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    Top 10 Things I Have Learned From Two Days On Tinder.

    Who knew Tinder would be so dang enlightening. I have been on a journey and I have found my true self.

    10. I like brown boys.

    9. My brain only has two speeds: "I am in search of my one and only true forever life long lover, therefore only the best shall do as the possible future seed of my spawn." and "This one's kind of cute. YOLO *swiperight"

    8. The YOLO swipes actually talk to me.

    7. I actually prefer to talk to the YOLO swipes.

    6. Never have I ever used and/or needed Urban Dictionary more than when I have been on Tinder

    5. According to Urban Dictionary, Anthony means sexy, cute and all round smooth talker (among other things)

    4. Most guys really respect the Oxford comma...

    3. I think I may be cuter than I think I am based on the number of matches I've been getting.

    2. Most guys in my area think girls care about 2 basic things; the guy's height, and how he looks while shirtlessly holding a big ass fish.

    1. Finding a cute guy to hang out with may not be as impossible as I thought it would be.