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    The Dream Cast For NBC's Next Live Musical 'The Wiz'

    "I can't see how goin' south 125th street ever made anybody's life better." We hope this dream cast makes yours ten times better.

    Keeping up with the yearly tradition, it has been reported that NBC's next live musical will be 'The Wiz'.

    Somehow, Cirque de Soleil will be involved...

    NBC has the opportunity for a lot of creativity with the casting, but may not take these chances.

    Patina Miller as The Scarecrow

    Billy Porter as The Tinman

    Idris Elba as The Cowardly Lion

    Diana Ross and Ben Vereen as Auntie Em and Uncle Henry

    Jamie Foxx as The Wiz

    Audra McDonald as Glinda The Good Witch

    Octavia Spencer as Evillene, The Wicked Witch of the West

    Tituss Burgess as Dorothy

    And last, but most definitely not least...

    Quvenzhané Wallis as Toto

    What do you think?