We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    32 Things For Anyone Who Wants To Upgrade Their Kitchen, But Has Very Little Space

    This hidden spice shelf is a biiiiig help for very little space.

    1. A magnetic air fryer cheat sheet so you can finally experiment with juuuuust the right amount of reckless abandon, while knowing everything you stick in there will still come out safe to eat. 

    Promising review: "Bought an air fryer several months ago which I haven't used a whole lot because it came with only a few recipes but not enough info on other items to cook. The Lotteli cheat sheet gives you cooking times and temperatures for a lot of your common everyday foods in a magnetized easy-to-read, two-sheet combo that fills in where air fryer pamphlet that came with the unit leaves out. I also bought an air fryer cook book but this only comes with specific recipes, whereas the cheat sheet fills in the void for quick basic needs. Very happy with this purchase! 😁" —B. Frank Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $8.45+ (available in two colors). 

    2. A six-outlet wall charger designed specifically for larger kitchen appliances that also comes equipped with two USB fast-charging ports *and* a night-light, so your kitchen setup is as organized as possible.

    Reviewer turning the light on and off the charger with items plugged in
    Charger with several large plugs in it

    Promising review: "Better than any strip! Saw this on TikTok and it’s everything. Love the auto night-light feature. So versatile and compact. Worth every penny. Will be ordering more." —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98.

    3. A silicone baking mat for your sheet pan, so on days when you've run out of time to do anything orderly for dinner you can just slap a bunch of veggies and frozen goods down, drizzle them in olive oil and spices, and shove them in the oven. Bonus: these are super easy to clean, so you won't have to deal with a mess! 

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $17.04

    4. An oh-so-sneaky hidden spice shelf attachment you can install under your shelf and pull out whenever it's time to get cookin'. We love a cabinet with ~SECRETS~.

    Model pulling a horizontally stored spice storage attachment from the bottom of a cabinet
    The shelf pulled all the way out to show spices stored inside

    Psst — some reviewers also use this for easy access to pill bottles! 

    Promising review: "I am very happy with this purchase. It couldn't have been any easier to install. I am looking forward to being able to gain more space inside my cabinets once I fully get my spices transferred into these (I bought two)." —SA Thompson 

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99

    5. A slim magnetic stove shelf that quickly and securely fastens right on the top of your stove so you have easy, immediate access to tools and seasonings and anything you need to get your inner Food Network on while you're listening to podcasts and vibing. 

    a stove with the shelf along the top and spices sitting on it

    StoveShelf is a US-based small business that specializes in stove shelves for various sizes of stoves. 

    Check out a Tiktok of the StoveShelf in action.

    Promising review: "There was no set up...Take it out of the box and place it on the stove. The magnets are very strong keeping the shelf fixed in place. The magnets are raised allowing air flow underneath preventing the shelf from heating up. Sizing was perfect. I love it!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in three sizes and in five finishes). 

    6. A slim organizer tray for your cutlery to save you so much drawer space that you'll feel like you just opened an extra pocket in the time-space-fork continuum. No more jamming the messy drawer shut and praying it stays that way, y'all!

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Chelsea Stuart has to say about it: "I bought this about a year ago and I'm a little embarrassed about how often I think about it. For the first week we owned it, my boyfriend and I both commented daily on what a smart design it is, how much room it freed up in our drawer, and how we wished we knew about it sooner. If you — like me — are at that stage in your late 20s where practical, problem-solving products put a ridiculously wide smile on your face, I'm sure you'll love it." 

    Promising review: "New way to organize your silverware that has a sleek design. TikTok made me buy this! It’s a perfect design to not have as much clutter in your drawer. Great for ADHD people to see exactly what silverware is in which slot with the tiny pictures indicating a knife a spoon a fork!" —Haley Lutz

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98.

    7. A compact, reviewer-beloved veggie chopper to make you feel like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget lets you julienne, chop, spiralize, and slice vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98+ (available in three styles and five sizes).

    8. Plus a delightfully efficient Oxo Tot Grape Cutter you can use to make quick work of snacks like tomatoes, berries, and olives without wasting a whole bunch of  precious time and counter space. If you think you don't need this now, consider that one parent's review below literally calls it their "holy grail." 

    gif of reviewer using the grape cutter to slice grapes into quarters with a positive review quote over top
    reviewer photo of containers of quartered grapes and cherry tomatoes next to the grape cutter

    Check out a TikTok of the grape cutter in action. 

