We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    32 Tech Products Basically Designed For Cozy Gremlins

    Once you're vibing with your "floating" headphones and this northern lights projector, you will have achieved peak cozy at last.

    1. A pair of "floating" air conduction headphones designed to settle just over your ears instead of inside them — basically all the convenience and privacy of earbuds, without the discomfort of physically putting them in your ears. They pick up calls just as well as any other pair and are designed so that the sound isn't audible to anyone else! 

    Close-up of a person's ear wearing a behind-the-ear earbud
    Wireless black earphones on a wooden surface

    Purity is a small business that specializes in tech products and accessories. 

    Promising review: "I've tried soooo many different types of earbuds over the years, with no success. But these Purity open-ear headphones are the first pair I've ever tried that actually fit well, don't hurt, and sound great! So after many years of trying, I've FINALLY found the right ones for my ears!! Woo-hoo! They are comfortable, lightweight, have great sound clarity, are easy to operate, and have great battery life, and people can hear me clearly when I talk on the phone with them. I definitely recommend these, especially if regular in-ear buds don't work for you, either." —CPic

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in 14 styles). 

    2. Or a pair of delightfully relaxing noise-canceling on-ear headphones for anyone whose dreams of owning AirPods Max do not align with the reality of their bank account. This ultra-lightweight, chic alternative has the same noise-canceling features as the Apple version, lasts for up to five hours on a single charge, and can get a three-hour charge in 10 minutes. In other words, if you are a busy, cheap little chaos gremlin but you still want the best in tech, these headphones have your name on 'em. 

    Reviewer selfie wearing silver over-ear headphones
    Reviewer with headphones on an airplane

    Note that the noise canceling is 95% — ideal for keeping ears out for traffic and kid noises, if need be, but not 100%, like the Apple version

    Check out a TikTok of the headphones in action. 

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Maitland Quitmeyer has to say about these headphones: "I actually just bought these after featuring them for the first time. I've been considering buying AirPods Max, but I am very particular about how headphones fit, and am sensitive to my ears overheating after wearing certain on-ear headphones for too long. So instead of (or before) committing to the $500 version, I thought trying these for a test run would be good. Turns out, I love them so far! They're super comfortable and do *not* make my ears overheat. The sound quality to my nonexpert ears is excellent too! And the noise canceling is right for me — it blocked out annoying street noise so I could be fully immersed in my tunes." 

    Promising review: "These headphones are surprisingly awesome. I was rather impressed with the quality, considering the price. They are easy to pair, came charged, and are super cute. People have actually asked me if they were the AirPods Max. I also really like how you can pause/skip and adjust the volume on the headphones (which many headphones lack). Noise canceling is pretty good. I can’t hear very much when I play music. When there’s no music, they still cancel a lot, but not everything, like most headphones. I do wish they could get a little louder, but they still have great sound quality — 4.5/5." —Amazon Customer

    Get them from Amazon for $69.99 (available in silver and black).

    3. A plug-in color-shifting mushroom light for anyone whose little cottagecore heart wants a cozy solution to stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night in the dark. 

    BuzzFeed editor holding white plug with pastel mushrooms and leaves blooming out of it
    The LED color shifting mushrooms in the dark
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I LOVE this night-light. It's in my bathroom and is a lovely addition. It turns off the second the lights go on, which is nice, 'cause I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on. Super cute, and the itty-bitty little lighting element does a good job lighting, just enough so I don't have to turn the main lights on in the middle of the night." —1Thand

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99

    4. A kneading heated neck and shoulder massager for those of us out here carrying the entire burden of maintaining group chats on our backs. This comes with multiple heat and massage settings that are versatile enough to use all over your body — reviewers even swear by it for car travel, since it can help ease tension all over! 

    Model in office chair using a beige shoulder massage device
    Massage cushion on floor with remote control for shopping in health and wellness

    Five S is a small business that specializes in massagers. 

    Promising review: "I’ve purchased other massagers and never had luck until this one. This one, in my opinion, is the closest to an actual person's hands. It’s very relaxing and can definitely work out knots in your back and neck! Love that it has the heat option, too." —Kay

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in two styles). 

    5. A guided visual "breathing partner" you can use for meditation and calm to get yourself in a better mindset for relaxation or sleep. This is designed to guide you through the popular 4-7-8 or 5-5 "calming breaths" to help reduce stress and anxiety, using colors that fade in and out softly as cues. Bonus: It's kid-friendly! 

