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    You Need These 12 Hacks If You Hate Waking Up In The Morning

    Whether your morning alter ego is crabby, lazy, or forgetful, we've got a hack for you.

    1. Wake up an extra 10 minutes earlier if you can't break your morning social media habit.

    2. Simplify the way you make your bed so that you actually do it every morning.

    3. Plan out a week's worth of outfits so you don't get to Thursday and realize you don't have a clean top.

    4. Mix up a batch of protein balls to prepare an entire month's worth of breakfasts.

    5. Hang your umbrella on the door knob the night before if the forecast is gloomy.

    6. Schedule a regular phone call with your long-distance bestie because you know they'll always give you something to smile about.

    7. Or let your roommate know that mornings are your alone time if you prefer not to talk to anyone when you've just woken up.

    8. Put your favorite sitcom on in the background while you get ready, if the news is just dragging you down.

    9. If you have kids, make a morning schedule that they have to check off so you don't have to keep nagging them to, IDK, put pants on.

    10. Incorporate essential oils like lemon, rosemary, or spearmint into your shower for some energizing aromatherapy.

    11. Spin a jade roller all over your face if your skin struggles as much as you do in the morning.

    12. Keep a notepad near your mirror or on your vanity so you can write down all of the things you need to remember.

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