We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    46 Things You'll Add To Cart So Fast, My Head's Spinning

    These DEET-free mosquito-repelling bracelets are officially the hottest accessory of the summer.

    1. A cleverly designed retractable window sunshade you can install on the side of your car's front window and easily fan back out in mere seconds to pop into place. No more getting into your car and feeling like you just sat yourself into hot lava!! 

    Reviewer fanning out the black visor over a car window
    Reviewer image of car from outside showing reflective surface of the sunshade

    Check out a TikTok of the sunshade in action.

    Promising review: "I purchased this windshield cover for our RV, it holds the heat out and covers the window completely! Well worth the money, it’s sturdy and the suction cups hold up for long periods of time!" —Allison

    Get it from Amazon for $27.87.  

    2. COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence, a lightweight hydrating face serum designed for *all* skin types reviewers swear by for healing acne scars, fading dark spots, and smoothing fine lines. Users with sensitive skin especially appreciate how gentle it is compared to competitors, and a lot of them mentioned seeing results within the first few uses! 

    Reviewer before and after picture with redness healed from their face
    The bottle of serum

    Promising review: "I caved to the TikTok hype and now I am obsessed, lol! I have extremely sensitive skin but this was the first product that I didn’t have to go through a 'getting used to' phase." —Shelby

    Get it from Amazon for $15.64

    3. A clear magnetic refrigerator dry erase board to keep the fridge from looking *too* cluttered, but also give you a very aesthetically pleasing way to leave notes like "date night on Friday 🥰" and "STOP PUTTING THE EMPTY MILK CARTON BACK IN THE FRIDGE, YOU UNREPENTANT MONSTER." 

    A clear rectangular dry erase board hung vertically on a fridge with an ingredients list
    Same board hung horizontally on a fridge

    It also includes four dry-erase markers! 

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok being used as a dinner menu for the week! It will help me be more organized and add little chores that needs to completed or important reminders. Love it, no complaints." —Clarince Thomas

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99

    4. A set of DEET-free handy mosquito-repelling bracelets you'll definitely want to invest in this summer — these use essential oils, including citronella, to help stop those teensy vampires in their tracks. 

    reviewer in pink coiled bracelet
    pack of ten differently colored wrist bands to deter mosquitos

    Cliganic is a small business that specializes in all-natural personal care products. 

    Check out a TikTok of the mosquito-repelling bracelets in action. 

    Promising review: "I moved last year from Southern California to North Carolina. Bugs of all types have always been attracted to me but the amount of bites I got last summer was WILD. Someone gave me one of these types of bracelets to use one day and it seemed to work SOOOOOO I decided to buy myself an arsenal to prepare for this summer. I read the reviews and about 99% of them had great results. I've only used this bracelet twice but both times I was outside and un-touched. Delivery was very quick so that was a plus. I'm not fond of the smell, I'm hyper sensitive to smells, but I'd rather have the odor than being chewed alive." —Tracey Agopian

    Get a ten-pack from Amazon for $9.99

    5. A "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles — regular firm bristles, and longer ones that are 10 times thinner to clean deep in between your teeth and gums to mimic flossing. Reviewers love how deep the clean feels, and also how soft it is on sensitive teeth! 

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    I personally bought this a few months ago and love it! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I've switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular. 

    Promising review: "This was another one of my TikTok purchases! I was skeptical but my kids hate flossing their teeth so thought this might help in between making them floss. They work amazing! My kids said they could see and feel a different on the first use and I agree! They are definitely with a try! I would suggest not pushing too hard, those tiny bristles really get in there and if you push too hard you nights be sore like I was. It felt like after going to a dental cleaning." —Amy N. 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    6. An at-home slushy-making cup so easy to use that you're going to spend the entire summer in Slushy Town, Population: You. All you have to do is freeze the cup for four hours, pour in the cold drink of your choice (read: anything from soda to LaCroix to juice to smoothies) and crush the sides of the silicone cup until a slush forms. 

    The small cup shaped slushy maker
    A model crushing the silicone cup to make a slushie

    Check out a TikTok of the Slushy Maker Cup in action — it even comes with a spill-proof lid so it won't leak while you're crushing the cup! 

    Promising review: "When it got here I cleaned it and put it in the freezer. I took it out a day later and filled it with Diet Coke just to see what it does. Squeeze it a few times and it's 100% a slushy. I am shocked and thrilled. Worth the money. It has some type of ribbing inside that freezes. If you enjoy a cold beverage, get it quick." —GEORGE

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (clip the 15% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in ten colors and two-packs). 

