This Photo Of Girls Aloud Was Taken 10 Years Ago Today And It's Amazing

    So much fake tan, so much '00s fashion.

    When we think of Girls Aloud, we remember them as this stylish, sassy five-some.

    But today is Cheryl Cole's 31st birthday and in celebration, Kimberley Walsh has shared this photo of the girls at Chezza's 21st birthday - ten years ago today. And OH MY GOD it's amazing.

    1. Nadine's highlights and wonky fringe.

    2. While we're on hair, we'd totally forgotten Kimberley's brief goth stage phase during the "Love Machine" era.

    3. Nicola's 00's hankerchief top.

    4. The fact they're wearing individually coloured, matching belts.

    5. And finally, the fake tans.

    We will forever love your sassiness, Girls Aloud.

    For the record, this is what Cheryl looks like on her 31st birthday.

    And here she is with her red velvet cake.

    Happy birthday Chez!