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    49 Things You’ll Wish You’d Bought Last Fall Because They’re That Good

    You dry paws will thank you.

    1. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you simply throw in your sink (the whole packet!), turn on the water, and watch fizz up as it does the tough work below on all the gunk that OTHER PEOPLE have let build up in your disposal. You don't see them overzealously dumping, but you KNOW it's happening. 

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "Saw on TikTok (don’t judge) and automatically added to cart. So easy to use, takes probably a minute to fully bubble up and clean, and you’re left with a clean sink! I use with other drain cleaning products, but would 100% recommend for weekly maintenance." —Jessica Hamilton

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $6.99.

    2. A cuddly teddy jacket that'll feel like a warm hug every time you pull it on. You're gonna need/want/etc., both the button-up and zip-up versions... in all the colors. Sorry not sorry!

    3. And a lightweight water-resistant down coat as a topper against the fall chill that'll pack down to fit in a small bag. Affordable, available in eight colors, and easy to transport? Sign me up!

    4. InstaFire, an eco-friendly fire starter from Shark Tank with four fires in a pouch so you'll be set even if you don't remember how to build a campfire from back in your Girl Scout days. (OK, I could if I had to.) This'll also seriously come in handy if you're all of a sudden interested in camping as a vacay option.

    5. Or if you've already mastered actually building a fire, a pouch of Mystical Fire you drop onto your wood fire to create a colorful, magical effect.

    A campfire with rainbow flames

    6. Shudder, an excellent streaming service with a STACKED lineup of horror, sci-fi, thrillers, and more.

    bloody woman, monster made of human teeth, Nic Cage with his face covered in blood

    7. Knit and faux fur-lined booties more or less made for jumping into piles of leaves. They'll keep your feet toasty too!

    8. A tub of O'Keeffe's hand cream to give your ragged cuticles and dry paws a major overhaul because they always seem to get super dry as soon as the calendar says it's ~officially~ fall.

    before photo of a reviewer's extremely dry hands and cracked cuticles and an after photo of the same hand looking much more moisturized and free of cracks

    9. A Squatty Potty which, if you don't already know what it does, helps position your body in a way that'll feel more natural for your colon and, therefore, make going no. 2 easier. (More or less.) It's never a bad time to invest in one of these.

    model wearing clothes sitting on a toilet with their feet propped on the stool-like squatty potty

    10. A winter hat that somehow looks good on everyone, which'll increase the number of days you'll spray dry shampoo on your dirty hair, wear a cute hat, and call it a stylish day.

    11. A door draft stopper the least handy person in the world could handle installing to prevent cold gusts from coming indoors. Don't make your heating system work harder than it has to! Bc $$$!

    12. And a roll of thick foam tape weatherstripping even YOU can handle installing on doors where you can normally feel the fall gusts creeping in. No more!

    13. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can simply just spray on after you shower, wait 8–12 hours while it tackles mold and mildew stains, soap scum, and just about any gross grime without YOU having to scrub. Talk about practical to the max. 

    reviewer's pic of a nasty dirty looking bathtub
    same reviewer's tub that's almost completely clean

    Promising review: "This product is so easy to use. As you can see from the pictures, my bathtub was staying pretty good. The guy that owned the house before me used Ajax to clean it so it has almost no enamel left on it and it’s probably the staining and nothing could get it out until I bought this. After 4 8-hour applications you can see the difference. I highly recommend this to everybody and once it’s completely clean I’m gonna go on the once a week application. I actually bought another bottle for my dad and mom." —Domenick R. Stamegna

    Get it from Amazon for $17.97.

    14. Cozy knee-high socks because the '90s are back BAY-BEE, even though you've been mimicking Cher and Dionne's style since you were able to dress yourself.

    three models wearing knee high cable knit style socks

    15. Or some fun wool socks in tons of colors and patterns you can let peek out from your ankle boots for a bit of color amongst a rainbow of fall neutrals.

    person wearing colorful argyle print socks

    16. Wood polish and conditioner to revive all sorts of wood surfaces around the house. Hardwood floor that looks gray? Check! Kitchen cabinets you priced out as a total horror story? Check x2! Front door you thought about replacing Check x3! Look at you with all your indoor projects!

    17. Wondercide Spray that'll serve as a naturally derived alternative to your pet's monthly treatments because fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes are horrible! Your pet doesn't need to speak human words to tell you that!

    person spraying the product on a calm looking golden retriever dog

    18. And a bottle of Grip Clean heavy-duty soap made with coconut and olive oils so you can get those exceptionally dirty paws hands of yours back to their normal, clean selves. Yes it cleans THIS well but doesn't dry out your hands!

    reviewer's before and after pic of grease covered hand and then clean hand thanks to the soap

    19. A bottle of pumpkin spice syrup for extremely obvious, tasty reasons. Your at-home coffee game is about to get a LOT sweeter.

    bottle of the amber-colored syrup

    20. Affresh dishwasher tablets that'll get rid of residue that ends up creating odor and buildup on your dishes. Turns out, you don't need a new dishwasher, it just needs a proper cleaning.

    reviewer pic of residue coated dishwasher insides
    same reviewer's pic of the dishwasher insides looking super clean

    Promising review: "After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and dishes just not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener was no longer doing its job so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. I decided to do two more loads before deciding to purchase a new one. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine per the instructions and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully every month, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order so I will get a new pack every six months. I am amazed!" —Sheila

    Get them from Amazon for $8.99.

