This Might Be The Most Underrated Man On Earth

    He needs our time, our love, our appreciation.

    Stop what you're doing, because there is someone who deserves your undivided attention.

    1. That person is Dougie Poynter, aka the most underrated man in existence.

    2. Here he is, looking hot AF.

    3. Despite being a fully fledged BABE, Dougie doesn't get the credit he deserves. Because just LOOK at him.

    4. This is a man with a jawline so defined it'll almost bring you to tears.

    5. This is a man who possesses biceps so perfectly formed you can't help but imagine them wrapped around you.

    6. Despite being an actual human who walks the planet looking like this, pictures of Dougie still don't grace enough lockscreens.

    7. People aren't fainting on the spot at just the sight of him.

    8. And that is outrageous.

    9. I mean, come the fuck on.

    10. Dougie is a man who looks at you and your ovaries spontaneously implode.

    11. He's a man who will make you wish you were an actual bass guitar just so you could be touched by his perfect hands.

    12. He's a man whose eyes penetrate your soul.

    13. Whose smile makes your day that little bit brighter.

    14. Also, he captioned this photo "My sex face," so do with that information what you will.

    15. He's the sort of man who takes selfies with penguins, and it's so cute you might actually die.

    16. He has a face hand-crafted by actual angels in heaven.

    17. JUST LOOK AT IT.

    18. So please, if you do one thing today, let it be staring at Dougie.

    19. Appreciating all that he has so selflessly given us.

    20. Because frankly we are not worthy.