    7. A buildable Glimmer Glow Stick lipstick with a sheer, subtle glitter and a unique rosy tint formulated with ~pH technology~ so it will adapt to your own personalized shade. 

    Reviewer with pink lip stain
    The clear glittery lipstick in its case

    Check out a TikTok of the Glimmer Glow lipstick in action. 

    Promising review: "This is such a pretty pH color lipstick, viral for a reason — it's very pretty to look at, it's not sticky at all, and the more you layer it, the darker the pink shows up. The only thing I don't like is the scent in it, I can almost taste it a bit. It's nice to have in my purse if I need a quick color while I'm out in case of sudden dinner plans or a meeting, because you can control the color saturation to how light or bold it is." —Kristina Bumbelow

    Get it from Amazon for $3.99

    8. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "The Pink Stuff is definitely worth all the hype it has been receiving. I had seen it in some TikTok compilations and decided to give it a try. The very first thing I cleaned was the inside of my bathtub and wow! It really made my bathtub shine. Before I was using Kaboom, and that didn't clean as well as The Pink Stuff did. I was seriously shocked. The next thing I decided to use it on was some caked on grease on my hood vent. Just like the bathtub I was shocked that it was able to get it all off. All you do is apply the paste with a sponge or cloth to whatever you're cleaning, and then rinse it with warm water. I found with stubborn spots add a little warm water on the paste (if you have a spray bottle I'd recommend filling that with warm water and mist the paste), scrub the spot a little longer, and then rinse. It worked with no issue. I'm definitely interested in to looking at their other cleaning products. I would highly recommend giving The Pink Stuff a try yourself!" —JMURR

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    9. Nyx's Pore Filler Targeted Stick, a holy grail option for anyone with sensitive skin who may have had it up to HERE with other pore fillers and their promises. This has a "blurring" effect to reduce the appearance of pores and smooth your skin without causing any extra shine you have to blot out. 

    a reviewer with the pore filler on half their face showing how it blurs large pores
    a different reviewer holding the stick

    Check out a TikTok of the Nyx Pore Filler in action.  

    Promising review: "This is a life-changing product for me. I have HUGE visible pores that really age my face, as well as incredibly acne-prone skin that makes me break out from just about every product. I've started to use NYX Pore Filler on my face with some regularity, and it doesn't seem to cause any irritation or breakouts. It does an AMAZING job filling in and smoothing out my face texture. The difference to my skin consistency is astounding. My skin looks so smooth when I use this product. In the photo I'm using it on just one side of my nose and under the eye area, and the difference is very noticeable (I think!)." —Jenny Penny

    Get it from Amazon for $9.49

    10. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.22.

    11. longline sports bra so comfy, supportive, and versatile that reviewers love it both for workouts *and* errand running. Bonus — a lot of reviewers compare this to Lululemon's "Align"! 

    Reviewer in a white V-neck crop top
    Reviewer in black version

    Promising review: "I never, never, never leave reviews on products, but with this one, it's well well worth it and I haven't even worked out in it yet! I'm a 36DD (I ordered a large for reference), so finding a good, supportive sports bra can be a bit difficult to find. I found this one the way a Gen Z'er does: TikTok. It's absolutely deserving of the praise it gets! This sports bra can even double as a tank top if you're running from the gym to get coffee or to home, so it's absolutely perfect! It's such a cute top and I can't wait to see how well it supports my workouts! I bought it in dusty blue and I'll be back for more of the colors!" —Robert

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99+ (available in women's sizes XS–XL and 15 colors). 

    12. Essence's Lash Princess mascara, because TBH, we've all wasted too many years and too much money looking for the ~holy grail~ mascara. This one is less than $5, gives you instant length, and is DELIGHTFULLY sweatproof for the summer. 

    Before shot of a Buzzfeed editor without mascara
    After shot of BuzzFeed editor with long lashes
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Hello, that is my face above, because I bought into the hype of all the 5-star reviews and now I will never look back!! Putting it on is like giving my eyelashes butterfly wings. It doesn't get clumpy, it stays put ALL the livelong day no matter how much you sweat, and you can apply it on very lightly if you don't want it to look so dramatic, or continue applying for longer lashes each time.

