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22 Small But Really Annoying Inconsistencies In "Friends"

The one with all the inconsistencies.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community which TV continuity error infuriates them. There were a lot for Friends, so here are some of the best responses.

1. Monica appearing to change her mind about the existence of soulmates in a matter of weeks.

2. Phoebe encountering her brother in season two, and it never being explained.

3. Monica forgetting that Ross told her when he lost his virginity.

4. Ross forgetting when he lost his virginity.

5. Rachel being pregnant for over a year.

6. David saying he lives in Minsk in Russia when Minsk isn't in Russia.

7. Monica time travelling on her date with Pete.

8. Monica and Chandler saying "I love you" for the "first time," twice.

9. Rachel and Chandler meeting "for the first time" on three separate occasions.

10. Ross forgetting that he doesn't actually hate ice cream.

11. Chandler saying he can't cry despite there being plenty of evidence to the contrary.

12. Monica's wedding gift going from wrapped to unwrapped to wrapped continually throughout this scene.

13. Mike's Scarf going from tied to untied and back again throughout this scene.

14. Joey's shirt changing from purple to black in the same scene.

15. The numbers of their apartments changing.

16. The toilet in Joey and Chandler's bathroom changing position for one episode only.

17. Joey's agent Estelle helping deliver Ross and Carol's baby.

18. Rachel's baby suddenly being breech and pushing anyway.

19. The partition to Joey's "bedroom" being visible in this scene.

20. Everything about Rachel's sisters.

21. Chandler and Rachel's appearance changing in a matter of hours.

22. And, finally, their birthdays changing all the damn time.

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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