18 Times Victoria Beckham Was Actually Really Fucking Funny On Instagram

    Her caption game is A+.

    1. When she hung out with herself, circa 2007, and posed in the most Spice Girls way possible.

    2. When she proved she's not too posh to push.

    3. When she had a bit of ~me time.~

    4. When she gave no fucks about needing an actual ladder to decorate her massive Christmas tree.

    5. When she casually caught up on some emails.

    6. When she tried to befriend a mannequin.

    7. When she recruited the services of her photographer to keep her cool during a photoshoot.

    8. When she opened a brand new shop.

    9. When she had a relaxing night in with her BFF.

    10. When no one would dance with her so she had to resort to drastic measures.

    11. When her bike got stolen, but she still managed to see the funny side.

    12. And couldn't resist the opportunity for this joke a few weeks later.

    13. When she went rollerbooting in Barney's, because why not.

    14. When she tried out a new look.

    15. When she asked excellent question.

    16. When she returned to her musical roots with a makeshift microphone.

    17. When she hung out with her new colleagues.

    18. And when she told us all that she felt like an old bag