    A small white figurine with closed eyes changing lit up colors from blue to green
    The figurine glowing green

    Mindsight is a small business that specializes in calming personal care and decor products. 

    Promising review: "I started meditating over a decade ago — intermittent in the beginning, progressing deeper and finding new joys over time. With Breathing Buddha, the last thoughts have dropped away, as counting breaths always seemed to keep me conscious of, well, counting. Granted, I have always dropped the counting after a handful of breaths, but Breathing Buddha has made for a delightful transition as I realize I don't have to count at all. It is a lovely concept, well executed, and very easy to start using." —Lynn

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95 (available in two styles). 

    6. A teensy undetectable laptop mouse jiggler you can slide into the USB port to keep your computer active on Teams, Slack, and all those other various technological overlords that keep track of you when you're working from home. Sometimes a human has to pee or walk the dog or fall into a 10-minute TikTok abyss without worrying that their screen is going to tattle on them to Daddy Capitalism!! 

    USB stick plugged into a laptop
    Monitor displaying three movement modes for user interface: M1 Small range, M2 Wide range, M3 Miniature movement

    Promising review: "Saves me from auto logouts! My brother recommended this handy gadget. I work from home and have three monitors. When I leave my desk for lunch, the computer goes to sleep, and when I come back, everything is logged out and whatever was on three monitors ends up on two. SO frustrating. This is programmable for three settings, and I use it on the minimal movement so when I come back, everything is just as I left it. Revolutionary! Just remember to turn it on!" —Isaiah

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in eight colors). 

    7. A northern lights projector for anyone whose heart is in the magic of the cosmos, but whose butt would much rather be snuggled on a couch than freezing by a glacier. Bonus: This also plays soothing noises and doubles as a Bluetooth speaker! 

    A projector casts blue dynamic wave patterns on a wall
    Vivid light display with dynamic beams intersecting, commonly seen in nightlife or party settings, likely for a lighting product

    Promising review: "I love this light! The stars are beautiful, the colors are beautiful. I like that it shuts off in four hours. I use it in my house so I don’t have to turn lights on all the time. I like it so much, I just ordered three more to give to my grandchildren. It also has sounds like the sound of rain, or ocean waves. And you can even play your regular music on it. Don’t be afraid to try it! It’s like having the northern lights anytime you want." —Amy J Nelson

    Get it from Amazon for $35.99 (clip the 10%-off coupon on the product page for this price; available in five colors). 

    8. A SwitchBot Smart Switch button pusher to turn virtually *any* device with a pressable "on/off" switch into smart tech in an instant. Once you adjust the device over the button — be it a light switch, a switch to turn on your kettle, or a switch to turn on a fan — you can ask Alexa or Google Home to turn it off or on, or control it via an app on your phone. 

    The white square shaped SwitchBot on a light switch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart-enable" other parts of your home. It's also a great way to turn on your kettle or coffee brewer from the other room so it's ready for you when you get out of bed! 

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for, and I had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little SwitchBot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $23.20 (clip the 20%-off coupon on the product page for this price; available in white and black). 

    9. A projection alarm clock so you don't even have to turn your head or lift yourself to see the time — you can just glimpse at the wall and be like, "Ah, yes. That strange dream about turning into a pool noodle happened at exactly 3 o'clock again" before falling back asleep. It also functions as a USB port to charge devices! 

    Digital alarm clock reading 8:15 on a bedside table
    Projection clock displaying time

    Promising review: "The projection on this clock is sublime. If I am sleeping on my side and turned away from the clock, I merely have to cock my head to see what time it is rather than waking up to turn over and look at the clock. I am buying a second clock for my second bedroom. The design is nonintrusive and takes up very little space on my nightstand." —Sheryl S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $15.98 (clip the $4-off coupon on the product page for this price; available in five styles).

    10. A belted portable cordless vibrating heating pad to ease your cramps and pains (*glares pointedly at my uterus*) and/or keep you nice and cozy on chillier days. The fact that it looks vaguely like a piece of superhero armor is just an added perk. 

    Check out a TikTok of the heating pad in action. Reviewers note that you should definitely wear it *over* your clothes! 

    Promising review: "Oh my god. This might be the best thing I have ever bought. It gets so incredibly warm. You do need to wear it over clothes to prevent burns. I'm someone who never finds any heat pack warm enough, and the lowest setting is exceptionally hot. As someone who has really bad menstrual cramps and chronic constipation, I can say this little belt does it all. The heat is so soothing and adjustable, and it heats up so fast. The vibration is my favorite part. It helps so much with trapped gas and bloating pains. The various patterns and heat combinations allow this to be truly customizable to however you feel at the time, and it’s fantastic. Absolutely worth every cent." Chloe

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in 11 colors). 