    Promising review: "When we went to search Amazon for 'grape cutters,' I was worried that we may have hit rock bottom. We bought this little gadget with low expectations and fully anticipated using it two times before throwing it in our kitchen drawer where it would inevitably sit for a year before we threw it away. Boy were we wrong. It only took one use before we realized that what we thought would be another useless novelty, was actually a parent's HOLY GRAIL of food preparation. No joke, I literally used it the other day to cut THREE grapes for MYSELF, just for the enjoyment. I only take time to write reviews on products that I feel are truly worth my time to endorse, and this little gadget was more than worthy." —Michael

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    9. A handy heat-resistant silicone utensil rest with a built-in drip pad so you can set your spoon or spatula down without ending up with pancake batter all over the counter and floor (sorry @ Fido, who was waiting patiently for a scrap down below). 

    a pink spoon rest with grooves holding a spoon, spatula, and ladle
    Gray version holding tongs and spatulas

    Bonus — this is also dishwasher-safe! 

    Promising review: "I bought this on impulse and I am glad I did. It does a great job of holding multiple utensils and keeping them from touching all while not taking up a great deal of space. The lip around the edge works well to keep any drips from getting on my counter and when I am done cooking I just throw it in the dishwasher. My counters are cleaner and less cluttered while cooking (I have limited counter space) and cleanup is a breeze." —A. Jessup

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in 30 colors and two sizes). 

    10. Or a Crack'em egg cracker and spoon rest reviewers swear by for getting perfectly cracked, shell-free eggs every time. A lot of parents in particular mention how great it is for kids to use when they're baking and cooking as a fam! 

    the spoon rest
    before and after photo of messy egg on left and clean egg on right

    Crack'em is a veteran-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in family-friendly kitchen accessories. 

    Check out a TikTok of the egg cracker in action. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely cannot believe I'm doing this. I got this because I am ALWAYS having to pick out the shell when I crack an egg, whether for breakfast or my baking. Since buying this, I have cracked dozens of eggs without ANY shells in it. To say I am happy is an understatement. If you don't have one you should rush to get one. We are going to get them for wedding gifts when we know that the couple loves to do their own cooking. Kudos to whoever thought of this. It works perfectly, every time." —Edwin Myers

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in six colors and three-packs).

    11. A dishwasher magnet so nobody ever has to do the awkward guessing game of "what is the current status of this plate I want to eat off of" (or worse, nobody accidentally puts a bunch of dirty dishes away 😬).

    A person toggling between
    The magnets
    Sally Elshorafa/BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in five styles). 

    12. A two-stage knife-sharpener, because those blades you bought back in the day?? They're probably super dull by now, even if you haven't noticed since it's happened over time. But as all the pros know, sharper knives = faster, safer cooking, so you can ~refresh~ them with this.

    Hands running a knife through the small sharpener

    Promising review: "Wow, this little thing is pretty amazing! I have some old (expensive) nonserrated knives that are supposed to never need sharpening but, unfortunately, lost their sharp edge long ago. I saw this gadget and decided to try it. I set the bottom of this gadget on the edge of the counter and ran one of the knives through the side labeled 'Coarse' about 10 times, then ran it through the side labeled 'Fine' another 8–10 times. Bingo! The knife was transformed back to its former high-dollar cutlery glory. I could hardly believe how effectively it had sharpened the knife, which I had been ready to throw away a week before." —Schelly L. Wagoner

    Read our full review of the KitchenIQ knife sharpener for more deets.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.22+ (available in three colors).

    13. A magnetic microwave cover perfect for anyone whose Panera soup obsession is a little *too* well documented over every surface inside of their microwave. This conveniently sticks to the top of your microwave so you can pop it right off whenever you're looking to tear up some broccoli cheddar on a wild Tuesday night. 

    Check out a TikTok of the microwave cover in action. 

    Promising review: "If you live in a small space like I do, this will seriously change your life. No longer do I have to struggle to find somewhere to put my cover if I'm heating up a cup of coffee. Just attach it to the roof of your microwave. Hopefully, you have a flat surface; check before you buy. There is a slight learning curve as to where to put it or the force or lack thereof needed, but after a couple of times it's second nature. Love, love, love this product. I'm probably going to get some for Christmas presents next year, it's one of those items that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but it will change your life." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95

    14. An under-cabinet lid opener for anyone who doesn't feel like playing another rousing game of "knock on the neighbor's door to see if someone can open this damn Nutella jar" (don't look at me!!). This is also an excellent space saver compared to other manual lid openers, and causes way less wrist strain! 

