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    11 Helpful Tips For People Who Want To DIY But Kind Of Suck At It

    If you don't have Mod Podge, do you even craft?

    You want to take up crafting but you feel kind of incompetent every time you try.

    1. ModPodge is a glue, a sealer and a finish that works well on paper, plastic, glass, even fabric. You can also try specialty finishes, depending on the project you are working on. Here's a simple guide:

    Mod Podge works well on most surfaces, so you can turn ceramic tile into pretty coasters.

    And you can transform old furniture with nothing but Mod Podge and wallpaper.

    Scrapbook and collage both work well with Mod Podge because it is adhesive but still thin enough that it won't wrinkle photos or flimsy magazine paper.

    2. The X-Acto knife is ergonomic, extremely dynamic, and very sharp (so be careful). Scissors are basically the caveman equivalent to this magnificent invention.

    The X-Acto knife allows you to make inside cuts as effectively as outside cuts.

    You could make a pinata without forcing your scissors to chomp through cardboard, because the X-Acto knife is a whiz with round cuts through thick layers.

    It also makes precise peeling and carving easier, so you can knock off your favorite stamps for cheap.

    3. Washi tape is one of the least messy craft supplies out there, and you can use it for so. many. things.

    Washi Tape is great for decorating because it is removable and doesn't leave a residue.

    And it can beautify almost anything, including boring things like your keys.

    Because it's removable, it's a great organization tool.

    4. Hot glue guns are cheap (the bestselling glue gun on Amazon is only $10), they glue things instantly, and you can use them on almost any thin material.

    Hot glue works on a variety of surfaces, from leather and mirrors to dried eucalyptus leaves.

    If you use the no-strings technique described above, it can be cleaner and more subtle than other glues.

    When hot glue dries, it doesn't just become a flaky mess; it dries just the way you left it. So you can also make cool projects out of the glue itself, with help from a little paint.

    5. Micron pens are specially designed to create an thin, permanent, smooth line. A pack of five costs $12.99, but they can last if they're well-cared for:

    Because the Micron pen is so dark, you can create a lot of depth in your drawings with thick blocks of black without the streakiness that comes with pencils or other markers.

    Microns are waterproof and won't smudge, so they're a great choice to finally start your bullet journal.

    6. Contact paper, which is usually adhesive printed vinyl, is an easy way to add pattern almost anywhere. Sometimes it's called "removable wallpaper", but you can stick it on plenty of other projects.

    Don't limit yourself to 2D. Contact paper is very pliable and can form to awkward corners or folds.

    Many types of contact paper won't damage paint or tile finishes, so it can be a renter-friendly way to upgrade your home.

    7. Concrete isn't just for hardcore DIY-ers! It's cheap ($3.99 for 10 lbs), doesn't necessarily require special tools, and looks great even if you have no artistic ability. You'll probably want the quick-dry kind.

    You can use just about anything as a mold for concrete, as long as it's moderately pliable and disposable.

    Concrete goes through various stages of hardening so it is pliable enough to get the look you want.

    Because of its thick consistency, concrete is a pretty well-behaved decorating tool.

    8. Gold leaf is gorgeous, but it can be a total pain. It is very thin, so crinkles and blows in the slightest of breezes. Literally moving your hand too quickly will send a loose sheet flying.

    As long as the surface is even, gold leaf attaches to any surface, whether finished or unfinished.

    Embrace your inner Klimt by using gold leaf in your artwork. Simply draw your image, paint it with adhesive, and apply your gold leaf.

    Love gold foil so much, you want to wear it? Totally fair, but you'll have to use gold transfer foil, instead.

    9. Glitter is kind of like sand at the beach: the second you go anywhere near it, it's everywhere.

    To evenly apply tiny sections of glitter, carefully brush on Mod Podge and pour the glitter on while it's still wet.

    If the glitter doesn't come out as glittery as you wanted it to, just keep layering Mod Podge and glitter until you get the texture you want.

    10. Acrylic Paint, at least the kind in small bottles at the craft store, is cheap and water resistant. Even better, it's very simple to use if you keep a few things in mind:

    Acrylic paint works on most surfaces, so you can use two or three coats to take the wicker trend up a notch.

    To get even lines, like the ones you'd need to protect the stainless on this mixer, mask off your painting area with masking tape.

    11. Paint Brushes

    Use the square brush to experiment with the impasto technique or loading your canvas with enough paint to create a three-dimensional texture.

    Try double-loading to create a lovely, blended, multi-colored stroke.

    Now you know how to craft so get crafting!