We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    43 Kitchen Products To Jazz Up Your Boring Meals

    Psst — this cult-fave movie theater popcorn seasoning is *epic* on ice cream, chocolate, and eggs 👀.

    1. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper to make you feel like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget julienne, chops, spiralizes, and slices vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.98.

    2. A cult-favorite ~secret~ popcorn salt that anyone in the movie theater industry will tell you is a perfect dupe for that oh-so-savory buttery goodness you love to inhale before the previews begin. Not to be dramatic about popcorn on main, but this stuff is game changing — reviewers put it on everything from ice cream to eggs to veggies. 

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Our family recently unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm.

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $10.10 (available in two other flavors).

    3. A magnetic air fryer cheat sheet so you can finally experiment with juuuuust the right amount of reckless abandon, while knowing everything you stick in there will still come out safe to eat. 

    Promising review: "Bought an air fryer several months ago which I haven't used a whole lot because it came with only a few recipes but not enough info on other items to cook. The Lotteli cheat sheet gives you cooking times and temperatures for a lot of your common everyday foods in a magnetized easy-to-read, two-sheet combo that fills in where air fryer pamphlet that came with the unit leaves out. I also bought an air fryer cook book but this only comes with specific recipes, whereas the cheat sheet fills in the void for quick basic needs. Very happy with this purchase! 😁" —B. Frank Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $8.91 (available in two colors). 

    4. A bottle of Mike's Hot Honey to instantly elevate every dish you make to "my compliments to the CHEF" level. You can add a pinch of sweet and a kick of spice to anything from pizza to salads to tacos to — be still my '90s bb heart — grilled cheese.

    A bottle of the honey drizzled on pizza

    Promising review: "Saw someone try this in TikTok and knew I needed it. It’s so good and sweet and spicy. I love it on fried chicken and even pepperoni pizza. It’s delicious." —Tricia

    Check out BuzzFeed's review of Mike's Hot Honey for more info!

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    5. A Yonanas fruit soft serve maker that magics any frozen fruit into an ice cream or sorbet texture so you can have a yummy frozen treat made to your *precise* favorite fruit combos. A lot of folks with dietary restrictions swear by this to get their ice cream kicks! 

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Promising review: "I saw one of these in action at a friend's house like five years ago and thought it was just a made up memory, because making ice cream out of solely frozen fruit seems wild. But when I saw a TikTok about it I immediately went to Amazon and bought it. Literally this was the BEST decision of my life. I cannot believe still how amazing this thing is! It makes the creamiest, best tasting fruit ice cream ever. It’s easy to take apart and clean, and super easy to use." —DMCKAY

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99 (available in five colors). 

    6. A mushroom growing kit that grows right there in the packaging, so you can add some sweet, sweet umami flavors to new dishes by sautéing, roasting, or air frying them up.

    A box with mushrooms growing out of the side
    Reviewer image of mushrooms cooking in a pan

    Back To The Roots is a California-based small business founded by two college friends that specializes in indoor gardening kits with a mission to reconnect families to food.

    Psst — if you have not put mushrooms in your air fryer, my friend, you have not yet lived the full human experience. Also this growing kit comes with some recipes to get you started!

    Promising review: "This product has been so much fun to watch! I followed the directions, exactly as written, and the mushrooms began growing within 3–4 days. I will say that I did soak them for close to 10 hours before putting them back in the box to grow and I believe this helped a ton. I also kept the box inside by a window with the blinds closed in order for them to get indirect sunlight. The mushrooms grew tremendously for almost a week before they started to shrink so I clipped them to cook with and they were DELICIOUS! This was such a fun product and process to watch. I am now in the process of trying to get a second batch of shrooms from the same box. Fingers crossed!" —Steph A

    Get it from Amazon for $19.15 (available in three varieties). 

    7. A silicone donut pan that can also be used for homemade bagels, essentially covering the only two essential food groups — perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with different seasonings and flavors. 

    The silicone pan full of six fully baked everything bagels
    A bunch of chocolate frosted donuts

    Psst — here's an extremely easy-to-follow Greek yogurt bagel recipe (plus a lot of reviewers mention using this for keto bagels, if that lights your fire).

    Promising review: "This silicone pan is great! I had been wanting to try making baked donuts and didn’t realize how easy it is! Pan is easy to use, clean and the donuts came out of pan easily and without breaking/sticking to the pan." —Tyler

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    8. A tiny milk frother that makes rich, creamy froths in seconds, because why stop at regular tea and coffee when you can have velvety-soft milk tea and lattes?