    The underside of a reviewer's cabinet, showing the lid opener installed out of site
    Reviewer using the opener to open a jar of sauce with just the palm of their hand

    Check out BuzzFeed's review of the EZ Off Jar Opener

    Promising review: "I have tried a million different tools and gadgets for help in opening jars of all sizes, and each one had its own issues! Finally, someone has invented the perfect jar opener that is simple and requires no space in your kitchen drawers or counters. There was one person who suggested placing the opener with the sharp end of the 'V' closest to you and with it placed in the front, in the right corner under your cabinet. I followed those directions, and it works perfectly and easily. I have already placed an order for another one for a gift or my sister." —cat lover

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99

    15. An olive oil spritzer so you can have all of the convenience of an easy spray *and* all of the deliciousness of deciding precisely what olive oil you want to put in it. A lot of reviewers with air fryers swear by this, since it's perfect for a ~light mist~ when you don't need much more than that. 

    This is also a much less wasteful alternative to disposable spray cans! 

    Promising review: "I had a store-bought sherry vinegar with a pump top. When the vinegar ran out, I refilled it. Eventually though, the pump top broke because it wasn't meant for repeated use. So I found this product, which just arrived. It was easy to clean, and I just filled it with sherry vinegar. Terrific misting! I'm happy I found this." —Mary Owens

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    16. A lazy Susan turntable for your pantry or fridge that will make storing and perusing your condiment stash so much more painless, since you can access the sriracha without ketchup, mustard, and a half-eaten tub of frosting landing on your unsuspecting toe.

    A small white turn table in a fridge with condiments on top of it

    Promising review: "Our fridge is extremely deep and we’re constantly 'losing' or forgetting what items we have in the back, but not anymore! The nonstick pad works great to keep heavy or large items from falling off, and with a touch of a finger, you can completely spin around. I’m so happy with this product, I’ll be purchasing more for other areas of my house:-)" —Moorefoto17

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in two colors).

    17. Or a rectangular Lazy Susan to turn you into a legitimate fridge wizard by holding *way* more than the traditional round version. This features 360 degree rotation so when you install it in the fridge, you can easily access condiments and foods at the "back" by spinning them closer to yourself. No more accidentally dumping pickle jars on your unsuspecting feet!! 

    Condiments propped on a clear plastic turning tray installed in a fridge
    A model spinning the tray 360 degrees around in a fridge to show all the condiments on it

    Check out a TikTok of the rectangular Lazy Susan in action. 

    Promising review: "Wow! I love this turntable organizer! I can fit so many items on it, and because of that, I now have so much more space on the door shelves. With this organizer, I will have easy access to all of those extra items that just don't have their own space. Now they do have a place to go! I would highly recommend this product to everyone who wants to feel more organized and doesn't want to lose items in their fridge." —Amazon Customer 

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99

    18. A set of sneaky under-the-shelf sliding baskets to help you take advantage of *all* the vertical space in your cabinets, plus give you easy access to items like zippered bags and plastic wraps. Reviewers also swear by these for extra storage in bathroom cabinets, laundry rooms, and even fridges! 

    Promising review: "Extra space where you need it. I used these under the cabinets above my washer and dryer to hold all the things usually on top of my appliances." —Theresa Carter

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $13.97

    19. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher to turn virtually *any* device with a press-able "on/off" switch into smart tech in an instant. Once you adjust the device over the button — be it a light switch, a switch to turn on your kettle, or a switch to turn on a fan — you can ask Alexa or Google Home to turn it off or on, or control it via an app on your phone. 

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. It's also a great way to turn on your kettle or coffee brewer from the other room so it's ready for you when you get out of bed! 

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black). 

    20. A tiny marble-print milk frother that makes rich, creamy froths in seconds, because why stop at regular tea and coffee when you can have velvety-soft milk tea and lattes?