    Promising review: "Saw this product on TikTok and thought it would be expensive looking at the results they got. I am beyond amazed with how my lashes look after about two coats. For around $5 you couldn’t ask for a better mascara! I will be buying this same one when I run out. I was not expecting to like it as much as I do! No complaints." —Kd

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    13. A magnetic microwave cover perfect for anyone whose Panera soup obsession is a little *too* well documented over every surface inside of their microwave. This conveniently sticks to the top of your microwave so you can pop it right off whenever you're looking to tear up some broccoli cheddar on a wild Tuesday night. 

    Check out a TikTok of the microwave cover in action. 

    Promising review: "If you live in a small space like I do, this will seriously change your life. No longer do I have to struggle to find somewhere to put my cover if I'm heating up a cup of coffee. Just attach it to the roof of your microwave. Hopefully, you have a flat surface; check before you buy. There is a slight learning curve as to where to put it or the force or lack thereof needed, but after a couple of times it's second nature. Love, love, love this product. I'm probably going to get some for Christmas presents next year, it's one of those items that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but it will change your life." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $26.95

    14. A portable handheld fan that's also a flashlight that's *also* a power bank for phones, all of which to say is that this tiny gadget it is officially working overtime. Travelers especially love all three of these deeply convenient functions!! 

    Reviewer holding up small black handheld fan
    The fan propped on a table blowing air

    Check out a TikTok of the portable fan in action. 

    Promising review: "Our vacation planner suggested getting something like this for when you're waiting in line at an amusement park when the sun is out. Best advice ever, used this when we were at Disney this past year. It's lightweight and doesn't weigh you down, the fan has adjustable speeds and also includes a phone charger via USB A port and also a flashlight function. Love that it folds up nice and small, great fan that I'd recommend to anyone!" —Andrew

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in four colors). 

    15. Etude's delightfully multipurpose Dear Darling Water Tint, which a lot of reviewers compare to Benefit's Lip Tint. This smudgeproof formula is designed primarily to be a natural-looking, weightless lip stain, but reviewers use it as a blush as well! 

    reviewer before and after image with added red tint to lips
    reviewer holding red version of the lip tint in their hand

    Promising review: "While I haven't tried the Benefit Lip Tint, I saw this on TikTok and appreciated the lower price point. I am SO glad I gave this a chance! I only have the Cherry color, but it is the perfect bit of natural color, and can be deepened as desired upon application. There is no sticky residue and it is not drying or irritating at all. Looks great alone but even better with gloss on top. Love!" —Mollie

    Get it from Amazon for $6.50 (available in three shades and combo packs). 

    16. A set of affordable, highly popular wireless Bluetooth earbuds that make *excellent* AirPod alternatives, except arguably better — these are completely waterproof (like, you can fully take them in the pouring down rain on runs *and* in the shower) and come with several silicone earbuds to get the best fit possible.

    These come with a wireless charging case that provides up to 14 hours of charge (with the earbuds able to play for four-plus hours with each full charge). 

    Promising review: "Best decision! These are the greatest headphones ever! I saw them on TikTok months ago and added them to my wishlist. I got a new phone that doesn't have the headphone port so I decided it was time to finally buy them. They are amazing and I probably won't ever take them out of my ears! 😂" —Katlyn D Arnold

    Get it from Amazon $18.99+ (available in five colors).

    17. A ridiculously charming octopus-shaped blackhead remover you can use to gently scrub as part of your skin routine or in the shower to remove excess sebum to exfoliate pores and pull out blackheads, whiteheads, and other miscellaneous gunk from the day that you'd rather evict. 

    A black small octopus shaped remover in a reviewer's hand
    the cap off to show the salt on the top of the remover

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok, it works great so far." —MarMarManuel

    *Another* promising review: "After just two days of use, this adorable little octopus has done wonders for me, smells great too. Here's how I used it: I wore down the stick just a little to where the texture from the salt is visible, scrubbed around on my face so there was plenty of product, then I used my fingers to gently massage all the gunk away. Rinse, pat dry, and enjoy the softness. Highly recommended for people with sensitive skin like myself." —LuckLocust

    Get it from Amazon for $12.50

    18. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover roller deeply beloved by pet owners — it's like a sticky lint roller, but specifically designed to pick up pet hair and not only lock it in, but stash it inside the roller itself, so you don't end up making matters worse by just shoving the hair around instead of getting rid of it properly. 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Jenae Sitzes has to say about it: "The tens of thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews are reason enough to add the ChomChom to your cart immediately — but let me add my own personal review to the stack. I've been using the ChomChom for quite a while now. It took 10 seconds to rid my velvet couch ottoman of the hair my two gray kitties are constantly leaving everywhere. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using this roller — at first, I thought you only brushed down in one direction, and was confused why it wasn't picking up hair. It's important to do a push-and-pull brushing in *both* directions so it actually pulls the hair inside, which does require you to apply a bit of pressure. Afterward, you'll just dump out the hair that's been trapped inside. The ChomChom is best for large flat surfaces like couches and beds."  

