11 Happy Little Things To Make You Smile This Week

    Some good news for a change.

    We all know the world's been a little sad at the minute.

    So here's a bunch of lovely things that have happened lately to prove it's not all bad.

    Who knows, maybe they'll even make you smile!

    1. This story about villagers who knitted their rescue elephants sweaters to keep them warm.

    2. This dog modelling different cardboard cut outs.

    a dog in cardboard cutout is the best thing i've seen all day

    3. This story with a happy ending.

    Facebook: video.php

    4. That Norway is giving Finland a mountain for its birthday.

    5. This bucket of fluff.

    6. This teacher who has a special handshake for every student he teaches.

    Facebook: video.php

    9. This doggie who made a new friend.

    Dogs are too pure for this world ????

    10. This lovely little reminder that we often have more in common with people than we realise.

    Facebook: video.php

    11. This happy little bundle of joy.

    This is a weekly series. Have something happy that you think should be in next week’s post? Let me know in the comments or tweet me!

    Want more happy things? Here’s last week’s post!