Miguel's New Album Is Here And, Dear God, Do Not Listen To It In Public

    Miguel is my sexual identity.

    ALERT! Miguel, God of Baby-Making Music in the 21st Century has finally dropped his newest album, War & Leisure. And, of course, it's incredible.

    Here are a few of the many, many very hot lyrics that you have to look forward to:

    "Wolf" will fuck you up, and that's all I have to say about that.

    "Anointed" is classic Miguel as it is equal parts sex and romance.

    As is to be expected, "Criminal" is dangerously hot.

    Miguel shows off his pipes on "Harem" and my, oh my, our boy can sing.

    "Banana Clip" is, umm, explicit.

    Miguel mostly sings in Spanish in "Caramelo Duro," and it's delicious.

    "Sky Walker" is honestly just a fun jam. But still sexy as hell.

    "City of Angels" is every single unrequited love you've ever pined after.

    You've probably heard "Told You So" at this point, but if you haven't it's a banger.

    "Now" is a much more somber song, but he still kills it with every lyric.

    Me when I hear Miguel’s singing voice. #ineedtochange #miguel #warxleisure #splish