    Promising review: "I have a golden retriever and the shedding is out of control. My fabric sofa is constantly covered in hair and I finally decided to try this after reading an article about popular TikTok products. The reviews do not lie, this thing works magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after picture because the difference is noticeable. I watched the video tutorial before I tried it to ensure I was using it properly and everything he says is true, you do really have to put your arm to work with vigorous back and forth movement! However, I find it's a great arm workout and it works wonders." —Joanne Ertel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99

    19. A rainbow mosaic glass coaster to add a delightful ~pop~ of color and liven up that one boring corner in your kitchen or living room. 

    A glass coaster with different pastel glass squares in it

    Get it from Goodful for $18

    20. A pair of popular cushioned "recovery" sandals perfect for anyone who is craving all the cute spring fashion with a side of ridiculous comfort. (And pain relief!) Not only are these super adorable, but reviewers with pain from plantar fasciitis, bunions, spondylilothesis, and other chronic conditions absolutely swear by them, with a ton saying they're like walking on ~clouds~. 

    reviewer in caramel colored sandals
    reviewer in red version

    Promising review: "Total comfort and instant relief from plantar fasciitis. I will order more." —mrs flores

    "I have ordered several pairs trying to find the one that lives up to its hype, well this one is it. Super cushy, fits true to size — I ordered the mauvish pink colored one and love it. I will be ordering a black pair. I have a heel spur and planters fasciitis so regular flip-flops bother me after wearing several hours, these do not. Very pleased with this purchase and highly recommend." —leah

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in women's sizes 5–12 and 21 colors). 

    21. A portable Chill-O-Matic Instant Beverage Cooler, aka every finicky cold bevvie drinker's DREAM. This gadget can take a 12-ounce can of seltzer, soda, or beer at room temperature and make it ice cold in just one minute. A lot of people who complain that their fridge doesn't make drinks "cold enough" also swear by this for an extra icy kick. 

    A small black device with a can and ice inside of it

    Chill-O-Matic is a small business that specializes in beverage accessories. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Chill-O-Matic in action. 

    Promising review: "I was so afraid of wasting money. But I didn’t. I love my sodas cold. But sometimes there’s not a cold one available, and waiting 30-40 min for one to get cold in the freezer is not always ideal. This will get your room temp can to fridge cold in 90 seconds. I let it run double that to get almost freezer cold. I wish it had a power cord. But I do appreciate the portability that the batteries provide. I can’t wait to try it out on vacationing, as access to cold sodas isn’t always available. All you need is a literally a little bit of ice." —G. Massey

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99

    22. A set of Globbles, which are about to be your new favorite stress-relieving fidget toy. These colorful balls are squishy, stretchy, and stick to pretty much any flat surface you throw them at *without* leaving any messy residue. TikTokers are having a blast tossing these at walls and ceilings to see the satisfying way they glom onto them. 

    Reviewer holding six squishy balls in different rainbow colors in their hand
    reviewer throwing them all the wall where they stick

    Check out a TikTok of the Globbles in action. 

    Promising review: "Bought a six-pack for my neurodivergent family. We are all either ADHD or autistic. I struggle with compulsive hair pulling and bought these to help keep my hands busy. They are the perfect size, more satisfying than a stress ball, clean easily, fun to hurl at the wall or ceiling, and so far have lasted very well. I did test the durability of one and did break one when I pulled it as hard as I could. The inside looks something like shaving cream and didn’t smell or anything. But if you have a kid who is an aggressive chewer, perhaps keep an eye on them." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $10.41

    23. A copy of Burn After Writing, a guided journal that tens of thousands of reviewers swear by — through a series of questions and thought experiments, it encourages people to take time away from their screens to explore their feelings, both new and old, so they can embrace meaningful ones and try to let others go. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this book on TikTok and decided to look more into it. I purchased four total because I know some people holding onto things that are difficult to let go of. It’s a great way to look at things from a different perspective and truly hold yourself accountable to different things in your life. I love what it stands for and I look forward to when I burn mine after I’m done. Self love, self care, and meditation for a better state of mind tomorrow is always the goal. I definitely recommend it to those susceptible to change and the willingness to try things different. You’re so much more than what’s been done to you and someone’s inability to see your worth does not decrease your value. Choose you for a change." —Brent Helm

    Get it from Amazon for $7.32.  

