People Are Slating This Celeb For Losing Weight For A DVD

    Some feel misled about the reason for her weight loss, and others are concerned that celebrity fitness DVDs are "unhealthy".

    You may have noticed the dramatic transformation Gogglebox's Scarlett Moffatt has undergone recently.

    Scarlett has revealed that by overhauling her unhealthy diet and hitting the gym, she's lost over two stone.

    However, she's now revealed another reason for her transformation: She's releasing a fitness DVD.

    Scarlett announced the news on Instagram, sharing this photo of the DVD's cover.

    But celebrity fitness DVDs have a controversial history.

    In many cases, the celebrities haven't just followed the DVD workouts, but also dedicated diet and fitness plans created by professionals. Numerous celebrities have spoken publicly about how they put the weight back on after the DVD was released because they weren't being held to such a strict regime – and one, EastEnders' Natalie Cassidy, said the fitness DVD industry is a "farce" and that she came close to developing an eating disorder as a result.

    And it didn't take long for people to criticise Scarlett for releasing a DVD. Some pointed out that Scarlett actually dismisses the idea of ever releasing one in her book.

    Others expressed disappointment that they'd felt misled about the reason for Scarlett's weight loss.

    Others said the public were being misled by celebrities claiming their weight loss was down to following just a DVD, and not from a professionally created diet and personal training plan.

    And some said they believed the process of losing weight for a DVD was unhealthy and the results impossible to maintain.

    However, plenty of people said they would be buying the DVD.

    And said they'd found Scarlett's weight loss "inspirational".