We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    35 Products With Before-And-Afters That Will Make You Impatient To Try Them Yourself

    Even Taylor Swift isn't working as hard as this cult-fave pet stain and odor eliminator.

    1. A portable car vacuum that lets you explore the great outdoors or enjoy a particularly messy snack without sitting in the evidence until the next time you do a deep car clean. With this easy peasy gadget, you can scoop it all up and leave your interiors looking brand spanking new. 

    Small handheld black vacuum in a reviewer's hand
    before and after images of a messy sandy car interior vacuumed clean again

    Promising review: "This was the perfect solution for a busy mom as myself. I have three little ones and every day there is a mess of some sort in the backseat. It saves time and money to not have to go to a carwash place and keep feeding the machine. It’s simple to use and a great size. Wish the suction was a little better but for the price and quality I can’t complain. It’s a must!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.52+ (clip the $15 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in four colors).

    2. COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence, a lightweight hydrating face serum designed for *all* skin types reviewers swear by for healing acne scars, fading dark spots, and smoothing fine lines. Users with sensitive skin especially appreciate how gentle it is compared to competitors, and a lot of them mentioned seeing results within the first few uses! 

    Reviewer before and after picture with redness healed from their face
    The bottle of serum

    I use this on my skin and definitely have noticed results! While it didn't help kick my all of stubborn pre-period hormonal acne, it has done *wonders* with reducing redness on my face, particularly around my nose, and in dealing with my pores. Since I started using it, my primer and foundation goes on a whole lot smoother, and I'm struggling a whole lot less to cover my pores. After using it a few weeks, I read the advice of one reviewer to put this on when your face is slightly moist from washing, rub it in, let it dry, and then put your moisturizer on top of it — I've found that it's what got me the best results! 

    Get it from Amazon for $16.90

    3. *Plus* COSRX Snail Mucin 92% Moisturizer, the snail essence repair serum's partner in crime — this gel cream not only locks in moisture to plump and hydrate skin, but reviewers claim it genuinely has changed the texture to make it smoother at a fraction of the price of its competitors. 

    Reviewer holding up tin of moisturizer
    before and after image of reviewer's acne prone skin now smoother and more even toned

    To use as intended, apply the moisturizer after the snail repairing essence has dried on your face in your skincare routine. 

    Check out a TikTok of the snail mucin moisturizer in action. 

    Promising review: "Very moisturizing but not oily. Can use under water-based or silicone-based makeup. As a night cream could use a boost, I put this on and then top with a little Ponds and get glowy skin despite being 40. Has a weird smell but it fades very quickly. Used to use the Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream, this is half the price and does all the same things except smell good." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.20

    4. A popular foot exfoliant peel reviewers swear by for calluses and rough, cracked skin — you apply the two bootie-shaped masks on your feel for an hour, wash your feet, and then over the next five to seven days enjoy the bizarre satisfaction of watching the dead skin on your feet peel away to reveal smooth feet. 

    Reviewer foot with peeling skin
    Reviewer foot with skin peeled from it

    Promising review: "I was dubious at first, having seen this on TikTok. I can now confirm that it works as directed and the results are amazing. Twenty-four hours after I soaked my feet in the plastic bag, nothing happened. Then 48 hours later it started working. Seventy-two hours and it was in full working mode. Like other reviewers, I also suggest just letting the skin come off naturally. The shedding lasts for a few days. Results are incredible. Will use this again!"Vanessa

    Get it from Amazon for $17.69 (available in four styles). 

    5. A lil' polar bear hydrating eye stick for some sweet, sweet relief when you wake up with puffy, aching eyes. This formula is blended with Iceland glacial water to help tighten skin and tackle dark circles so you look and feel more ~refreshed~. 

    The small polar bear shaped eye stick in a reviewer's hands
    Before and after pic of reviewer with dark under eyes that are gone in the second pic

    Promising review: "I have always had serious dark circles and bags under my eyes and this has really changed this for me. The results are incredible. The puffiness is gone. The dark circles are hardly noticeable. My sensitive skin has not broken out. I never write reviews, but this was so good that I had to write a review. This actually works." —Ben

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    6. A bottle of Angry Orange pet odor eliminator that's working OVERTIME — not only does this vanish the evidence of pet-related stains and odors, but it leaves the area smelling so nice that you'll be like, "Um, is this my new signature perfume??" Extremely bonus: it also deters pets from peeing, so if there's a ~hot spot~ your doggo loves to frequent, this ought to curb the habit. 