    Reviewer image of white marble handheld frother on its stand
    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup

    Promising review: "So I’ll admit I got this on a whim after a TikTok video, however I’m in love with this thing! It’s so much fun to use and you make your at home drinks feel so much more special. It’s easy to use and froths pretty quickly if you’re on the fence I’d say what are you waiting for buy it already!" —Denise

    Get it from Amazon for $16.80 (available in seven styles).

    21. A set of convenient suctioning "Food Cubby" dividers to portion out plates so food, sauces, and dressings don't co-mingle — perfect for picky eaters young *and* old who would rather pretend that we don't live in a world where broccoli and mac and cheese are occasionally allowed to touch. 

    Green curved dividers suctioned to a dinner plate to separate potatoes, meat, and veggies

    Check out a TikTok of the food cubby in action. 

    Food Cubby is a small business specializing in family-friendly kitchen accessories. 

    Promising review: "I love these! Even as an adult, I hate my food touching. Thought they might keep things apart but not juices or things, but they really stick to the plate, and the meat juice doesn't run into the salad. It saves me from having different plates for each food. I wish I had these a long time ago." —Superbeckee 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99. 

    22. A handy dandy condiment fork with a holder you can wrap right around a jar of olives or pickles so it'll always be at your disposal when you suddenly *need* a pickle but don't want to put your hands in the jar. This is also great for late-night snacking shenanigans, since you won't wake up half the house looking for a clean fork. 

    The pickle fork in a silcone utensil holder wrapped around a pickle jar lid
    A reviewer using the three pronged fork to stab a pickle

    Check out a TikTok of the condiment fork in action. 

    Promising review: "Great kitchen item. Forks are great to get pickles out of the jar, but if you have kids/lazy people (lol) you know that dirty hands are going into that jar. 😉 This has really prevented that from happening. It comes with two different rings to fit whatever size jar, a stabber holder, and a stabbing stick." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19

    23. A teensy mini waffle maker that will churn out adorably sized, perfectly cooked-through waffles in mere minutes. Psst — if you're waffling on the waffles, you can also use it for hash browns, paninis, biscuits, and even (gasp) PIZZA. If you can dream it, you can mini waffle it.

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and had to get it! I love waffles but I don't always remember to buy them so I love being able to make them super easily with this mini waffle maker. It's so easy and convenient for me because I didn't want anything that would take up too much time and space. It's perfect. I also used the waffle recipe provided by Dash and its great!" —Ken

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in 23 colors).

    24. A three-in-one avocado slicer small enough to slide into your utensil drawer – it'll more than earn its keep by taking care of those pesky pits and giving you slices so perfectly portioned you'll break your friends' Instagram feeds.

    A model using the tool to de-pit and slice half an avocado

    This three-in-one tool can split an avocado with its pointy tip, remove the pit with its center, and make perfectly even slices with the bottom — a much safer alternative to using a regular knife and potential falling prey to the dreaded "avocado hand."

    Promising review: "So worth the space in the kitchen! This thing really does what it says. I love mine and use it all the time. Pit removal is super easy with this, no more knife-prying. I didn't think the cutting tool would be as effective as it is- but it works great as well. No complaints on this product — would buy again!" —K. Cyr

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    25. A self-adhesive paper towel roll holder you can install on the the wall or  bottom of a cabinet to free up counter space (and prevent your paper towels from getting mucked up from things that might spill on the counter!). 

    The metal bar roll holder attached to the side of a wall by a kitchen sink
    The holder installed under a cabinet

    Promising review: "TikTok made me do it, but I love it. The stainless steel blends so nicely with the rest of my kitchen, the install was as a simple peel-and-stick with small mounting screws and matching caps so you don't see the mounting screws, and it holds a seamless look." —Michaelle K. 

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in six finishes). 

    26. A multi-purpose basket with drainage holes so it can function as a colander *and* a drying rack, saving you ample extra space when your kitchen is equipped to give you anything but. This is also size adjustable so it can fit snugly in a variety of different sinks. 

    photo of pink strainer over sink
    reviewer's strainer with fruits inside

    Promising review: "I don't want a kitchen sink without this tool ever again. I love this! I have had it for a week and it just works for my needs! I ended up getting it for silverware and other small utensils because something got stuck in the garbage disposal somehow. However, it also works for rinsing vegetables and fruits when I have dishes in the sink to clean. I don’t have a dishwasher so being able to separate things is so useful. The size is adjustable and that makes it even more worth it!" —Jocelyn

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99 (available in ten colors).