    Reviewer image of white marble handheld frother on its stand
    Reviewer using the frother to frother milk in a cup

    Promising review: "So I’ll admit I got this on a whim after a TikTok video, however I’m in love with this thing! It’s so much fun to use and you make your at home drinks feel so much more special. It’s easy to use and froths pretty quickly if you’re on the fence I’d say what are you waiting for buy it already!" —Denise

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 38 styles).

    9. A pair of glowing light saber chopsticks to bring balance to The Force *and* to your sushi. 

    BuzzFeed editor using the glowing, blue chopsticks to eat sushi
    Two sets of glowing lightsaber chopsticks in blue and red
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Check out a TikTok of the light saber chopsticks in action. 

    As you can see from the above GIF, I bought these for myself, and I love them to pieces. TBH, I use them as decor every bit as much as I use them to eat. Sometimes I just keep them in my work area to light them up during the day to feel fancy. They toggle back and forth between a bunch of different colors, like red, blue, yellow, purple, and multicolor, so you can either make them match *or* have a red and blue one together and bring ~balance~ to the Force.

    Promising review: "The chopsticks are very durable, and the glow is bright. They're a bit bigger that I expected — but very pleased nonetheless with the product because it serves the purpose and is entertaining for kids, right up to adult Star Wars nerds. It also made the perfect gift for my fellow Star Wars nerds. I've been too busy playing with them rather than using them to eat food — but hopefully that will eventually happen before the batteries need changing." —Anthony

    Get it from Amazon for $10.97.

    10. A beginner-friendly fermenting kit complete with everything you need to "set it and forget it," so you can serve yourself lil' sides of pickled things with your dishes like a fancy farm-to-table restaurant.

    Each kit comes with three fermenting lids with airlock valves, date setters, and an easy release tab, as well as an oxygen extractor. The lids are compatible with most wide mouth mason jars (you can snag two Ball mason jars on Amazon for $10.72).

    Promising review: "I have now been using my Easy Fermenter for several months. I continue to be delighted with the results. My favorite recipes are a cabbage/carrot sauerkraut, and a blend of fermented peppers (some sweet, some hot). I have recommended these fermenting lids to many of my friends because they make fermenting foods so incredibly easy! You will NOT be disappointed." —K. Dixon

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99.

    11. An egg bite maker so you can flex on Starbucks and Costco and all the other places where you're paying top dollar for fresh or frozen egg bites by — gasp?? — customizing and making your own for cheap. Bonus: you can take the silicone molds off of it and use it as a regular grill for sandwiches! 

    Psst — a lot of folks also use these for pancake and protein pancake bites! 

    Promising review: "I bought this in hopes to make egg bites similar to Starbucks and I have not been disappointed. I chose this one after reading reviews on the smaller four-bite size. I have used it multiple times and have had excellent results each time. I followed the recipe in the booklet and used a tip from another reviewer that suggested to triple the cottage cheese amount. It’s very easy to use and clean." —April124

    Get it from Amazon for $42.59 (available in three colors). 

    12. A set of restaurantworthy shallow pasta bowls to make you feel like you're genuinely ~plating~ all your meals like a professional — this is like a bowl and a plate had a very stylish, SUPER convenient baby for all your pasta and salad needs.

    Reviewer with veggies and salad in shallow bowl
    Reviewer showing the side angle to show that it's bowl-shaped

    Promising review: "These bowls are great. I lived my entire life until now without owning shallow bowls. I’ve been eating spaghetti off of a plate like some kind of wild animal. My life is forever changed." —JessieMo

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $29.50 (get this price by clipping the 20% off coupon at checkout).

    13. An extra large combo air fryer and oven for anyone whose Venn diagram of "I want to eat like royalty" and "I would like a machine to do all the cooking for me" is a circle. This bb comes with 11 different presets based on what kind of meal you're cooking so you'll get the optimum time and temperature for perfectly-crisped dinners and desserts that will leave your actual convection oven *shaking* with jealousy. (Particularly because this thing not only doesn't need time to preheat, but will cook food up to 50% faster!) 