    reviewer photo of dog next to bottle of the cleaner
    before and after image of a pet stain removed from a carpet

    Angry Orange is a small business that specializes in home cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "This product has become a must in our household! We discovered it while looking for another scent/odor control product that had a strong citrus scent to spray around a Christmas tree a year or so ago when one of our dogs suddenly decided that he was going to start peeing on the Christmas tree every night. Not only did it deter him from peeing on it, it smells fantastic, and now we use it all the time for any smells around the house, pet odor related or not! It only takes one or two sprays as well, and the whole area smells fabulous afterwards." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97 (available in four sizes).

    7. An easy-to-use heated beard straightener you simply comb through your beard like a magic wand to groom your beard in a single stroke, no beard oil required. It's made with anti-scalding tech and three different heat levels, so it works with all hair types (and can also double as a hair straightener!). 

    Reviewer with curly beard
    Reviewer with beard straightened by straightener

    It also comes with a wooden comb and a travel bag. 

    Arkam is a small business that specializes in personal care and grooming products. 

    Promising review: "I purchased this item because I have a short/medium beard that’s more often curly than not. Looked at similar items that cost three or four times the price of this one. I have had this comb for a couple of weeks now, and it’s working beautifully. I normally use it to straighten my beard before trimming this making a more even cut. Even if I keep it curly after, the trim just looks better." —Laz

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95 (available in two sets). 

    8. A painless, mint-flavored teeth-whitening pen reviewers swear by as an alternative to pricey professional treatments and strips. This gets results from the very first use, lightening up years' worth of stains from coffee, tea, wine, or just, you know, existing as a human with teeth.

    Promising review: "This product actually works! Very affordable too. There are a lot of expensive teeth whitening products out there, but why spend extra money when you don't have too? Definitely worth trying!" —Mona L Cureton

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.29

    9. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? ...This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand-new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    10. A reusable microfiber Swiffer mop pad that reviewers love not only because it's ready for action again right after a wash cycle, but because it picks up a *ton* more dirt, gunk, and debris than the disposable mops do. Your kitchen floor is finally gonna shine ✨.

    Turbo Mops is a small business that specializes in eco-friendly cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "If you have a Swiffer Wet Jet and are tired of having to buy those mop pads I would 10000x recommend these. All you do is stick it to the bottom of your mop like you would a mop pad and mop like normal. It stays on great and even picks up crumbs better than the store bought mop pads. Once you’re done you just throw it in the wash and it’s good as new. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to dry them, but I do and they come out just fine! I love these!!" —Kate

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.27 (available in multipacks). 

    Psst — if you don't already have one, you can get a standard Swiffer on Amazon for $18.44

    11. Essence's Lash Princess mascara, because TBH, we've all wasted too many years and too much money looking for the ~holy grail~ mascara. This one is less than $5, gives you instant length, and is DELIGHTFULLY sweatproof — reviewers call it out as an excellent comparison for Too Faced's "Better Than Sex" and Benefit's "They're Real." 

    Before shot of a Buzzfeed editor without mascara
    After shot of BuzzFeed editor with long lashes
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Hello, that is my face above, because I bought into the hype of all the 5-star reviews and now I will never look back!! Putting it on is like giving my eyelashes butterfly wings. It doesn't get clumpy, it stays put ALL the livelong day no matter how much you sweat, and you can apply it on very lightly if you don't want it to look so dramatic, or continue applying for longer lashes each time.

    Promising review: "AWESOME. I’ve always bought overpriced mascara. I’m very picky and was extremely hesitant, but I saw some reviews saying how awesome this was. I’ll never go back to 'Better Than Sex' mascara because that’s what I always use, and I compare it to that. This is the best mascara!! I’ll never go back." —patrick hauk

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    12. Emergency Stain Rescue Stain Remover, an all-purpose cleaning spray that's really out here doing the *most* — you can use this on carpet, upholstery, or clothes to help banish both new stains and old ones. This stuff can tackle anything from ketchup to blood to paint to coffee to caked-on deodorant stains. 

    reviewer before photo showing a yellow stain on white fabric
    same reviewer's after photo showing the stain gone

    Check out a TikTok of the "Emergency Stain Rescue" in action. 

    The Hate Stains Co. is a small business that specializes in fast, powerful, and nontoxic stain removing products. 