    24. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser that keeps sandwich bread fresh by ensuring it stays *way* more airtight than it does in just the bag alone, and also lets you use the bread bag in a clever way to dispense slices one by one. Tons of reviewers are noting how much longer their bread stays fresh. (And how much easier it is to store without worrying about it getting smushed!)

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    Buddeez is a family-owned, Missouri-based small business that specializes in unique household products. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49

    25. A neat-o little rolling egg dispenser to save space in your fridge *and* make you feel like you're the master of gravity itself — its uniquely angled tilt design lightly rolls a new egg forward every time you pull one out to use. 

    Two tiered egg dispenser holding a dozen eggs, six on each tier
    reviewer placing an egg in the dispenser, which rolls it down and slides it into the bottom tier

    Check out a TikTok of the egg storage roller in action. 

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home storage solutions. 

    Promising review: "Here it is! The best egg container on Amazon! How can I say that? Easy! Engineering! The slight tilt angle on the bottom of the container that the egg drawer sits on forces eggs to lightly roll forward, keeping all your eggs in the front, and never in the back, where you don't need them. It's super easy to use, so easy to clean, comes apart and can hold a full can organizer on top without issue, so no issues with sturdiness. It can easily hold 14 large eggs. Easily one of my favorite purchases." —Karingen

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    26. A delightful little tool called the Bug Bite Thing that suctions on all kinds of bug bites to reduce swelling, itchiness, and redness — perfect for family hikes, camping trips, and other fun outdoor shenanigans. 

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice, and more (although TBH, if this list of bugs gets any longer I may just stay indoors forever!!).

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness and I am convinced it works! Have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors). 

    27. A cult-favorite ~secret~ popcorn salt for summer blockbusters that anyone in the movie theater industry will tell you is a perfect copycat for that oh-so-savory buttery goodness you love to inhale before the previews begin. Not to be dramatic about popcorn on main, but this stuff is game changing.

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Our family unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm.

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self-control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.60 (available in two other flavors).

    28. CurlCap, which is a satin-lined backless adjustable cap designed with natural hair and updos in mind, so you never have to worry about your hair snagging or getting damaged when you're shielding your face from the sun.

    Reviewer in black version of the hat with curly ponytail through the gap in the back of the hat
    Reviewer in light purple version

    CurlCap is a Black-owned apparel company founded by Britney Sade that specializes in caps designed for natural hair with an open back and flexible scrunchie design.

    Promising review: "This hat is comfortable, well made, and cute! It is now my go-to hat for casual days when I put my hair in a ponytail. I have also worn it playing tennis and found that it's more comfortable than wearing a visor. The back elastic really keeps the hat secure without feeling too tight. I have the black twill, and would love to see it in other colors in this fabric for walking, running, and tennis. Love." —Me

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in 11 styles).

    29. Peach Slices Acne Spot Dots, a hydrocolloid sticker that you can apply straight onto a zit to help flatten it, reduce redness, and even suck the gunk out of individual trouble spots overnight. Personally *love* to see a problem magically disappear while I'm snoozing. 

    Reviewer wearing small round sticker healing a zit
    Small clear dots on a sticker sheet

    Peach & Lily is a skincare brand founded by celebrity esthetician Alicia Yoon that specializes in toxin-free, vegan beauty products made with recyclable packaging. The company plants a tree with each order, and a portion of its proceeds have gone to Restore NYC since 2016. 

    Check out a TikTok of the acne spot dots in action. 

    Promising review: "This brand is so affordable and works just the same as the more expensive brands. I go through them so quickly so this is a plus! I’m generally a picker at my zits, but if I can get to one of these dots in time I save my face a lot of irritation and pain. I wear them at night and sometimes during the day, only takes about two to get rid of those pesky whiteheads, sometimes more for a big zit. They really suck everything out." —Savannah Wilson

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $4.88

    30. A silicone magnetic stove shelf to instantly steal back some extra kitchen space to stash seasonings, tools, and ingredients. The time-space-kitchen nonsense continuum is shaking. 

    Check out a TikTok of the stove organizer in action. 