    A white square shaped air fryer with a digital control panel
    Kebabs perfectly crisped in the air fryer basket

    Promising review: "After seeing so many people using it on TikTok, I had to get it. Zero regrets." —Deena Walton

    Another promising review: "I chose this particular air fryer over hundreds offered on Amazon. Features that were the most important to me were the number of presets (counting defrost), the warranty (a year), Cosori accessories, and ease of use. It is easy to clean in the dishwasher, and the preset settings mean that I don't have to calculate time or temperature. But it's also easy to add time or subtract it if you need to. The night I received my air fryer, I made the most amazing steaks that were so tender and moist inside! Since then, I have made Cornish hens, BBQ ribs, blueberry muffins, tater tots, and many other dishes. The fryer is not heavy and it is not loud when in use. Do yourself a favor and buy this!" —nativehoosier

    Get it from Amazon for $119.75 (available in three colors). 

    14. A bottle of avocado hot sauce to both delight and emotionally confuse your tastebuds with the combo of creamy avo + HEAT so delicious you'll be like, "Welp, time to open my own taco truck."

    Avocado hot sauce drenched on a sandwich

    The question is less what can you put it on and more what *can't* you put it on. Reviewers mention salads, burritos, eggs, burgers, sandwiches, and steak.

    Promising review: "Please start keeping this in stock! I'm stockpiling when you do carry it — just in case! So good. Favorable and just a mild level of hot, it's really good on anything that needs a little something — eggs, beans, rice, etc. Not a 'hot sauce' as much as a flavor enhancer. And, name aside, not really avocado in flavor; the avocado base just provides a little creamier, smoother, richer base for the spiciness. I can see people who don't like avocados still liking this sauce." —Jennifer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in three flavors).

    15. A super-chic minimalist glass tumbler that reviewers love for on-the-go iced coffee and water. I personally love mine because I am *terrible* at drinking water (the Wicked Witch of the West has nothing on me!!) but this straw situation has a weirdly good mouth-flow-feel (there is probably a more concise way to describe that, but too late!!) and it makes it more fun to hydrate. Also I am an aesthetic monster, and this ticks that box. 

    Editor holding glass tumbler with pink silicone lining and pink straw
    closeup of tumbler showing wooden lid
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and automatically liked it! I love that it comes in so many different colors and the top is wood. I drink lots of water and needed a cup I could take with me everywhere. I could also put iced coffee in it too. I love that it came with two straws, a clear one and white. I will be purchasing another one for my husband and also one for my mom in different colors!" —Rose

    Get it from Amazon for $13.59 (available in dozens of colors and in multiple packs). 

    16. A delicious ground habaneros powder for any dish that could use a kick of smoky spiciness to bring out the depth of other flavors — reviewers swear by this for everything from soup to shakshuka to ramen to scrambled eggs. 

    Iya Foods is a Black woman-owned small business that specializes in sustainably produced African spices, powders, and baking mixes, and uses a portion of profits to support an orphanage in Nigeria. 

    Promising review: "You see 'habaneros' and expect a punch in the mouth. This is not that. It's a fragrant, almost fruity pepper that elevates shakshuka to a whole new level. I add a pinch of it into all sorts of different dishes instead of black pepper. You wouldn't know the difference if I didn't tell you what it was, except that the food just tastes better. A little goes a long way, so the pouch has lasted us for several months already. I am going to buy more soon, and will try some of this lady's other spices when I do." —Shayla Williams

    Get it from Amazon for $9.50.

    17. A trio lasagna pan designed so that every single piece is a crispy "edge piece," and people in the family with different lasagna preferences can customize their own versions (sometimes you just gotta drown the whole thing in cheese, you dig me?).

    The pan with three rectangles of cooked lasagna in it
    Reviewer image of pan with babka cooked inside

    FYI, you can 6,000% use these for brownies, blondies, and bread too.

    Promising review: "As someone who has a child (now a teenager) that will not eat any form of cheese, this pan is amazing! I typically avoid making any food that has cheese mixed into it but now I can make him a section without cheese and the rest of us our regular cheesy goodness. Another benefit to this pan is how well the portions slice. One cut with the spatula gives you a perfectly formed square. Each section makes four regular-sized portions for our family." —TLC

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    18. A world-rocking Zhong sauce that TBH will keep all your local restaurant fare on their toes — this is slow-brewed with brown sugar, mushrooms, garlic, and a blend of spices so you can get all the kick of spice and comfort of umami flavors in one ridiculously delicious bite.

