18 Things Everyone Who Was Homeschooled Knows To Be True

    You're always the top of your class.

    1. You basically went on field trips every dang day, no matter if it was to the park, the grocery store, or the public library.

    2. If you had a bad day at school, venting to your parents about your teachers was hardly an option.

    3. When push came to shove, your siblings were definitely your best friends, except when they were your worst enemies.

    4. You were basically always in your pajamas — learning happened best when you were comfy AF.

    5. If you were religious, there's a 100% chance your church youth group contained 98% of your squad.

    6. And you probably met your first crush at a church or community lock-in.

    7. But your dating life was essentially non-existent until you had a license.

    8. Taking a college class either made you feel like an idiot or a genius — and sometimes both.

    9. Your ability to sense if someone else was also homeschooled is one of the greatest superpowers.

    10. Not being around a bunch of people allowed you to grow as an individual, so your sense of self is basically off the damn chain.

    11. You set your own schedule, which allowed you to choose what you actually wanted to learn.

    12. And some of that time was definitely spent looking in the back of the book for the answers.

    13. Homeschool prom was simultaneously the most ~lit~ and wholesome event of the year.

    14. If you had a yearbook at all, it was probably scrapbooked and included pics of your dog.

    15. Your high school reunion was a party of one — unless you went to a co-op, in which case it was like 10 people.

    16. You 100% knew all about sex education — just kidding, you nodded and Googled everything later.

    17. Nothing felt as good as finding other homeschooled kids like yourself.

    18. And finally, people didn't always understand your way of life — but you wouldn't have it any other way.