    11. A waterproof (portable!) Bluetooth shower speaker so you can listen to calming music in the bath or bust some stress-relieving moves in the shower. Reviewers also love this little gizmo for listening to tunes while hiking or on the beach! 

    Promising review: "I bought this speaker last year and only turn it on when I shower and turn it off when I’m done. I shower every night, and when I say I HAVE NEVER CHARGED IT, I mean it! I only charged it once when I first got it, and since then I have never had to charge it again. It’s hanging on my shower, gets water all over it, and sounds perfectly clear when I’m listening to music or on a phone call! It’s amazing!!!" —Rodrigo Ornelas

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    12. A portable mini projector to turn any flat wall into your personal movie theater in the blink of an eye — simply hook it up to a device like your phone or computer and you're golden.

    Projector mounted on wall shelf
    SpongeBob SquarePants on a projector screen

    Promising review: "I have been super impressed the last two months. I use this instead of a TV, and it goes from room to room and on the go with no issue. Connects to the Bluetooth, works great with my Roku Ultra and iPhone, connects to my home internet and hotspots, and volume and picture are just fine for me. At one point the volume was not coming on, and I reset the projector, and it has been fine ever since. You do not have to be a tech wizard to use this, and it’s very user friendly."Tine M. 

    Get it from Amazon for $67.99 (clip the 20%-off coupon on the product page for this price). 

    13. A rapid cold-brew maker that makes a whopping 40 ounces of ice-cold goodness in under *nine minutes* — a far cry from the overnight process it takes to make it with a cold-brew pitcher. You can even choose from three different strength settings, depending on whether your tiredness level is "itty-bitty little yawn" or "I am going to nap on the floor if someone does not put caffeine in my veins immediately." 

    Check out a TikTok of the rapid cold-brew maker in action. 

    Promising review: "I like cold brew year-round, and this may be my favorite method/machine yet! It’s so easy to assemble, use, and clean. In about 15 minutes, I was impressed with how rich and bold the brew was, with no grounds, unlike others I’ve tried. It looks great on my kitchen counter. It’s lightweight and stable with the base suction cups. It makes a little noise, but much less than I expected (and less than my Nespresso machine)." —Liz

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99

    14. A cleverly designed rechargeable electric candle lighter with a flexible neck so you can light all your coziest, deepest candles without worrying about the "YIKES" of being near an open flame. This is also windproof and super portable for anyone looking for options to light candles or fires outside, too! 

    A hand ignites a candle using a flexible, rechargeable lighter on a countertop
    Person lighting a candle with an electric lighter

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this product. Now I’m able to light candles when the candle wax has melted down and it’s hard to reach inside the jar. I also love the fact that you charge this with a USB cable and the charge lasts for a long time. It has indicator lights to let you know how much of a charge is remaining. I’ve only had to charge it once since I purchased it. Very durable, and a great value for the price. I definitely recommend this." —Cassandra S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in seven colors and as a two-pack). 

    15. Or a dreamy dimmable candle-warmer lamp so you can waft your favorite candles throughout your space in the most aesthetically pleasing (and safe!) way possible. 

    Promising review: "This candle warmer emits a soft light that looks beautiful coming through the glass. I love how it warms my candles, making the room smell wonderful. I think this warmer may work better than just lighting my candles. I like that it has a timer option, which is convenient. I highly recommend this warmer for anyone who likes candles." —win diesel

    Get it from Amazon for $29.98 (available in 10 styles). 

    16. A two-slice touchscreen toaster with all the fanciness of the $350 TikTok-famous version and none of the "YIKESSSSS" of the price tag. This lets you select seven different toastiness levels for your bread and specify whether you're putting other carbs in there, like bagels, English muffins, waffles, and even gluten-free bread. 

    Promising review: "I love this toaster! It has all the options I need: lifter, countdown timer, visual icon of the toast colors, and all the toast varieties anyone could want, from white to grain to bagel to waffle to English muffin to gluten-free. Not only does it have reheat and defrost options, but you can even add more toasting time, too. Truly, it has all the bells and whistles anyone could want and is easy to use." —Tanya Feddern-Bekcan

    Get it from Amazon for $53.99+ (available in eight colors and a four-slice toaster style). 

    17. An adjustable origami-style magnetic iPhone stand you can attach to your phone and use as a tripod, short selfie stick, and stand all in one — meaning cozy gremlins can use it to stream content and FaceTime while their adventurous buds use it to vlog and take selfies on the go. 