    Model dipping a dumpling into the jar of Zhong sauce
    Amber colored Zhong sauce on ramen noodles with sesame sprinkled over it
    Fly By Jing

    Get it from Fly By Jing for $15

    19. A small tabletop fire pit bowl for outdoor *or* indoor use so you can have all the joy of freshly roasted s'mores and hot dogs without the effort of pretending to enjoy camping. 

    Check out a TikTok of the tabletop fire pit in action. 

    Promising review: "I saw these concrete bases at our favorite winery and decided I had to have them. Checked out the Flickr website and was supremely surprised to see they were $120! A quick Amazon search and we are please with this knock off. Burns clean with high level of alcohol and it’s safe to cook marshmallows and hot dogs on." —Daniella

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99

    20. A stuffed waffle maker to introduce you to the infinite glory of stuffing food into a pillowy warm carb — I'm talking jam, cheesy eggs, meats, NUTELLA (!!), pie filling, peanut butter, the whole nine yards. I'm truly shaking thinking about amassing this kind of breakfast power. 

    The waffle maker with a waffle cooking in it
    A waffle stuffed with Nutella

    Check out a TikTok of the stuffed waffle maker for inspo! 

    Promising review: "I bought this after I saw a video on TikTok, so I had an idea about the yummy waffles I could make. First waffles were stuffed with apple pie filling. Second ones scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese. Just amazing!!! The only way you could make this better is to send a chef!! I definitely recommend watching a video on TikTok or YouTube to inspire you before you start!!" —Adirondackdarling

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99

    21. A bottle of cult-favorite Truff truffle-infused hot sauce, which *extremely* lives up to its hype — the combination of its heat and the calm of the umami truffle flavor instantly turn everything you put it in into a delicious emotional rollercoaster. Psst — in 2020 it was even one of Oprah's Favorite Things!

    Editor holding a bottle of Truff sauce over a sandwhich
    Truff sauce on a pizza
    BuzzFeed / Hannah Loewentheil

    Here's what BuzzFeeder and air fryer recipe extraordinaire Hannah Loewentheil has to say about this sauce:

    "There's one ingredient that makes even my most average home cooking taste amazing, and it's this truffle-infused hot sauce. I first heard about Truff on a list of Oprah's favorite things, and I knew she would never lead me astray. So I quickly realized I needed Truff in my own kitchen.

    There are three kinds of Truff hot sauces: the classic black truffle sauce, a 'hotter' sauce, and the crown jewel, the creme de la creme, a white truffle hot sauce. Look, the white truffle–infused hot sauce quite literally tastes like heaven, but IMO, the classic black truffle hot sauce is the most versatile and a staple in my kitchen. And while at first $20+ seemed like an absurd price to pay for hot sauce, this stuff is worth the price tag. I mean...truffles. And here's the thing: I've tried plenty of truffle-infused hot sauces, olive oils, and what-nots in the past, but they often taste overpowering or low-quality. Truff hot sauces are the perfect balance of decadent truffle, heat, spice, and a tiny bit of sweetness. Now I'm completely and most likely irrevocably hooked to this liquid gold. I slather it on pretty much everything savory from eggs and tacos to sandwiches and fried rice. If you're looking for a way to add flavor to your home cooking or turn basic meals into pure extravagance, you should probably invest in a bottle of Truff."

    Get Truff from Amazon: the black truffle hot sauce for $14, the "hotter" sauce for $11.99, and the white truffle hot sauce for $29.99.

    22. A pack of "Miracle Berry" tablets to go on a wild adventure with your taste buds — these temporarily make sour flavors (think: lemon, grapefruit) taste sweet, and make the flavors of your food *pop* in general. (A lot of reviewers with a dulled sense of taste from conditions also swear by these as flavor enhancers!) 

    The flavor enhancement is most noticeable on sharper and vinegar-based foods, like tomato sauces, dressings, and cheddar cheeses. The effects last up to an hour, and also increase saliva production for easier swallowing. 

    Promising review: "Don't hesitate to buy. I saw these on TikTok and wanted to try them. They’re awesome and make everything taste sweet." —Amazon Customer

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $15.29

    23. A set of nonstick, heat-safe sheet pan dividers shaped like trays so you can meal prep in the oven without wasting a ton of foil — this way when some elements need to come out before the rest are done cooking, you can just pluck a lil' tray right out, easy peasy. 

    a model holding a sheet pan with four silicone dividers each filled with a different type of food

    Check out a TikTok of the nonstick sheet pan dividers in action. 

