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    Time For Us Millennials To Stop Feeling Like Our 20s Suck

    Thought of the day

    Countless conversations with friends, as well as a large number of articles and rants that can be found on social media, there is a large consensus that our 20s suck. It is the decade of our lives that is both the best and worst times thus far. You are trying to navigate through the start of true adulthood, and in the middle of "trying to get your shit together" while simultaneously fightin off the previous generations' comments on how we are over-privileged +millennials. This, based off the fact that they all had jobs and were starting familys before they even hit 30.

    Yes, we may have a "skewed perspective" and are at fault for our own problems. Yes, we are responsible for our thoughts and actions, but take a moment of perspective. While we are to blame for our own lives (or lack their of), it is not entirely our own fault that we've collectively concluded that our 20s suck. Our parents and grandparents raised us to believe that we are lucky to have the freedom to do what we want, our way. THE WORLD IS OUR OYSTER. But then you turn 20, graduate from college, move back to your childhood bedroom, try to find a career (not just a job) all the while you get crap for your life from your parents. WTF kind of hypocracy is that? We are put in a position of stability vs. passion, despite being told we should do what we love. Now, I'm not saying both is not possible, it is just much harder to attain at a younger age due to the workforce demanding more experience, but not too much because you can be overqualified. However, it is time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves.

    We are at an age where we are the most free, and yet so many of us are unhappy with where our lives are. We convince ourselves that our 20s suck. It shouldn't. It should be the best damn decade of our lives, but everyone is telling us we should feel bad about it. It really is time to stop and change the conflicting perspective of our 20s. Like currency, lifespan has inflated; a longer life mean extended periods of trying to establish yourself. We may not want to be, but we are defining generation. Its up to us to change the perspectives and show that its okay to wade through life. We are allowed to enjoy finding the balance of taking on the real world.