    Promising review: "I've tried Shout wipes, stain removal pens, and all the other tricks in the book. This removes organic stains from sweat better than anything I've tried thus far. I followed the directions, got the fabric wet, sprayed it on, and left it to chill for an hour. When I came back, I was dumbfounded. I can't believe I didn't have this sooner, I'm about to buy a gallon!" —Mark Bogumil

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in packs of two or three, and with on-the-go wipes). 

    13. A bottle of Witch Piggy Hell Pore Control, which is both a delightfully effective hyaluronic acid-based pore tightening serum *and* my new stage name. Reviewers love this for tackling enlarged pores and giving a dewy glow without causing oiliness or triggering breakouts, plus helping fade dark spots and acne scars. 

    A bottle of the serum with a pig witch illustration on it
    Before and after image of reviewer with acne that's less inflamed in the after pic

    Promising review: "If I could give this 10 stars I would! Ran out of 'The Ordinary' hyaluronic acid I’ve been using for a year and no stores close sold it so I gave this a try. So glad I did because it’s a thousand times better!! I put it on first, then moisturizer after I put on my primer and makeup and it looks the best it’s ever looked. My pores were smaller in just three days and my skin so hydrated. I have combo skin son my 'T' zone gets awfully oily. The fix is to make sure your skin is hydrated. Also the bottle is twice the size of 'The Ordinary'! This does it all!!! So very impressed." —smnthfinch

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.  

    14. Nyx's Pore Filler Targeted Stick, a holy grail option for anyone with sensitive skin who may have had it up to HERE with other pore fillers and their promises. This has a "blurring" effect to reduce the appearance of pores and smooth your skin without causing any extra shine you have to blot out. 

    a reviewer with the pore filler on half their face showing how it blurs large pores
    a different reviewer holding the stick

    Check out a TikTok of the Nyx Pore Filler in action.  

    Promising review: "Great product. I have tried more expensive products and have discovered that NYX pore filler is as good as the $40 products. It leaves a smooth matte finish." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.97

    15. A lawn dog spot repair treatment to help your grass look as spiffy and green as it did before Fido decided to mark their territory by peeing in the same parched spots over ... and over ........ and over again. Reviewers notice results within *days*! 

    before pic of dying grass
    after pic of grass all green and restored

    Promising review: "We purchased this to fill some patches in our backyard that were damaged by our puppy. This seed works like a charm. The one caveat is that you really do have to water it a bit every day. Once it takes off though, it grows pretty quickly! Within one week of planting this, we had one-inch long grass blades. One month later, all the patches are gone. Highly recommended!" —Jessica N. 

    Get it from Amazon for $16.44+ (available in multiple sizes). 

    16. Dr. Jart+'s Mini Cicapair Tiger Grass Color-Correcting Treatment, a formula that reviewers swear by not just for reducing redness and uneven texture, but for skin protection — this bb has SPF 30 built in, so it packs a double punch.

    Model holding the twist open jar of product
    model with one side of face without the treatment, and the other side less red and more even toned with it

    Allow me to calmly scream at the top of my lungs about this. I have dealt with redness on my nose for so long that I've jokingly called myself "Rudolph" since I was a teenager (I'm 32 now). I bought this and the transformation on my fire engine nose was magical. It was like putting on high quality foundation, the way it canceled out the redness. It also works so effectively as a primer — I was using some TikTok-hyped primer that never really minimized my pores before this, but this treatment makes a world of difference in evenly covering my pores. I barely put on any foundation now. This treatment alone is basically all I need as a base for the rest of my makeup. 

    Promising review: "The hype is to be believed. I discovered this product from @BauerBeauty on TikTok. I loved how she showed the application and the payoff, which is reduced redness. I have rosacea with a lot of redness around my nose and outside the corners of my mouth. This reduces the redness without having to use foundation." —DJJJJ

    Psst — you can watch @BauerBeauty use the color corrector in action on Sephora's product page, and you can check out BuzzFeeder Elizabeth Lilly's full review of Dr. Jart's Cicapair Tiger Grass Color-Correcting Treatment for more deets! 

    Get a mini from Sephora for $22+ (available in two sizes). 

    17. CeraVe's Hydrating cleanser made with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and glycerin — aka, all the good stuff to hydrate your face and remove makeup and oil without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. Psst — a lot of reviewers with sensitive skin and acne swear by this, because it's super gentle *and* super effective.