    Promising review: "Brilliant. 100000% Recommend them! It lets me separate veggies by how long they take to cook so they are all ready at the same time and nothing is over/undercooked. I love these cheat sheets. They are a great tool for my kitchen." —yule

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in three colors, without or without lids, and in multipacks). 

    24. A two-pack of TikTok-famous Dan-O's seasoning, a low-sodium, hecka-flavorful option made with dried herbs, citrus, and granulated onion and garlic that reviewers love to jazz up everything from fish to beef to eggs to veggies.

    two jars of spices
    spice jar next to homemade hash browns

    Dan O's seasoning is a small business established in 2017 that gained popularity after taking to TikTok during the pandemic, where the company now has 1.5 million followers with plenty of droolworthy food content.

    Promising review: "I became interested in this product while watching TikToks. I have been adding it to so many things. I use it in spaghetti, on fish, and one of my favorites is to add it to popcorn. My husband had to ask why my popcorn smelled like steak. I love the fact that it is low sodium as well. I am not a fan of extra salt and most foods already have plenty of salt but need some seasoning. This should be your go to seasoning." —Heartcri

    Get a pack of two (one original, one spicy) from Amazon for $19.89.

    25. A tin of cocktail sugar or salt for the rims of your at-home cocktails that come in so many inventive flavors you might just call the Food Network to get your own bartending show.

    A whiskey glass with a sugar rim
    Reviewer with cocktail salt around a margarita
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    I started putting this on my end-of-the-week whiskey drink during the panini (quarantine made me go full Mad Men, who knew!!) and it is SO darn satisfying. I tried the citrus petals version, and it's got a light lemon, faint floral, and vaguely minty taste with its sweetness that just makes the whole experience a delight and a half. The container it comes in is actually quite wide, so what we did was pour lemon juice on the top half to prep the rim, and a bit of sugar in the bottom half to coat it. In other news, I am officially too fancy to exist.

    Promising review: "Since COVID-19 I have become my own bartender. Taco Tuesdays and margaritas! The lime comes through so well with this salt. I use it for Bloody Marys as well. It is thick and chunky so its a learning curve to get the right amount of salt on. Don't press down too hard if you don't like a lot of salt. I do like extra salt but my husband said it was a little much for him, so I have mastered just a light salt for him." —cobrajet427

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90 (available in nine flavors).

    26. A bottle of truffle seasoning that honestly has become one of my only personality traits, to the point where I'm just like, begging you to try it. I should gatekeep this stuff so I can have it all to myself but it is such a delicious and satisfying and ridiculously affordable alternative to real truffles that I'm throwing the gates WIDE OPEN. 

    BuzzFeed editor holding a bottle of truffle seasoning
    Reviewer image of sunny side up eggs with seasoning on them
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    *wheezes in truffle* Okay, I bought this on a whim because there's a sushi place down the street from me that makes truffle avocado sushi rolls and I was like, I need these in my life, but I also need money to live. I decided to DIY it with a regular $4 avocado roll and this seasoning and the umami bliss of it all basically exploded my brain. Since then I've tried it on eggs, on burritos, on potatoes, on chocolate mug cakes, pretty much every sweet and savory thing I can think of. The best part is you really get an excellent bang for your buck — it's so flavorful that I've been using this for months now and have barely made a dent in the container! 

    Promising review: "Yes, I'm a truffle lover to begin with. And, of course, only a truffle is a truffle. But I gotta tell ya this delectable heaven-sent powder is one heck of a more versatile option. Utterly AMAZING on popcorn, in eggs, added to soups and sauces to layer flavors, veggies, PASTA...the list is endless (I think the only thing I haven't tried was sprinkling it on ice cream...although LOL). It is a bit salty, so I advise testing the waters first. But I just ordered my ninth and tenth bottle of the Truffle Zest." —Greengirl

    Get it from Amazon for $12.34.

    27. A sampler of Avec Drinks' alcohol-free cocktail mix, a carbonated drink balanced to pair with spirits *or* by itself without all the sugary over sweetness of juices and traditional mixers. Basically it's all the joy of having an in-house bartender without spending the big bucks or the hassle of swapping out your sweatpants.

    All five flavors of cans
    A pomegranate can and cup with ice and juice on ledge
    Avec Drinks

    Avec Drinks is a woman-owned business established in 2020 that specializes in cocktail mixers. The Sampler includes three 8-ounce cans each of Jalapeño and Blood Orange, Ginger, Hibiscus and Pomegranate, Grapefruit and Pomelo, and Yuzu and Lime. Each is designed to pair with two ounces of a spirit, or to be enjoyed all on their own.

