17 Refrigerators That'll Make You Cancel All Of Your Plans So You Can Clean

    Tired: ASMR. Wired: Perfectly arranged produce.

    1. This fridge that changed its messy ways.

    2. This fridge that's basically a candy shop for health nuts.

    3. And this one that clearly belongs in a museum.

    4. This fridge that knows pastels are in this summer, and is wearing 👏 them 👏 right. 👏

    5. This fridge that practically sings, "All you need is kale!"

    6. This fridge that paints with all the colors of the food pyramid.

    7. This fridge that is making me feel all tingly.

    8. This fridge that values transparency and eggs, in that order.

    9. This fridge that is doing The Most, which I 100% respect.

    10. This fridge that is so healthy and beautiful, it is glowing.

    11. This fridge that looks like a bucolic farm stand

    12. This fridge that favors bold colors and flashy design.

    13. This fridge that supports a very balanced diet.

    14. This fridge that is to me what I think ASMR is to some people.

    15. This fridge that knows green is the warmest color.

    16. This fridge that has a strict schedule, and doesn't have time for your BS.

    17. This fridge that has most likely been planned with a ruler, because I'm pretty sure these items are perfectly spaced.