    Promising review: "Got this after seeing a recommendation on TikTok. It's been a lifesaver for me. I have dry, red, sensitive, acne-prone skin. Most cleansers strip my skin, but not this one. It’s been helping keep my skin clear while not drying it for a few months now. If you have dry skin this is a must!" —L. Ashburne

    Get it from Amazon for $14.57.

    18. A set of no-nonsense pumice stones that will make the inside of your toilet look brand spanking new, even if the rings have already thwarted your efforts with the toilet brush.

    Reviewer holding gray stick shaped stone over toilet with iron deposits
    Reviewer after pic with the iron deposits gone

    Promising review: "I thought for sure I'd have to replace my toilets whenever I moved out of my home due to the pesky green/brown rings of mineral buildup on my toilets. However, I came across this product and it worked like a charm as advertised. In the past, I've tried numerous cleaning products to tackle this issue but none were able to make a dent. With the use of the pumice cleaning stone, a quick detailed scrub easily removed that ring that has been tormenting me for ages leaving a clean, pristine toilet bowl." —Pancho

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $5.40

    19. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell, all without ever having to touch a sponge or any other kind of cleaning utensil.

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Amazing product! I've had my dishwasher over three years and even though a package of this came with it, I had not tried it. After realizing the plastic parts inside the dishwasher seemed to be getting mineral deposit build-up, I decided to use the Affresh. I was astounded, because the whole inside of my (stainless steel) dishwasher looks brand new again. I promptly bought more Affresh, and will now use it regularly." —JJHouse

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $7.99.

    20. First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant to help exfoliate and smooth skin by dealing with rough patches or dry bumps — a lot of reviewers with keratosis pilaris and similar skin textures swear by this! 

    Before and after image of a reviewer with bumps on their arm and without
    The tube of scrub

    First Aid Beauty is a US-based small business that specializes in clean, fragrance-free, cruelty-free personal care products. 

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and Instagram. I decided to try it and it really works. I used it on my thighs and upper arms. I noticed a difference the first time and even more the second time!!! Fabulous product. Worth every penny." —Lana

    Get it from Amazon for $12 (available in three sizes). 

    21. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover roller that is deeply beloved by pet owners — it's like a sticky lint roller, but specifically designed to pick up pet hair. It not only locks it in, but also stashes it inside the roller itself so you don't end up making matters worse by just shoving the hair around (instead of getting rid of it properly). 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Here's what BuzzFeeder Jenae Sitzes has to say about it: "The tens of thousands of 5-star Amazon reviews are reason enough to add the ChomChom to your cart immediately — but let me add my own personal review to the stack. I've been using the ChomChom for quite a while now. It took 10 seconds to rid my velvet couch ottoman of the hair my two gray kitties are constantly leaving everywhere. It takes a bit of practice to get the hang of using this roller — at first, I thought you only brushed down in one direction, and was confused why it wasn't picking up hair. It's important to do a push-and-pull brushing in *both* directions so it actually pulls the hair inside, which does require you to apply a bit of pressure. Afterward, you'll just dump out the hair that's been trapped inside. The ChomChom is best for large flat surfaces like couches and beds."  

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    22. Etude's delightfully multipurpose Dear Darling Water Tint, which a lot of reviewers compare to Benefit's Lip Tint. This smudgeproof formula is designed primarily to be a natural-looking, weightless lip stain, but reviewers use it as a blush as well! 

    reviewer before and after image with added red tint to lips
    reviewer holding red version of the lip tint in their hand

    Promising review: "I bought the Benefit version a couple of months ago and was very underwhelmed by it, but this product is sooo soo much better than Benetint. The pigment is so good and natural at the same time. A 10/10 for sure. And at this price point what’s there not to like?" —Rachael

    Get it from Amazon for $7.10 (available in three shades and combo packs). 

    23. A cult-fave exfoliating coffee face scrub reviewers with oily and combination skin *swear* by to help tackle blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. This herbal blend of rosemary, thyme, petitgrain, tea tree essential oils, and Arabica coffee grounds has got your back — and by back, I mean your face. 

    Model holding tin of face scrub
    Reviewer before and after image with acne lessened after using the face scrub

    Promising review: "Love the smell and how it makes my face feel and look after use. My face feels smooth and moisturized. And it is really great that the product is made of repurposed coffee so it's not only amazing for my skin but also good for the environment. Love love love this product and will keep buying again and again." —Kadri J. 

