

"People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross "People are like stained glassed windows; They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within." ~ Elizabeth Kubler Ross I'm all about trying to leave this green earth, with a little more sunshine & warm vibes than it can contain. I grew up Navy kid (mostly in Virginia, Florida, Guam, Philippines, & of course, California), who's only consistent thing growing up, was that there was always change. Hence, I like adapting to new situations and always down for meeting new people. At the same time, I still remember all my friends from middle school, when I was still that pip squeak girl who always wore pink & grey and had either my pastel pink glasses on or my pastel purple glasses on - now that I've grown up, I have a pair that our both purple & pink - go figure. Also, because we were a Navy family, I need to be close to the water, I don't necessarily have to be in it but I have to at least see it once a week or I feel like something's askew in the world. Also, for those of you who follow astrology, yes, I am a Pisces...just call me Ariel the Little Mermaid... Recently, everything seems to interest me...I want to learn everything, do anything that will ehance my life or make me see things through a different perspective and vice versa, I'd like to meet people who have the same outlook on life. Anyway, meeting great new friends again is cool but old skool friends & family are pretty first & foremost in my book...they keep me grounded on terra firma...

Mar 2011
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