    Here's what BuzzFeed shopping writer Kit Stone had to say about these sips: “The way my life is set up, the very day I want a good cocktail is the very day I have no ingredients to make it happen. To be honest, I’ve never been much of the bartender, and when it comes to cocktails, I need something tasty that drowns out an overpowering spirit. So anything that came ready-to-go where I only had to add my spirit of choice, was already a win for me. After tasting, I was sold. The Avec Mixers take all the guesswork out of what to put in and how much. And, you can even drink them by themselves over ice without adding any alcohol at all. My personal faves are the Grapefruit and Pomelo, and Yuzu and Lime. If you want a super simple solution to super tasty cocktails, this is definitely the way to go.”

    Get it from Avec Drinks for $45.

    28. A split anti-soggy cereal bowl perfect for anyone who reserves the right to take their darn TIME eating their cereal without worrying about it turning into an unappealing, crunchless blob before they can finish it. Reviewers also love this for chips and dip or small salad and soup combos! 

    Reviewer's split cereal bowl with milk and cereal separated
    Reviewer's split bowl used for soup and salad

    Check out a TikTok of the split cereal bowl in action. 

    Promising review: "This product is something I didn’t know I needed. It’s like the creator crawled into my soul and found the deepest desire of my heart and then invented it. If you think I’m being dramatic, you should try soggy cereal and then eat cereal from THIS bowl. I’ll take 30 more, please, and hand them out as gifts." —Sarah F.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    29. A jar of za'atar, a Middle Eastern spice blend of thyme, toasted sesame seeds, and sumac that you'll find yourself sprinkling on just about every meal your whip up to add a little extra savory, spicy depth to it.

    Reviewer photo of the jar, which is about the size of their hand
    Photo of the sauce on baguette slices

    Promising review: "This za'atar is the best quality I have found. I've also found that the balance of sumac and thyme to be just right. This instantly spices up my boring meal prep food and I put it on my chicken, meats, salads, yogurt, or just in olive oil — basically it makes everything taste so much better. I highly recommend it!" —TC

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in two sizes).

    30. waffle bowl maker that doubles as a burrito bowl maker, because why eat dinner and dessert out of a regular bowl when you can EAT the bowl instead?? 

    Reviewer image of a waffle bowl with chicken salad in it
    Reviewer image of ice cream bowl

    Promising review: "This is the ninth Dash mini appliance I've bought and I love it. It's small, enough for one person. Easy to use. Easy to clean. Heats up pretty quickly. It doesn't take too long to cook my waffle bowl. I've only done it using shredded cheese and a couple of minutes was all it needed. Need to try it with other stuff, but so far, I'm happy with it." —Geovanny and Doris

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in four colors).

    31. A bag of powdered cheddar because if you can dream it, you! can! cheese it!! The blend is designed to meld with butter, sour cream, or other sauces for ultimate cheese blends, but reviewers are also obsessed with sprinkling it on popcorn, veggies, eggs, potatoes, and chips. It'a also gluten-free and keto-friendly! 

    Promising review: "My 6-year-old son is super picky with his mac 'n' cheese (as in, would only eat Kraft) so when he had to go gluten-free it was one of the things he missed the most. We tried all of the prepackaged gluten-free ones and he hated them.  it. This was a hit! I mixed it with a little milk and butter, and he ate two bowls. This is real cheese, all natural ingredients and they suggest keeping it refrigerated. I'm glad we finally found a replacement for his mac 'n' cheese!" —Naomi A. Dejesus Howard

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    32. A bottle of one of Hot N Saucy's unique hot sauces so you can take your taste buds on a happy lil' rollercoaster, from Sweet Potato N Habenero on your eggs in the a.m. to Garlic N Peperoncini on your veggies in the p.m.

    bottle of garlic and peperoncini hot sauce
    bottle of sweet potato habenero hot sauce
    Hot N Saucy

    Hot N Saucy is a New York City-based, Black woman-owned business that specializes in unique flavors of hot sauce (and VERY cute merch!!).

    Get it from Hot N Saucy: the Garlic N Peperoncini for $10 and the Sweet Potato N Habenero for $10.

