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    The True Story Of Colgate Day

    That time Colgate raised $4 million+ in 24 hours and everybody got a little rowdy.

    Once upon a time, Colgate sent everybody an email saying that if 1,300 people donated on Colgate Day, some anonymous dude was going to casually give us $1 million for financial aid. And you were like

    The Raider took over the @colgateuniv Twitter feed to spread the word.

    Phones began ringing off the hook...

    ...While the Raider grabbed some Slices.

    Meanwhile, on campus...

    All the students were like

    The next morning, the Raider went on a #RaiderWalkabout

    View this video on YouTube


    You can see the whole walkabout here.

    All day long, whenever you had a thought about Colgate, you were like

    And @colgateuniv probably retweeted you, so then you were like

    Twitter started to get a little spam-y...but, like, in a good way?

    Aaaaand then we hit 1,300 donors 12 hours ahead of schedule.

    Everyone was like

    Except for two anonymous alumni, who were like

    President Herbst manned the phones.

    Yeah, so, then this happened.

    And absolutely everyone was like

    Except for one anonymous former student-athlete, who was like

    So you finally decided to call and give $13 to Colgate.

    Meanwhile, on Twitter...

    The Colgate Club of Cleveland started tweeting selfies...

    ...And so did the Colgate Club of Los Angeles.

    Suddenly it was all-out Cleveland vs. LA selfie warfare.

    Pretty much everyone on Twitter was like

    Then Women's Basketball entered the fray and sent, like, a billion and a half selfies of themselves on a bus.

    The Raider expressed his unrequited love for Carrie Clifford '93.

    Then it was almost midnight, and everyone was like


    But we still didn't have the results!

    So you sat and waited til 2am for the results email to come out.

    WE DID IT!!!!!

    Happy Colgate Day, everybody.