    Promising review: "I love this thing. I took it out of the package it came in and placed it on gas stove. It fit perfectly and with the magnets, it did not move. I placed my salt and pepper on it, and plan on a couple of other things too. My stove looks so much better." —Linda S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in five colors and two sizes). 

    31. A reusable outdoor fly trap that will be a *godsend* for anyone dealing with flies sneaking in through their open doors or throwing raves without a permit in their backyards. This fast-acting trap works on hundreds of common fly species to restore peace to your outdoor space again, 

    Psst — this emits a strong odor and should only be used outdoors, 20 feet away from people. 

    Promising review: "Flies were all around it within minutes. It stinks! That’s what attracts them. I saw this trap on TikTok, that’s how I discovered it, and I’m definitely going to buy another one. It is fantastic. Amazing." —ML0818

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    32. A lil' polar bear hydrating eye stick for some sweet, sweet relief when you wake up with puffy, aching eyes. This formula is blended with Iceland glacial water to help tighten skin and tackle dark circles so you look and feel more ~refreshed~. 

    The small polar bear shaped eye stick in a reviewer's hands
    Before and after pic of reviewer with dark under eyes that are gone in the second pic

    Promising review: "I have always had serious dark circles and bags under my eyes and this has really changed this for me. The results are incredible. The puffiness is gone. The dark circles are hardly noticeable. My sensitive skin has not broken out. I never write reviews, but this was so good that I had to write a review. This actually works." —Ben

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    33. Michael Scott/Prison Mike reversible dishwasher magnet so you always know whether the dishes in there are clean and need to be put away, or whether they're dirty and here to SCARE YOU STRAIGHT.

    Check out a TikTok of the Michael Scott dishwasher magnet in action. 

    Promising review: "My whole family is a fan of The Office, so when I was searching for a magnet we could use on our dishwasher, this was the hands-down winner. Does it go with my farmhouse decor? Nope, not at all. But it does get the attention of two teenage boys. Had I gone with something a bit more my decor style, I can guarantee you it would not be as useful. I mean, we all would much rather see Prison Mike staring back at us than suit and tie Michael Scott, right? And there is only one way for that to happen...clean out the dishwasher!" —R. Funk

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    34. A rose gold rechargeable electric lighter you can use to replace all your old gas ones. This one is not only chic as heck, but completely flameless, and made with a long stem so you can use it to light gas burners and larger candles without dealing with an open flame.

    A rose gold lighter with an electric current
    BuzzFeed editor lighting a candle
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    This also comes in other pretty colors, but I am especially partial to this one because I bought it for my parents (their kitchen is entirely pink and one of my favorite places on Earth), and this was SO EASY to use — not to mention super safe! I'm a big weenie about fire (LOL, self-preservation) so I've always stuck to extended-arm gas lighters, but this is much better for the environment (plus cuter), so I feel a lot better about using it. You can read my full review of the Leejie electric lighter for more deets!

    Promising review: "Works like a charm. I saw this on a TikTok. Knew immediately that I needed it. I love candles and this is so much better than a match or lighter. It’s kept a charge for months. I use it several times a month." —dwhite3012

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in five colors).

    35. A mushroom growing kit that grows right there in the packaging, so you can add some sweet, sweet umami flavors to new dishes by sautéing, roasting, or air frying them up.

    A box with mushrooms growing out of the side
    Reviewer image of mushrooms cooking in a pan

    Back To The Roots is a California-based small business founded by two college friends that specializes in indoor gardening kits with a mission to reconnect families to food.

    Psst — if you have not put mushrooms in your air fryer, my friend, you have not yet lived the full human experience. Also this growing kit comes with some recipes to get you started!

    Promising review: "This product has been so much fun to watch! I followed the directions, exactly as written, and the mushrooms began growing within 3–4 days. I will say that I did soak them for close to 10 hours before putting them back in the box to grow and I believe this helped a ton. I also kept the box inside by a window with the blinds closed in order for them to get indirect sunlight. The mushrooms grew tremendously for almost a week before they started to shrink so I clipped them to cook with and they were DELICIOUS! This was such a fun product and process to watch. I am now in the process of trying to get a second batch of shrooms from the same box. Fingers crossed!" —Steph A

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    36. A ridiculously popular "cat dancer" toy so both you and your furry friend can shake off the stress of the day by chasing after it — and, of course, chronicling the absurd shenanigans for Instagram.

