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    The 10 Struggles Of Owning A Basic Phone

    Owners of the iPhone 6, gather round

    1. Friends look at your phone like it's an ancient artifact...

    2. The data-free phone selection is quite limited

    3. Your friends always ask, "Well, why don't you just get a smartphone?"

    4. Emojis are the death of your phone

    And don't even start on group messages.

    5. You have to carry around an iPod if you want to seem like you belong in the 21st century

    6. Which means that Wi-Fi is a necessity, not a privilege

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    7. So when your boss asks, "Did you get my email?"

    And that leads to the whole "Well why not?!" discussion all over again

    8. The only apps on your phone are Tetris and Snake

    9. That 160 character text limit

    and lastly...

    10. Being the only one who remembers what it's like

    But hey, it ain't all bad!