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    17 Ways To Decorate Every Corner Of Your Home With String Lights

    Make your curtains glow and backyard trees twinkle.

    1. Line your mirror with string lights to get more light when you're doing your makeup.

    2. Line a wall with lights and use mini clothespins to hang your favorite photos.

    3. Hang them high above a table if your dining room is a bit dim.

    4. Hide the lights behind sheer curtains to make your room a little more dreamy.

    5. Twist the lights into cursive to send a message to all your guests.

    6. Twist fairy lights into a few feet of rope if you like a rustic vibe but hate loose wires.

    7. Or conceal the wires with fake greenery.

    8. Drape lights over a decorative ladder to brighten up a dim corner of your home.

    9. Stretch bigger bulbed lights across your patio to make a twinkly canopy.

    10. Or wrap string lights around your tree trunks to get some mood lighting at your next barbecue.

    11. Hide cool-toned lights behind paper lanterns covered in batting to make a spooky cloud lamp.

    12. String them along your fence or balcony to feel like you're snuggling up with the stars.

    13. Stuff the lights into mason jars to make dreamy lanterns for the porch.

    14. Thread fairy lights through a watering can to shower your plants in light all night long.

    15. Or fill a watering globe with string lights if you can't see where you're walking in the dark.

    16. Turn grapevine lights into pineapples to make them a bit more fun.

    17. Or border a gallery wall with a string light frame to make it really pop.