    A cat reacting to a toy on a string
    Another cat reacting to it

    In fact, if you are looking for an immediate LOL, please head straight to the review images of this little gizmo — pages and pages of kitty cats having the time of their little lives. It is goodness and absurdity and light.

    Promising review: "I have a whole room filled with cat toys that my cat is not interested in. It's funny how the least expensive cat toy I have makes him go crazy. He plays with this until he's panting like a dog and I have never seen him jump so high. I'm certain this toy will help him lose his belly. He loves it! I highly recommend it!" —Kwoo

    Get it from Amazon for $3.53.

    37. A Silly Poopy's Hide & Seek game, aka any parents' dream — this gizmo keeps kids entertained for hours of fun hiding it all over the house, where it makes little noises to give clues about where to find it. It's basically all the joy of playing hide and seek, except it's the *toy* hiding, not the humans. 

    reviewer holding the rainbow poop toy
    A GIF of the multi-colored plastic Silly Poopy lighting up
    www.amazon.com, John Mihaly / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Silly Poopy in action. 

    Promising review: "Let me tell you that if you want hours of endless fun of hide and go seek without having to hide yourself, this is a must get! When it's hidden it makes various toot noises and says stuff so the kids know if they are close. And when they find it and press the button to do and sing the silly poopy dance ... even you will dance and sing along!!! Doesn't need batteries and come on, it's poop? Who doesn't think poop and toot noises are funny and if they don't they are lying to themselves. A must-have for fun with your kids without barely doing any work!!" —andrea kelli gorman

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    38. A delightfully efficient Oxo Tot Grape Cutter you can use to make quick work of snacks like tomatoes, berries, and olives without wasting a whole bunch of  precious time and counter space. If you think you don't need this now, consider that one parent's review below literally calls it their "holy grail." 

    gif of reviewer using the grape cutter to slice grapes into quarters with a positive review quote over top
    reviewer photo of containers of quartered grapes and cherry tomatoes next to the grape cutter

    Check out a TikTok of the grape cutter in action. 

    Promising review: "When we went to search Amazon for 'grape cutters,' I was worried that we may have hit rock bottom. My wife and I found ourselves dreading the process every time our daughter wanted a handful of grapes. We bought this little gadget with low expectations and fully anticipated using it two times before throwing it in our kitchen drawer where it would inevitably sit for a year before we threw it away. Boy were we wrong. It only took one use before we realized that what we thought would be another useless novelty, was actually a parent's HOLY GRAIL of food preparation. No joke, I literally used it the other day to cut THREE grapes for MYSELF, just for the enjoyment. I only take time to write reviews on products that I feel are truly worth my time to endorse, and this little gadget was more than worthy. If your little one enjoys eating grapes, do yourself the unimaginable pleasure of buying this...you won't regret it." —Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    39. A portable Bluetooth retro-style keyboard to instantly fashion your tablet into a chic mini laptop when you're on the move. You're about to make a *lot* of friends at Starbucks asking you where you got this little gem. 

    A pink retro style keyboard with purple and yellow keys next to a tablet screen
    Reviewer typing on a blue version

    Promising review: "I've been seeing retro-style typewriter keyboards on TikTok for a while now. I aways thought, 'That looks pretty cool!' Decided to look on here and found this one. I just got it today and so far has been working great! I had no problems connecting the keyboard via Bluetooth, and the clicking of the keys is really nice, one of the reasons why I wanted to get this." —dee

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (clip the $6 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in 11 colors). 

    40. A fast-drying coffee mat for those of us who have the tendency to treat our Keurigs like a splash zone — this absorbs coffee and water right up in seconds, so you don't have to waste time and towels wiping down the counters every time you get a little *too* enthusiastic about grabbing your caffeine. Bonus: it also hides stains from milk and coffee, so it'll be like the spills ~never happened~. 

    Black coffee mat underneath two coffee machines
    Water disappearing into the fast-drying mat

    Check out a TikTok of the coffee mat in action. 

    Psst — reviewers love this for underneath pet bowls as well! 

    Promising review: "I doubted this would work. I was wrong! Works great, can be cut to shape. I bought it to place in a cookie sheet on my counter to hold coffee pot, coffee and a couple cups. That way Dad's coffee mess is contained. Works great. I plan on throwing it in the laundry every couple weeks to a month to wash it. The new coffee pot is not as messy as the old one!" —Sandra Wheeler

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97+ (available in four colors and three sizes). 