    Get it our Goodful shop for $22

    24. A bottle of nail and cuticle repair oil that you simply brush on your nail beds once a day to condition and strengthen all those brittle spots and painful hangnails, leaving you with thick, strong nails and nail beds you're not tempted to pick at all the livelong day.

    Promising review: "Found it on TikTok and I’m so pleased with the results. My nails are getting stronger and growing. And the best of all, not chipping. Love it." —sidna saavedra

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90.

    25. A set of stainless steel cleaner and polish wipes to give all your impossible-to-clean kitchen appliances that brand-new, streak-free kind of gleam, from the fridge to the stove to the dishwasher.


    Promising review: "If it was possible to give 10 stars, this product is definitely worth it. I originally bought this in the store and was most impressed with how well it cleaned the refrigerator from all finger and watermarks. My friend came over and said, 'What in the world did you clean your refrigerator with because it looks brand new?!' It is the best product I have ever used on my refrigerator and stove! Just wipe down and let it sink in, then wipe over with a clean soft towel for a polished shiny look! IT IS MARVELOUS! I SAY MARVELOUS! Don't bother with sprays! I bought two containers so that I will not run out for a long time!" —Roie

    Get it from Amazon for $4.68

    26. A pack of Good Light's vegan pimple patches that you can apply straight onto a zit to flatten it, reduce redness, and even suck the gunk out of individual trouble spots overnight. Personally *love* to see a problem magically disappear while I'm snoozing. 

    Person with a pimple patch sucking up white goop on their chin zit
    The same chin with zit much smaller and less red
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Good Light is a AAPI-, LGBTQIA-owned brand based in Brooklyn that specializes in vegan and cruelty-free personal care products. 

    Hello, that is my face above, dealing with a *quite* uninvited chin breakout. Enter these pimple patches — anytime I've had a zit like this, I've been able to use a Good Light pimple patch to draw out most of the fluids overnight. They're made clear and are super subtle when they're on your face, so I've also worn them walking out during the day. I've found them to be quite effective at reducing pimple size and redness and helping knock out my occasional breakouts, and they're super gentle on the skin, too. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a great spot treatment! 

    Get a pack of 24 patches from Good Light for $8.50+ (available in packs of two, three and four). 

    27. A mini steamer for your clothes that heats up in literally a minute and a half, so you can skip the lengthy process of pulling out the iron and ironing board and being mega careful not to burn anything.

    Reviewer's wrinkly white shirt
    The same shirt wrinkle free

    Promising review: "Love this little steamer! For the price, you can’t beat it. I use it almost daily. My old one was a different brand and would randomly quit in the middle of steaming and need to heat up again. This one has not done that at all, keeps going strong day after day." —LoveLeoCustomCrafts

    Check out BuzzFeed's full review of this mini steamer for more deets!!

    Get it from Amazon for $24.97.

    28. A set of Wonder Hangers designed to take advantage of all that unused vertical space in your closet and save up to three times the storage space. Even better — these come fully assembled, so no extra work on your end! Oops, on my way to buy more cute tops I don't need now that there's room for them 👀 . 

    Product in use in closet
    Product in use in closet

    Check out a TikTok of the Wonder Hangers in action. 

    Promising review:  "These are so clever and versatile! I live in an old house with tiny closets so I have to get creative. These are great because they can be used hanging horizontally or vertically. I also found they work great for hanging camisoles and tank tops. I can see what I have and take just the one I need!" —Therese Van Heuveln

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $13.99 (available in three colors and four pack sizes).

    29. A heavy duty grout cleaner you only need to let sit for 10 minutes before you scrub the dirt and grime from all those sneaky crevices on your older floors like it's your superpower.

    Promising review: "I never leave reviews on Amazon but this grout cleaner definitely deserved a review. I tried three other cleaners before buying Grout-eez and they did nothing but waste my time and money. Grout-eez got my grout perfectly clean in no time, plus it was easy to use and no odor. I'll never use another grout cleaner." —Tyler

    Get it from Amazon for $21.95.

