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Kylie Jenner Posed For Calvin Klein With Her Stomach Covered And People Are Losing It

In all four photos, Kylie's stomach is covered with all manner of props, which people are taking as a confirmation of her pregnancy.

Amid all the excitement surrounding the arrival of Chicago West, and the confirmation of Khloé's pregnancy last week, the Kardashian family might be hoping that we've all forgotten about the fact that Kylie Jenner is still to confirm the fact that she's pregnant too.

However, today Kylie has emerged for her first public appearance in months, thanks to the launch of the Kardashians' campaign with Calvin Klein.

And OF COURSE we haven't forgotten the fact that she's pregnant. Within minutes of the images dropping, everyone began scouring them for signs of a baby bump. Would we finally receive the confirmation we've been waiting for?!

Turns out, no.

Because Kylie's stomach...

Is conveniently covered up...

In every single...

Goddamn photo.

Yep. Her stomach is covered with all manner of props, including a duvet, a blanket, a cushion, and even Khloé Kardashian.

And the only group shot in which props aren't used, Kylie is very clearly...not there.

Of course, people have lost their damn minds over it.

Kylie out here posing for Calvin Klein covering herself in a damn blanket 😂😂😂

I'm crying at how the others are flaunting it and Kylie is wrapped up like she's going 4 a nap

People are dying.

dead at kylie lmfaooooooo https://t.co/5TdQZjY9Kq


i’m screaming like kylie sweetie stop these shenanigans

Taking the piss.

Sick cover up Kylie https://t.co/GtAQNNvomA


they’re hiding kylie’s belly in every single picture... like she must be pregnant. and if she isn’t... then fuck th… https://t.co/CH8nf3JX3l

And taking this non-announcement as confirmation.

Yes, Kylie has her belly hidden, she is fucking pregnant https://t.co/JppNN7EPML

Will we ever be put out of our misery?

Find out more about the Calvin Klein campaign here.