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    15 Borderline-Genius Hacks That'll Hide Storage Space All Over Your Home

    Did you know you can stow stuff in the seat of your chair?

    1. Turn two $8 Ikea tables into one sneaky storage space.

    2. Attach magnets to the bottom of your cabinets to hang your spices.

    3. Or make a drop-down spice rack out of a small briefcase, if you want to keep them in their original jars.

    4. Attach a wooden board and hinges to a chair to stow your stuff in the seat.

    5. Build this stovetop cover to get more counter space for all your prep work.

    6. Hide a murphy table behind a painting, so you don't need to clutter the space with an actual piece of furniture.

    7. Hook your kitchen tools on a towel rod to clear out a messy drawer.

    8. Or hide your kitchen equipment on a sliding rail inside an awkwardly sized cabinet.

    9. Build a floating drawer with a few boards and drawer slides.

    10. Attach a metal rack to a shelf slide so you can actually access the entire cabinet.

    11. Turn a bookcase into a storage-friendly countertop with a set of legs and a butchers block.

    12. Stash your secrets (or mess) in a false bottom made of a board glued to corks and a sneaky handle.

    13. Add casters to the bottom of a drawer to take advantage of under-the-bed storage space.

    14. Or attach casters to the bottom of a shelf to slide your pantry out of sight.

    15. And turn an old frame into a murphy drying rack if you don't have any room to hang up your wet clothes.