Here's Why Justin Bieber's Fake Pregnancy Announcement Has Caused A Huge Backlash

    "Let's hope you never have to go through infertility or the loss of a pregnancy."

    You're probably aware that yesterday was April Fools' Day, AKA the worst day on the internet.

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    Strangely, there were very few celebrity pranks to speak of. However, mid-way through the day, Justin Bieber shared a photo of an ultrasound scan on Instagram without a caption, which of course sent everyone into a tailspin.

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    Well, a little sleuthing revealed that the ultrasound photo definitely didn't show an incoming baby Bieber — in fact, it's the first image that appears when you search: "12 week ultrasound."

    However, Justin then shared a series of images of what appeared to be a pregnant Hailey Bieber in a doctor's office, alongside the caption: "If U thought it was April fools."

    At this point people were very, very confused.

    But then, around an hour later, Justin confirmed the whole thing was indeed an April Fool with this Instagram photo and caption.

    However, the prank didn't go down well at all. In fact, over recent years, many people have spoken out about how painful fake pregnancy announcements on April Fools' Day can be for a range of people — for anyone desperate to become parents, to people struggling with fertility issues and those who have suffered the loss of a child.

    And social media was awash in the run up to the day with images warning people against using pregnancy as an April Fools' prank.

    And so it didn't take long before people began calling Justin out, branding the prank "insensitive," "shameful" and "disgusting."

    Some said they'd "lost all respect" for Justin and Hailey as a result.

    And many others drew attention to the statistics surrounding miscarriage, stillbirths and infertility.

    Before saying that pregnancy "is not a joke."

    Some people even shared their own experiences of miscarriage and infertility.

    And others said that Justin and Hailey should have thought more carefully about their prank considering their huge platforms.

    And made the point that a significant proportion of his 107 million Instagram followers had probably experienced miscarriage or infertility.

    Others called for Justin to apologise for the prank.

    However, some people defended Justin and said the prank clearly wasn't intended to cause offence.

    Spokespeople for Justin and Hailey have been contacted for comment.