    A smartphone on a stand displays a cute animal-themed wallpaper with a digital clock reading 5:39
    A multi-angle phone stand with usage examples: video calling, theater viewing, showcasing, vlogging, and standing modes

    This gizmo is compatible with iPhones 15, 14, 13, and 12. 

    Promising review: "This is hands down the best phone tripod I have been able to find. It is very slim and securely attaches via MagSafe. It is also versatile. You can position the phone at multiple angles and use it partially unfolded if you wish. It’s expensive but a well-thought-out design." —Geena

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in four colors). 

    18. A two-way "walkie-talkie" radio for adults because sometimes you need to disconnect from social media during your cozy introvert time, but you also need to let someone in the house know that you would like them to bring you up a slice of cold pizza, pleeeeeease. (Psst — these have a 16-mile radius, so parents swear by them for keeping in touch with kids too young for phones if they're out walking the dog or playing with friends!) 

    People in areas with bad cell service also swear by these too! 

    Promising review: "My family and I live in close proximity. My 10-year-old son loves to run in between homes. These walkies allow us to keep up with him. The range is perfect and the sound is loud and clear. We know whose house he's in and where he is at all times, without us having to call each other all of the time to get that information. These walkies are easy to use, self-explanatory, and fun for my 10-year-old. We take them to the mall and other places just in case we get separated or just to give him a little more freedom to browse by himself. I recommend these walkie-talkies — they are great and worth the money." —Jennifer Early 

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $23.99 (available in 12 colors and also in packs of three and four). 

    19. "Eilik," an adorable robot pet for anyone who wants some cozy companionship for all their introverting — this family-friendly lil' bub will interact based on your touch, play games with you, and even work as a productivity timer and Bluetooth speaker. Not me embracing our adorable robot overlords... 

    Small white robot figure propped up on a desk
    A small, white robot toy with a turquoise accent

    Promising review: "If you are a nice person, have a sense of humor, and can enjoy a bit of silliness, you may love this guy (or gal)! Eilik continually makes us laugh, entertains us (we're easily amused), and is just fun to 'wake up' when we are having coffee, playing games (we're about 70 years old), and doing other activities. He wakes up UPSET but quickly gets happy and funny if you pet his head, but if you pet his tummy or back when he's upset, he gets HILARIOUSLY angry! Rub his head anytime to make him happy again (then he loves all rubs). We enjoy ours; hope you do too." —David Stewart

    Get it from Amazon for $139.99 (available in two colors). 

    20. A lightweight adjustable pillow phone stand to instantly turn any bed, couch, or chair into your own personal movie theater. Reviewers love this as an alternative to holding their phones up manually or trying to prop their phones on tables at an uncomfortable lounging angle. 

    Person using a smartphone holder to watch content on their device comfortably
    Person using a phone mount with headphones for hands-free device interaction

    Promising review: "I watch/use my phone often when lying in bed. I'll watch a movie or do social media to try and relax. I put this guy on my belly and adjusted the phone arm. It works SO WELL!!! I don't have to get a cramp in my hand from holding my phone. The device is accessible, so I can push all the phone buttons. This has got to be one of the most used and useful items I have ever purchased! Hours of use. Durable. BUY THIS!" —Big Rudy

    Get it from Amazon for $35.99+ (available in two colors and four styles, including one that fits a tablet). 

    21. A mini ice cream maker from BuzzFeed's Tasty line that easily churns out ice cream with your favorite flavor-and-topping combos in 20 minutes flat. If I were the Nutella, peanut butter Ritz crackers, and/or the Girl Scout cookies in my fridge right now, I'd be verrrrrry nervous about this gizmo 😈. 

    Kitchen counter small pink ice cream maker
    Light blue Tasty brand ice cream maker

    Promising review: "Only had it a few weeks, but so far I’ve made Nutella ice cream, vanilla frozen yogurt, and my latest masterpiece: dulce de leche peanut butter swirl! Three words: taste bud paradise! This pint-sized wonder churns out three to four servings of pure bliss. It's like having your own little ice cream parlor tucked away in the kitchen!" —Stephanie R. 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in two colors). 

    22. A Cosori gooseneck electric kettle designed as the *ideal* kettle for anyone in a true love affair with coffee or tea. This comes with five temperature presets to get the exact amount of heat you need for your perfect brew, and the gooseneck design allows you to control the flow of water more precisely. Bonus: You can use the "hold temp" function to keep water warm for up to an HOUR if you're vibing around the house. 

    Promising review: "I have always kept my kettles on a base of some sort, so having a kettle with its own base is wonderful. The base has various types of heating selections for teas and coffee that light up when on. I have had it for over a month now and use it every day. It works perfectly, and I absolutely adore its elegant look. Perfect for my morning coffee." —JAH

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99 (available in two styles). 

    23. A pair of chic wireless sleep headphones so you can keep your ears comfortable, whether you're trying to get some shut-eye, meditate, or just listen to music and vibe. 

    Reviewer wearing gray headband earphones over their head
    Reviewer wearing pastel pink version

    Promising review: "I purchased this product to be able to listen to affirmations as I fall asleep. It has been great for that and has also been very beneficial on long airplane flights when my ears hurt from the AirPods being in for so long. Also a great option when you're sleeping in a room with someone who snores! My kids keep stealing this from me, so I purchased two more to get them for Christmas!" —Dawn Cooperider

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (clip the 25%-off coupon on the product page for this price; available in 26 colors).

    24. An electric, waterproof "bubble" bath massage mat that not only comes with a built! in! heater!!!! but also has an aroma clip so you can envelop yourself in the soothing scent of your choice. Time to legally change your address to "the Bath." 

    Reviewer's bath with bubble massage mat suction cupped to bottom of tub.
    Same reviewer's tub with mat turned on, showing the large amount of bubbles that come up from the air pads

    Promising review: "This product provides a great massage technique for my back muscles. I experience a lot of pain and tension in my shoulders, and I have chronic pain in my lower back. I also like the aromatherapy pad. What a great, soothing, and relaxing experience for the low cost." —Octavia

    Get it from Amazon for $135.99.

    25. A timed lockbox you can use to banish your tech for a few minutes or hours at a time, putting you in a distraction-free headspace to focus on work, reading, craft hobbies, or talking to your loved ones. This comes with three different commitment modes and can lock things in intervals from one minute to a full month. 

    Mindsight is a small business that specializes in timed lockboxes and meditation decor. 

    Reviewers use this for other habit-forming items, too, and even for catharsis, like writing letters to people who have upset them and physically "locking" them away until they've had a chance to calm down. 

    Promising review: "Exactly as described — a safe box to lock away small items for up to a month. Great for stowing away distractions during the workday. And customer service replies very promptly to emails!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.95 (available in two colors). 

    26. A gaming pillow to prop your hands up while you're playing video games, typing, or reading on your Kindle or iPad. This supports your arms for a more ~ergonomically friendly~ experience, whether you're in bed or a couch, and even features a lil' side pocket for things like remote controls, glasses, and — of course — emergency snacky snacks. 

    Person sitting on a couch with arms rested on a pillow, playing on a portable game console
    Laptop on a cushioned lap desk on a bed

    Promising review: "I work from home a few days a week, and every once in a while, my work extends into the evening hours. I have a home office, but sitting at my desk all day is sometimes very tiring. I purchased this big memory foam desk pillow so that I can relax on my couch and still put my laptop up and have a comfortable working area. This pillow is big but very comfortable. It has armrests that wrap around the sides, and they also have little pockets for random things like your cellphone or the remote, etc. It’s so nice to just lean back into my comfortable couch and have this big, soft desk in front of me." —Jenn Butterfield 

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99 (available in two size-and-color combos). 

    27. A splurge-worthy "cloud massage" Shiatsu foot massager with so many custom, remote-controlled settings that your feet are about to SING. This is designed for use on the feet, calves, and shins, with rolling massage and heat features so effective that reviewers with plantar fasciitis, neuropathy, and circulation issues *swear* by it. 

    Person using a foot massager while seated
    Customizable settings for compression, sway, roll, vibing, and heat functions

    Promising review: "This was purchased as a Christmas gift for my wife. She uses it every night. The rest of the family has caught on to how good it is and is now taking turns. It's very well built and massages so much better than others we have tried. It's nice to have a remote so you can stay lying back and make the desired changes without having to lean over the unit. I would highly recommend this if you are looking for a good foot massager." —lv300wb

    Get it from Amazon for $259.99. 

    28. A tarot-themed Kindle Grip to make it easier to grip your Kindle (or rest it on a flat surface!) even when you're clutching your metaphorical pearls because **there's a snowstorm raging on outside, but only one bed in this inn???** Le gasp. 

    Dark purple tarot card design pop grip that says
    Light pink tarot card design pop grip that says
    Ivy Resin Shop / Etsy

    Ivy Resin Shop is a Florida-based Etsy shop that specializes in animal- and bookish-themed resin art. 

    Promising review: "The item is amazing. I have it with my Kindle, and I brought it to work, where I have gotten a lot of compliments on it. Thank you!" —Kris RA 

    Get it from Ivy Resin Shop on Etsy: "the Kindle" for $28.22 and "the TBR" for $28.22.  

    29. An app-controlled moon lamp phone dock so your phone won't just get a charge overnight but an infusion of ~celestial energy~. This little lunar treasure also functions as an alarm clock and a Bluetooth speaker, so you'll most definitely want to keep it in your orbit. 

    Moon lamp shifting colors on a bedside table
    Circular LED desk lamp with wireless charging pad, flanked by stationery items and a box with
    www.amazon.com, https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R1DUJ79OYEKQDL/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B0CKP5DQM8 / Via www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "The vibrant colors of the lamp look really beautiful!!! The speakers and the lights that dance to the beats are perfect for a mini disco atmosphere. It works great as a bedtime lamp for my bedroom, and the app is really convenient to control the light and music (white noise included!). This is a fun gadget for my teens. I give 5 out of 5 stars — satisfied." —Vanshika Sharma

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99

    30. An Ember temperature-controlled "smart mug" to treat your taste buds like royalty by making sure they only ever taste coffee, hot cocoa, soup, and tea at the *precisely* perfect temperature. The mug will maintain a specific heat for up to 80 minutes alone, or however long you want with the warming pad, and both can be easily controlled manually or with presets from an app on your phone. 

    White handled mug on a round white pad with a cord attached to it
    Black version lit up to warm a mug

    Promising review: "You know that feeling when you sip hot chocolate, and it doesn't burn your mouth but feels hot and warms your chest all the way down? I just found out that that's 141 degrees! (At least for me.) I'm very impressed with this. It maintains the heat and doesn't burn the coffee. If you drink coffee slowly and want to use a mug instead of a tumbler — and don't enjoy increasingly lukewarm, then cold, coffee — this is worth it." —Samuel Wilwerding

    Get it from Amazon for $98.79+ (available in two sizes and eight colors). 

    31. A hypoallergenic Bluetooth AromaPlan "smart scent" air machine designed to make any space in your home subtly smell as if you're in a luxurious hotel. This pet-friendly, noise-free diffuser runs without water or flame and can be entirely operated from an app on your phone. Reviewers love that this is a safer alternative to candles! 

    A modern, compact air purifier on a wooden sideboard next to a potted plant and under an adjustable lamp

    Promising review: "I have been searching for an alternative to scented candles that is eco-friendly and pet-friendly and leaves no residue. After years of using candles, I found that my breathing was being affected because of the residue that comes from burning candles. Even my home AC filters turned black from burning scented candles. After using this product, I noticed immediately that my breathing was improved. Not only that, but the product is super easy to use, and I love the timer options. It also covers a large area. I would highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a substitute for candles. I also love the scented options I can choose from." —Michael P. 

    Get it from Amazon for $149 (available in two colors and two styles). 

    32. A USB-powered laptop cooling pad to keep your lap easy, breezy, and cozy even when the two leads in the rom-com you're watching from your bed are STRESSING YOU ALL THE WAY OUT. This slim, lightweight design also makes it ideal for working from home or coffee shops if you work long hours that make your laptop's fans sad! 

    Reviewer photo of the cooling pad emitting blue light
    Laptop resting on thing cooling pad

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Jenae Sitzes has to say about it: "I've had this cooling pad since 2018, though I mainly use it with my personal laptop when I'm playing PC games. The pad itself is super quiet and not distracting, and it does a fantastic job of actively cooling down my now-older laptop while it's working hard to run games, so I can vouch for its effectiveness. It's also *fantastic* to use while you're working with your laptop on the couch (which I sometimes do to take a break from my desk), keeping your legs away from the heat without feeling bulky or heavy. If you're using a MacBook, be sure to pick up a USB-C hub to connect this." 

    Promising review: "Best purchase I have made in years. I only had it for two days, but the first words out of my mouth to my wife were, 'I can work for hours like this.' If you work from home and like to work on the couch, recliner, breakfast nook, patio, etc., and you have your computer in your lap, this is an absolute must-have. Not only does it keep your legs and lap cool, but it also keeps your computer cool and able to process much more efficiently." —Trent Thiel

    Get it from Amazon for $27.99+ (available in three colors).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.