11 Happy Little Things To Make You Smile This Week

    Come here and let me cheer you up with puppies and dancing stormtroopers.

    The world might seem sad right now.

    So here's a bunch of lovely things that have happened to prove it's not all bad.

    Who knows, maybe they'll even make you smile.

    1. Omar, the biggest cat in the world.

    Facebook: video.php

    He's about to win a Guinness World Record! You go, Omar!

    2. These dancing stormtroopers.

    Facebook: video.php

    3. This beautiful man and his wiggly hips.

    Facebook: video.php

    They do not lie.

    5. These reunited BFFs.

    This dog is seeing his BFF after months apart, and he can't EVEN.

    6. These people with Tinnitus experiencing quiet.

    Facebook: video.php

    7. These wonderful, supportive women that HAVE. THIS. SKATER'S. BACK.

    They really gave this complete stranger the confidence he needed to complete a task. Even pointed to the exact spot.

    These are my new role models. Everyday, get up and ask yourself how you can be more like these women.

    8. This man just drowning in puppies.

    Facebook: video.php

    9. This soothing cherry blossom bar.

    Facebook: video.php

    There's a bar in London that's filled with flowers that you can go visit.

    10. This fantastic future mechanic.

    View this video on YouTube


    11. This 63 year old skateboarder.

    This is a weekly series. Have something happy that you think should be in next week’s post? Let me know in the comments or tweet me!

    Want more happy things? Here's last week's post.