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    Honey, We Need To Talk About Gotham's Season Finale

    On Monday, May 4, 2015, Gotham ended its freshman season with a bang. In Episode 1 x 22, "All Happy Families Are Alike," many crazy things took place and left Gotham fans hungry for the second season, and I am no exception. Alas, we must be patient, young grasshoppers, but until then, we need to talk about Gotham's season finale. So, here goes!

    1. Fish is back (all reign the Queen of Gotham)!

    2. Bruce Wayne is reminiscing about days gone by "two weeks later."

    3. Penguin no longer feels.

    4. Penguin just can't wait to be the king.

    5. Jim just unleashed his inner Rambo.

    6. Gordon has now realized that he needs to make better friend choices.

    7. Penguin is on fire!

    8. Gotham fails to notice that this would have been a great time to bring Harley Quinn into the show.

    9. Gotham Doesn't Realize The Need For Both An Explanation And Spin-Off Show For This Woman.

    10. Penguin and Fish seem to be having a cat fight over who Butch's loyalty is to.

    11. Penguin will never truly be "royal," but "babes," he will rule.

    12. Kristen isn't fooled by Ed's bad lying; and sadly we CAN'T be fooled because most of us have watched "Under the Knife."

    13. Ed feels the love tonight, and Kristen has no clue.

    14. Was this camera angle necessary?

    15. Join the dark side, because now we are finally able to offer you Edward Nygma.

    16. Ed makes himself laugh, but nobody else is in there to laugh with him.

    17. The moment Ed was at war with himself was like taking a trip into The Twilight Zone.

    18. FINALLY there is a face that perfectly describes all of my emotions and Ed is that face.

    19. Alfred is so paranoid that he thinks Thomas Wayne would rig the house with bombs.

    20. The cave that Bruce walked into at the end of the episode may or may not be what we think it is.

    21. Both Alfred and Bruce's face was pretty much my face when the episode ended.

    THAT'S A WRAP! (For season one, that is.)