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    11 Times I Cried Watching The "Night Changes" Music Video

    One Direction released the music video for their new single "Night Changes" today. As you would expect, it was magical and I was a mess.

    Let's be honest, I cried through the whole thing.

    1. When Zayn took me to a fancy restaurant and looked at me like this

    2. When I arrived to my carnival date with Liam and he had a caramel apple waiting for me

    3. When Liam gave me his scarf!!!!!!

    4. When I was transported to heaven to go ice skating with Harry

    5. When Harry and I skated the night away

    6. When Louis looked like this while he was driving

    7. When I was on an intimate date with Niall in his house

    8. When Niall laughed at himself after he tried to catch food in his mouth

    9. When Zayn held my hand during our dinner date

    10. When Harry almost killed me on our ice skating date and broke his arm

    11. When Niall set his arm on fire

    12. Even though all these dates ended horribly, I had a great time! Can't wait for our next one! Where are we going next, boys?