    41. A 3-in-1 foldable magnetic wireless charger you'll honestly be mad you didn't know about before now?? It folds out from a small square into a rectangular charging pad with a spot for your iPhone, AirPods, *and* Apple Watch to charge all at the same time. A lot of travelers swear by it because it saves soooo much space in their luggage. 

    The white charger pad laid out to charge a phone, watch, and AirPods
    Reviewer pulling out the black version from its compact size all the way out to the three part mat

    Check out a TikTok of the foldable 3-in-1 charger in action. 

    Promising review: "I use this product to charge my IPhone 13, AirPods, and Apple Watch. Prior to this 3-in-1 compact purchase, I have purchased three different kinds of 3-in-1 chargers — I frequently travel between school and home with carry-on bags on airlines and all of the previous stand version chargers doesn't fit well in my bags or I am always worried I would break. This is compact and folds so well that I can fit in my carry-on or in any zipper pockets without having to worry about breaking anything. Charger works really well and it is the best compact one you can find in market. Love it and been using it for two months now and no issues!!" —SBREDDY

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in nine colors). 

    42. A chic magnetic eyeglass and sunglasses hanger for the car so you can stop playing your family's least favorite game: "Where Are My Glasses? We Can't Leave Until I Find My Glasses. Has Anyone Seen My Glasses???" 

    A beige pleather glasses holder magnetized to a car visor

    Check out a TikTok of the sunglasses holder in action. 

    Promising review: "What a neat way to store glasses. I've ruined a few pairs keeping them on the console. I clip my prescription sunglasses in and they are safe from scratches. When I need to wear them, I place my regular glasses in the clip. Out of the way and safe!!" —Judy T

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $13.49 (available in four colors). 

    43. A "Gracula" garlic crusher, because you know what? If a 108-year-old vampire lurking moodily in the trees in the Pacific Northwest isn't going to fall in love with you and grant you immortality, one might as well make your life in the kitchen a little easier. 

    A reviewer twisting a vampire shaped garlic crusher and showing the garlic inside
    The garlic crusher sitting on a counter

    Promising review: "I love this little guy. I found him on a BuzzFeed list and had to have it as soon as I saw it! I’ve minced as many as five cloves in it in seconds. It’s a little tricky getting all of the garlic out once minced (I use a silicone basting brush to get most of it but I always use more than the recipe calls for anyway so it’s not a deal breaker). Cleanup is a breeze because he goes right in the dishwasher!" —Barbie

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95

    44. A fancy pants portable water dispenser for your bedside table or desk if you want to use it as a reeeeeal flex when your coworkers walk by — simply attach it to a water jug and tap it for a perfect flow of water at your fingertips. 

    A slim black water dispenser with a round base pouring water into a cup
    Model tapping the button to activate the white version of the dispenser

    Check out a TikTok of the water dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "I love the convenience of having water in my room at all times during the day and night. The unit is quiet and I love that you can specify the desire water level in your cup. Honestly, this is by far my best Amazon order. I absolutely love it!!!" —Ricki

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99 (available in four colors). 

    45. A pair of glowing lightsaber chopsticks to bring balance to The Force *and* to your sushi. 

    BuzzFeed editor using the glowing, blue chopsticks to eat sushi
    Two sets of glowing lightsaber chopsticks in blue and red
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Check out a TikTok of the lightsaber chopsticks in action. 

    As you can see from the above GIF, I bought these for myself, and I love them to pieces. TBH, I use them as decor every bit as much as I use them to eat. Sometimes I just keep them in my work area to light them up during the day to feel fancy. They toggle back and forth between a bunch of different colors, like red, blue, yellow, purple, and multicolor, so you can either make them match *or* have a red and blue one together and bring ~balance~ to the Force.

    Promising review: "The chopsticks are very durable, and the glow is bright. They're a bit bigger that I expected — but very pleased nonetheless with the product because it serves the purpose and is entertaining for kids, right up to adult Star Wars nerds. It also made the perfect gift for my fellow Star Wars nerds. I've been too busy playing with them rather than using them to eat food — but hopefully that will eventually happen before the batteries need changing." —Anthony

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98.

    46. An undetectable mouse jiggler for folks working at home who need to stay "active" on Gchat, Teams, or Slack and sometimes want to dash out to use the bathroom or walk the dog without doing the whole "BRB, BACK IN A BIT!!" song and dance every time they dare to get up from their desk. 

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    Reviewer holding up the power button on the device

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in four styles). 

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.