    33. A mini cast-iron skillet to prioritize your three favorite humans: me, myself, and I. This is the *perfect* size for an individual egg, dip, or dessert for those nights when you're feeling fancy but certainly not feeling like whipping out a giant cast iron and dealing with a whole lot more cleanup later. 

    reviewer holding a black skillet with a cinnamon roll in it
    reviewer cooking an egg for an english muffin sandwich in the skillet

    Reviewers also swear by this for getting the perfect size egg for a breakfast sandwich, and for easy cooking on hiking and camping trips! 

    Promising review: "I love this pan so much more than I thought I would. I was absolutely not expecting to come up with so many uses for this tiny little pan but it works so well! It makes perfect individual fried eggs, individual portions of sauce, small jars of homemade lip balm, small batches of oil infusions, tiny little cookies or brownies for a late-night movie fix, individual portions of food like 4 or 5 fried shrimp, a few broccoli florets etc. It's great!" —Jennette Gerlitz

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in eight sizes). 

    34. A silicone baking mat for your sheet pan, so on days when you've run out of time to do anything orderly for dinner you can just slap a bunch of veggies and frozen goods down, drizzle them in olive oil, and shove them in the oven. Bonus: these are super easy to clean, so you won't have to deal with a mess! 

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $13.18.

    35. A breakfast sandwich maker that simultaneously cooks an egg, toasts bread, warms precooked meat, and melts cheese into the perfect sammie in less than five minutes. Dunkin' whomst??? 

    The sandwich maker
    reviewer holding egg sandwich

    Promising review: "Single best appliance I own. My boyfriend sent me this sort of as a joke; we both thought it was both ridiculous and brilliant to have a McMuffin maker in your house. And then I tried cooking with it for the first time. Holy crap, it's AMAZING. I ended up using frozen waffles for the bread; you have to trim them just a tad, but they are the perfect amount of crispy. I love experimenting with this, and have built some truly amazing sandwiches. Waffles, eggs, avocado, Swiss, and ham. Waffles, egg, corn salsa, jack cheese. If you can fit it into the rounds, you can make a sandwich with it. The panel under the egg slides out easily and cleanly when the egg is cooked (I find four minutes is perfect for cooked eggs with runny yolks), and the whole middle section can simply be tossed in the dishwasher." —Elizabeth Joy Weaver

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99 (available in five colors).

    36. A kitchen blowtorch you might have a hankering to own if you have also been watching cooking tutorials on TikTok — this little bb is perfect for crisping up everything from fruit to the tops of meat and cheese dishes to creme brulees to at-home s'mores. 

    Reviewer using small blow torch on creme brulees
    Crystallized grapefruit

    Psst — you do need butane fuel to operate it! 

    Promising review: "This little gadget is really great for the price. It is pretty to look at and has a nice weight and hand feel without being too heavy or bulky. Easy to fill, just remember to buy your butane! Has a gauge to turn flame up or down. Lock on top is a safety lock, as well as, a continuous flame lock. Even if you have it going for a while the top doesn't seem to get overly hot; a plus with kids and pets. The best thing is the ignite button. I have one of those long Bic lighters, and it takes two hands to get the thing to light! The Kollea torch is super easy! Great for someone who doesn't have a lot of finger strength. It crystallized the sugar on my grapefruit nicely and made it super juicy, yum! Looking forward to using it with my painting projects and other culinary adventures!" —SeeksTruth101

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99

    37. A salt and pepper grinder for ridiculously fresh, delicious seasoning on everything you make — a nice bonus is that these are an *excellent* dupe for other grinders that can get upwards of $100 with the same functionality and look.

    These each hold about 6 ounces to minimize refills, and the knob at the top lets you adjust your coarseness settings so you can get your desired pepper and salt thickness juuuuust right.

    Promising review: "This set fit the bill for me — it has an easy to use adjustable grind setting and I like the top feature where you can grind into the lid for larger spice needs. My pepper (purchased separately) gives off a nice scent and peppery bite to foods that was missing from prior grinders. I guess you could spend three times as much for a grinder, but at this point, I don't see an advantage. All that and the (family-owned) company reaches out for any assistance needed and even has a 'Chief Happiness Officer.' You gotta love that title. I am pleased to own the set and would not hesitate to give as a gift."Jane Doe

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $16.99.

    38. A ceramic "Grate Plate" that comes complete with a silicone garlic peeler and a wooden handle gathering brush. You can use this to properly grate garlic for your toasty bread, ginger for your hot tea, lemon zest for your baked goods, and more. Pro tip from the seller: add olive oil for the perfect garlic dip 😋.