    30. Bissell multipurpose carpet and upholstery cleaner with a *MAJOR* fan following of parents and pet owners — this compact, super portable powerhouse uses warm water and a special formula to make stains from grass, mud, pet accidents, food, and all your other home-related shenanigans look like they never even happened. 

    reviewer image of the green portable cleaner
    before and after pic of pee stained couch freshly cleaned

    Each cleaner comes with a trial size of Bissell's Spot & Stain Formula, which is also available on Amazon for $12.99

    Promising review: "Saw this thing all over TikTok and caved because my couch was looking BUSTED. This little green monster was super simple to put together out of the box, easy to wrap back up after use and the water that came after cleaning my couch was literally black... My couch is light blue so, definitely gets things CLEAN. Do it, you don't know you need it but you do." —KD Krane

    Get it from Amazon for $109.59.  

    31. An *delightfully* affordable firming eye cream made with vitamin C, vitamin E, rosehip seed oil, and hibiscus flower extract to brighten and firm that sensitive skin around your eyes and neck not just on a day-to-day basis, but a long-term one, too. 

    Bottle of eye cream
    Reviewers before and after pictures of their under eye area becoming smoother

    Promising review: "I am super stoked that I purchased this product because it works — I was leery about it working but it does. I have used expensive eye creams that claimed to work which they did to some extent, but not like this one, I started using this about two weeks ago but I started seeing results in a couple of days of the first application. It makes my eyes look awake and the fine lines and wrinkles are diminishing. It makes my skin feel smooth and I can put my eye makeup on easier, my dark circles are lighter too." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in five sizes). 

    32. A bottle of Fanola "No Yellow" purple shampoo reviewers with chemically- and color-treated hair *swear* by for toning down yellow hues in blonde hair on the cheap, seeing a noticeable difference even from the very first wash. 

    A reviewer with yellow-tone blonde hair
    Same reviewer with platinum blonde hair

    Promising review: "I never write reviews, but this stuff is magic in a bottle. I'm a level 7 blonde with high level highlights and hair that loves to pull red. If my hair starts to look brassy I use this and voila — looks like I just came out of the salon again. I'd love it even if it didn't make my hair feel soft, but it does that too! Please don't ever stop making this!" —scooptwins

    Get it from Amazon for $14.89.

    33. A set of bed bands that will lock your fitted sheets neatly into place, so you can stop shoving the loose corners under your duvet whenever you're too tired to remake your whole bed in the morning.

    Loose sheets on a bed
    Same sheets spread tightly across mattress

    Promising review: "I have a pillow-top and pillow-bottom queen-sized bed that is a little too small for king sheets, and with queen sheets I have battled to keep the sheets from popping off. I have tried everything! So I figured this was worth a try. It works. I was shocked. My sheets have not popped off once. I ordered this in February, and it is May now — and they have not popped off once! They used to pop off EVERY...SINGLE...NIGHT. To say this is life changing is not an exaggeration. Such a relief to be able to sleep through the night without ending up in rumpled sheets." —TinkerbellAPixie

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $13.99.

    34. A super sleek electric outlet cover to hide all the wires on your kitchen counter *and* gain extra outlets so you can finally use the Keurig and the toaster and the microwave all at the same time instead of playing a game of outlet musical chairs. 

    Promising review: "This electrical extender is wonderful. My kitchen has a really awkward outlet for the coffee pot. The outlet is close to the front of the counter, leaving a tangle of cords in front of the coffee maker and my electric kettle. I used the extender to move the outlets to the back of the counter. Now the counter is neat and untangled! I even have an extra place to plug in my phone charger!" —Margo

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95+ (available in multiple lengths and outlet numbers). 

    35. A stainless-steel tongue scraper that a lot of reviewers bought to prevent bad breath, but ended up loving even *more* because it made their mouth feel so squeaky clean (and in a lot of cases, made their taste buds experience flavor a lot more intensely!).

    reviewer pic of yellow tinged tongue
    reviewer pic of same user's tongue now clean

    DrTung's is a US-based small business that specializes in oral care products. 

    Promising review: "I have entered into a new era of oral hygiene with this product. I've always brushed by tongue each time I brush my teeth, but I couldn't help but feel that it was a futile attempt at controlling the growing white carpet on my tongue. Then I spotted this product. It arrived, and I immediately tried it out. The design makes it easy to reach the back of the tongue with minimal gagging. The first scrape produced particularly nasty results on the metal tool. After the first pass, you get diminishing returns. Two or three swipes is all it takes to have a clean tongue." —The Yodler

    Get it from Amazon for $7.81.

    You racing to get the snail mucin serum before TikTok sells it out again: