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    10 Things People With Uncommon Names Know To Be True

    Because no matter how many times you say it, spell it out, or explain it, no one can seem to get it right.

    1. Introducing yourself to new people is a well practiced and formulated process.

    After all, you've been doing this for years.

    2. It doesn't matter if you have to say it multiple times, spell it out, or suggest a mnemonic device, you're always willing to take your time and teach people how to pronounce your name.

    We really appreciate the effort.

    3. Sometimes it's easier to just tell people how your parents came up with your name.

    Because clearly someone thought this name was a great idea at the time. Either way, it's a pretty cool story.

    4. Which is why you hate it when people try to say "I'm never going to remember how to say that. Can I just call you something else instead?"


    5. You've even considered letting Jamie Foxx know that you could use a cool little song about your name in order to help people along the learning curve.

    View this video on YouTube

    How do you say Quvenzhané? Correctly. Now I can say it correctly. Thank you J. Foxx.

    6. And because you understand the struggle, you tend to make an effort to correctly pronounce the names of all those in the strange name trenches.

    Which also makes you a little more forgiving and understanding of the folks that still slaughter your name.

    7. You have may or may not have used a fake name at Panera or Starbucks just to avoid the confusion.

    Sometimes you just want a coffee and you want to be sure it's yours.

    8. You understand that there is a finite amount of time between when your teacher mispronounces your name at the beginning of the year and you correct them before the entire school calls you by that wrong name.

    You hope and pray they get it right by graduation.

    9. At least you rarely have to worry about a coming up with a new user name when you open online accounts.

    That user name IS available? Well, ya don't say.

    10. But you will change the world one day, and then perhaps everyone will know your name. Even if they still mispronounce it.

    There is hope. There is always hope.