    A blue hexagon-shaped plate with a grated surface with grated garlic on top
    The plate used to crush ginger
    The Grate Plate/Etsy

    The Grate Plate is an Oregon-based, mother and daughter–owned Etsy shop established in 2016 that specializes in colorful, handmade graters.

    Bonus — these are dishwasher safe!

    Promising review: "I love this Grate Plate. We were replacing one that we (unfortunately) broke. The shop of this plate is attractive, easier to hold onto than my old round one and it works really well! And the color is lovely, too." —Sandy

    Get it from The Grate Plate on Etsy for $29.99 (available in 14 colors; this item ships for free!).

    39. A stuffed-patty mold to elevator your burger game like WHOA. These are specially designed to hold the contents of the patty in place so you can truly go to clown town experimenting with the inside of your burgers, whether you're stuffing them with cheese, veggies, or — dare I suggest!! — Ritz crackers??

    A burger cut in half so the stuffed middle of the patty is visible next to the stuffed patty mold

    Promising review: "This actually works, and you can fill with a lot of stuffing (which surprised me). The device is very well designed and easy to use once you figure out which part is which. I was very surprised at the size of the indentation for filling. I put in: a slice and a half of cooked bacon, some sliced peppers, and small chunks of cheddar cheese. DELICIOUS! No leakage on my George Foreman grill. Worked great. They are big burgers, so you might end up sharing. Enjoy! It's a great tool at a great price. You can make pizza burgers, Mexican burgers, whatever you can imagine." —BarbZ

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    40. A set of porcelain ramekins to experiment with single-serving foods like mac 'n' cheese, quiches, and desserts, so you can inspire yourself to mix things up by letting your usual plate take a vacation.

    TBH, even if you don't cook something revolutionary in these, eating out of a lil' ramekin is an Experience (TM). Here are some fun ramekin recipes to try out if you take the plunge.

    Promising review: "These ramekins are great! They are the perfect 4-oz size and look beautiful. I used them to make some creme brûlée and they came out so adorable. They come well packaged and are easy to clean. They bake well and are pretty nonstick. Overall I am very happy with my purchase." —adc.jdc.522

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $15.38.

    41. A variety pack of grain pilaf mixes in flavors so delicious that you'll be mixing and matching them with all your favorite foods in no time. Bonus for any efficient meal preppers out there: it cooks in five minutes!

    Yolélé is a Black-owned, New York-based business established in 2017 that connects smallholder farmers in West Africa with local and global markets, and specializes in products inspired by traditional West African dishes. 

    The three flavors include Afro-Funk (dawadawa and herbs), Jollof (tomato and bell pepper, and Yassa! (onion, lime, and chili). 

    Promising review: "We ordered the variety pack and love all of them! This stuff is seriously good, and so quick and easy to make. Excellent quick and healthy meal...just throw in some chopped veggies and meat/tofu, and dinner is done in minutes. It’s also good cold, as a salad. Will definitely make this a staple in our house." —Kate in the Northwest 

    Get three-pack variety pack from Amazon for $18.95

    42. A "Gracula" garlic crusher, because you know what? If a 108-year-old vampire lurking moodily in the trees in the Pacific Northwest isn't going to fall in love with you and grant you immortality, one might as well make your life in the kitchen a little easier. 

    A reviewer twisting a vampire shaped garlic crusher and showing the garlic inside
    The garlic crusher sitting on a counter

    Promising review: "I love this little guy. I found him on a BuzzFeed list and had to have it as soon as I saw it! I’ve minced as many as five cloves in it in seconds. It’s a little tricky getting all of the garlic out once minced (I use a silicone basting brush to get most of it but I always use more than the recipe calls for anyway so it’s not a deal breaker). Cleanup is a breeze because he goes right in the dishwasher!" —Barbie

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95

    43. A spooky skull-shaped ice mold, because honestly, if we're all gonna become TikTok bartenders now, we might as well be metal as heck about it.

    Pro-tip: these molds also work for making soaps, birthday candles, chocolate, and fondant, covering all your miscellaneous undead needs.

    Promising review: "Got these to make ice cubes for a Halloween party. It's very easy to use and easy to clean. The cubes come out perfectly. I'm probably going to try to use it to make chocolate skulls next." —Amazon Customer

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

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