmo cleans up to 1,000 gallons of water *without* using any chemicals or batteries, so you can safely stay hydrated wherever you roam.

    14. A suuuper popular Bio-Oil made with vitamins A and E, chamomile, and lavender to help soothe any dryness from the outdoors as the weather starts to cool down. You may also recognize it as a product a lot of people use to help fade scars (both old and new), soothe cracked and dry skin, and help moisturize without affecting your pores, so it's got a bunch of other bases covered, too.

    A model rubbing bio-oil on their hands

    15. A pair of trendy, affordable lace-up boots that actually deliver on traction — these anti-slip soles have made me, a certifiable Clumsy Individual, feel a lot more steady on my feet walking in the snow and icy pavement.

    16. A pair of Sherpa-lined joggers so warm and comfortable that whoops, you might just wear them errand-running all autumn long.

    17. A durable, Shark Tank–featured Rumpl outdoor blanket made to withstand the chill of autumn — it's light enough for easy transport, but puffy and insulated in case you want to convert it into a snuggling blanket. Bonus: The outside is made with a ripstop polyester fabric to keep it weatherproof, and it's fully machine washable and dryer friendly!

    18. A rechargeable hand warmer complete with double-sided heat and three different heat settings depending on how chilly the weather gets when you're outside admiring the foliage.

    19. A pair of sleek touchscreen-friendly gloves — you'll be so fast keeping up with the group chat even in the cold that everyone will demand to know your ~secret~. (🎶 Maybe they're born with it, maybe it's functional cold weather gear 🎶)

    20. A portable personal-sized heater ideal for anyone who wants to shake off the stuffiness of the indoors by sitting out on the porch or the deck for a bit.

    A small black heater with a handle on top

    21. An equally practical and trendy teddy jacket so you can spend fall achieving your lifelong dream of becoming a sentient stuffed animal whenever you walk out the front door.

    Model in a zippered camel colored faux shearling jacket

    22. Or a comfy shacket, aka a shirt jacket, that will keep you both cute *and* snuggly warm on any cold, windy day.

    23. A lightweight, weatherproof star-and-moon firepit so you can warm yourself up in the backyard, alternately admiring the stars carved into the pit and the ones up in the sky 💫.

    Star and moon-printed black fire pit with burning wood on an outdoor patio

    24. Or a no muss, no fuss tabletop fireplace for more casual outdoor patio hangs that's just the right size to warm your hands and roast up some s'mores.

    The small tabletop fireplace with rocks and a small flame

    25. A gorgeous oversized scarf that has a lot of nerve calling itself a scarf when we all know for a fact that it is truly just an emergency blanket — a fall must-have for outdoor exploring if there ever were one.

    26. A lovely speckled S'well Traveler made with triple-layered, vacuum-insulated construction to keep your homemade pumpkin spice lattes warm on brisk morning walks. Take your sweet time getting back, cuz this will keep it piping for up to 12 hours!

    A black matte white speckled S'well bottle with a twist off metal cap

    27. Or a Java Sok, aka a reusable iced coffee cup insulator you can use to keep your drink cold *and* your fingers from freezing off. I know some of y'all are the type who are still chugging iced coffee in the hail and I humbly offer you this method to continue your stubborn behavior as the temps drop.

    28. Plus some reviewer-beloved pumpkin sauces to add to your morning coffee and tea so your morning walks can be ~On Theme~ without getting wildly expensive (sorry @ the Starbucks mermaid).

    29. A bottle of nail and cuticle repair oil that you simply brush on your nail beds once a day to condition and strengthen all those brittle spots and painful hangnails you can get when your hands are having an existential crisis about switching from the cold outdoors and the heat indoors several times a day.

    A before image of a reviewer's brittle nails and an after image of them much heaithier

    30. An oversized denim jacket for the ultimate "outdoor dining with friends" transition piece from summer to fall to beyond, since it pairs so seamlessly with all your dresses, tees, and other denims.

    A person is wearing a light blue denim jacket, white top, and black pants

    31. An easy breezy tiered swing dress with subtle balloon sleeves for all those afternoons you're like, "Let's go frolic in a pumpkin patch/apple orchard/brewery, and by frolic, I mean take lots of cute pictures."

    32. A satin-lined Hairbrella that's got your back (and head) all autumn long — it protects your hair against rain, snow, humidity, and pretty much anything else the season can throw at you, so you don't have to spend an extra 10 minutes staring out the window waiting for the rain to die down before you leave your house.

    33. A waterproof pouch to keep your phone and other "doesn't play well with water"–type gadgets safe against unexpected rain during fall hikes and camping trips.

    34. A delightful little tool called the "Bug Bite Thing" that suctions on all kinds of bug bites to reduce swelling, itchiness, and redness if you happen to get bit on your fall adventures.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it "before," a pic of the bug bite tool, and a pic of the editor's arm after it's been suctioned with swelling/redness reduced

    35. An appropriately named "Butt Be Dry," which is basically a lightweight fanny pack that unfurls into a small waterproof, mud-proof tarp for your tush, so you can park it wherever you need. Basically, wet benches and muddy grass at parks or sporting events just became free sitting game again.

    A model sitting on a blue small tarp on a wet bench

    36. A portable, rechargeable bedside lamp for maneuvering on your porch late at night or at dark campsites. This comes with touch ability, so you can tap-tap-tap your way through different brightness levels and colors depending on your vibe.

    37. A portable paw cleaner with soft silicone bristles to help gently remove mud and dirt from your doggo's paws after they go on muddy fall walks with you. All you have to do is add a little water to it, insert your dog's paw, twist, then pat the paw dry and repeat.

    dog's muddy paw next to a pic of the same paw clean

    38. An LED dog collar that'll come especially in handy for evening walks when it starts to get dark out faster — this not only makes your dog more visible to cars and passerby, but will make it easy to find them if they go full "SQUIRREL!!" in the backyard and gallumph away.

    A dog in a neon green light up collar

    39. An intricate leaf-shaped hair claw so you can one-up Mother Nature by wearing foliage every bit as gorgeous as hers when you go out.

    40. A lightweight, 13-foot-tall extendable fruit-picker tool to make you the envy of anyone within 50 feet of you in an apple orchard. Not only is this a safer alternative to ladders, but it also keeps your fruit cozy and safe with a little foam cushion at the bottom of the claw to prevent it from bruising.

    41. A big ole set of leaf scoops to make you feel more powerful than Thanos himself when it comes time to do outdoor chores, which suddenly just got 80,000% easier and more fun with these.

    model picking up leaves from a pile with the leaf scoops

    You when you get your hands on those giant leaf scoops:

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