    27. A stackable cabinet organizer for your mug collection that seems to be expanding faster than your kitchen can allow, or for that one crowded corner of the pantry where everything is one light breeze away from crashing down.

    Two small metal shelves stacked on each other in a cabinet

    Promising review: "Let me start by saying that I’m not one to post a review about anything. I just ordered two sets of these and they transformed my pantry in the blink of an eye! They are high enough to accommodate my short basket full of half baggies of noodles and grains, and durable enough to hold any assortment of vinegars and home can goods. I ordered two sets (four shelves) and plan on buying more for the rest of my sloppy kitchen." —V

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $18.97.

    28. hanging tiered fruit and veggie basket for anyone whose kitchen looked back at them and said, "Counter space? Never met her."

    three tiered hanging metal baskets with fruits in them hanging from a kitchen wall
    Hanging baskets holding potatoes

    Promising review: "I bought these baskets when I moved into my new space. I'm in a small studio and needed a way to store fruits and veggies without taking up my very limited countertop space. These baskets have worked out great. They are well constructed and look really nice." —Toni L. Fader

    Get it from Amazon for $12.72.

    29. A KitchenAid attachment mount that lets you click the attachments in and out of place in a hot second so you'll always have the proper tools for whisking, meringue-ing, and mixing up some cookie dough at the ready, and not buried with a bunch of random cutlery in a drawer.

    Three kitchenaid attachments hanging upside down from a cabinet from a thin black mount

    FusedLine is a Seattle-based Etsy shop that specializes in KitchenAid and coffee accessories. 

    Promising review: "Thank you!!! Absolutely love it! I wasn't sure what to expect but surpassed my expectations by 1,000%. I finally have the attachments in one place and they are no longer rolling around in a drawer." —sbmcgowan 

    Get it from FusedLine on Etsy for $11 (available in four colors and as a screw-on or adhesive mount). 

    30. A cabinet door organizer so you can really flex some "I've got my life together" vibes when you open a cabinet and pull out the aluminum foil without pulling eight of its friends out with it.

    Reviewer with plastic wrap, tinfoil, and similar boxes inside organizer
    Different reviewer using organizer for five cutting boards

    Promising review: "This organizer is so useful! I recently moved and ended up with a much smaller kitchen, so I've been doing everything I can to make sure there's a place for everything and no wasted space. Luckily, I have pretty wide cabinets, so this works out perfectly. I have one holding my cutting boards (four standard plastic boards) and another holding my foil, cling wrap, and parchment paper boxes. The organizer is super easy to assemble and it's completely versatile. Hang it over the cabinet door or attach it to the wall/cabinet door, which means it's great for renters and owners." —Kerry

    Get it from Amazon for $16.87.

    31. A small compost bin/trash can perfect for small spaces or ambitious cooks — it hooks easily to the inside or outside of a cabinet door for easy access, and the lid is designed so you can either lift the top off, or slide it out to keep it open. 

    small gray trash can installed on the inside of a cabinet
    The white version with the lid moved to expose the top of the trash can

    Promising review: "So I saw this tiny trash can on TikTok, and I was moving into a tiny studio apartment and thought this would be perfect. Turns out it's one of the best things I've ever bought. I installed mine with the over-the-cabinet hooks (also comes with adhesive stickers) on my kitchen island, and it is so convenient I can't even express with words. The lid is on this nifty hinge so you can open it by flipping the lid up, or by sliding it forward and it folds down out of the way.'" —Ginger

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99 (available in three colors). 

    32. A plastic bag dispenser to prevent that deeply irritating traffic jam of all the different boxes you squished into your kitchen drawer — now you can consolidate them all in this one nifty gizmo, which you can settle in a drawer or on the counter for easy access. 

    A white dispenser with five slots holding different sizes of bags
    The same dispenser with sticker labels of bag sizes on them

    Check out a TikTok of the plastic bag dispenser in action. Psst — these come with optional sticker labels so you know which size bag you're grabbing! 

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home storage solutions. 

    Promising review: "I like it very much. Not so large. Lightweight. Would look nice on top of the counter. What I like is that you do not have to wrangle the box into the slots. Simply pick up the roll of bags from their packaging and put them in the designated slot." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in three-, four-, or five-slot models). 

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.