    21. An exterior shed big enough for recycling bins, bikes, a lawnmower, and other hefty tools in case you're tired of 1) carting your patio trash back inside or 2) staring at an ugly trash can that does anything but look nice with your patio dining set. It's a necessary evil but now it's a ~hidden~ necessary evil.

    22. A Hocus Pocus shirt that'll make passersby wanna break out into "I'll Put a Spell on You."

    23. A snuggly undercover dog bed for your furry lil' angel whose prime lounging spot is in the middle of your living room floor. This'll look far better than their favorite raggedy blanket. And it's machine-washable!

    dog laying on faux sheepskin dog bed that looks like a nice rug

    24. A rust stain-removing gel to help the gross shower you've been living with all summer while you did your summer things. Lots of folks have gotten clean in that bathroom, but it that doesn't have to feel that way.

    25. A KitchenIQ sharpener that'll handle dull kitchen knives for change when compared to pricier sharpeners. Don't even think about going at that pumpkin with a dull knife!

    hand holding the kitchen sharpener in front of a cutting board with knives

    26. A drink-insulating "flannel" in the shape of your go-to fall outerwear so you'll know which drink is yours while keeping it perfectly chilly.

    27. A set of room-darkening velvet curtains to create a super dramatic look on the cheap that'll also guard your home against fall drafts.

    28. A set of flame-retardant socket sealers to help seal out the cold air that tends to leak inside through your outlets. 

    A person installing the light switch socket sealer
    A person installing the plug socket sealer

    The 24-piece set includes 16 outlet sealers, 6 switch plates, and 2 decorative covers.

    Promising review: "Socket sealer. Say it with me. Socket sealer. Alliteration can be so much fun. Okay, now with that out of our system, down to brass tacks. I love these. They're cheap and easy to install. They block the draft that is sure to come out of an electrical outlet or a light switch. I've used these in apartments and in houses. They work both ways. Just unscrew the plate, slap one of these bad boys in, and screw the plate back in. Just be sure to not touch metal to metal or skin to metal. It's a good idea to flip the breaker to deactivate the outlets you're installing these on. Otherwise, you'll give yourself a nice jolt. Or three. You know how everyone tells you not to stick a fork into an outlet? The same principle applies here except your finger is the fork and you can't taste purple for a while. So do yourself the favor of flipping the breaker before installing these. Don't make the same mistake as I did. Once. Or maybe three times. I can't remember too good now." —Frequency Jones

    Get the 24-piece set from Amazon for $7.49.

    29. And a window insulator kit if you wanna get a little more aggressive against drafts and sky-high heating bills. The clear film shrinks to create an airtight lining that'll blend in with the window panes.

    30. An RTIC tumbler that'll keep liquids as hot or as frigid as you like while you go about all your outdoor adventuring.

    silver RTIC tumbler

    31. "Blood bag" drink pouches to really level up any spooky shindigs you have planned for the fam. Reviewers say they're super easy to fill!

    the blood bag drink holders in a cooler with other drinks

    32. A pair of Joules wellies in case you can't shake the price on holy grail Hunters for shoes you're just going to get wet. *Very* wet.

    33. A Nightmare Before Christmas mini cross-stitch kit for helping you whip up some home decor while keeping you busy on chilly nights.

    the cross stitch set

    34. A pair of leaf scoops to make clearing out your yard much easier on your knees and back.

    Model holding the scoops and transferring a large handful of leaves into a trash can

    Promising review: "We have a very large wooded property that requires a lot of leaves and sticks to be raked up. We have tried various brands of leaf scoops but most lasted not even one season. Since purchasing the ReLeaf Leaf Scoops are job has been much easier. First of all is the way your hands grasp the scoops. These are much more ergonomic and are actually like extensions of your own hands. Second, these are very sturdy and do not bend when trying to pick up a pile of sticks and debris. We have made it through the season so far without issue. Next will be the dreaded fall cleanup. I highly recommend the ReLeaf Leaf Scoops which make our yard, woods and garden cleanup easier." —trouble54

    Get a pair from Amazon for $29.99.

    35. A goth-y tie-dye shirt to help transition your bright summer wardrobe to the fall.

    black and red tie-dye long sleeve shirt

    36. A quilt set with cute fall-ish woodland creatures that'll help give your bedroom a seasonal revamp too. Plus, it's reversible!

    37. Scaredy cats for some very cute Halloween decorations that'll deter critters like real cats, rodents, birds, rabbits, squirrels, and other pests.

    black cat style yard decorations

    38. A boot tray to contain the mess from your family's footwear after trudging through seasonal corn mazes or just raking the leaves in the yard.

    the boot tray in an entryway

    39. And a ~washable~ door mat in fall colors you can park inside before you get to the boot tray so your fam can wipe off their dirty shoes before storing them. And it just looks so nice!

    gray, yellow, and black abstract mat at door

    40. A stylish floppy hat can keep the sun off your face while you're exploring corn mazes and making the most of nice fall weather.

    41. A cute bat suncatcher for channeling some more light during the shorter days.

    bat shaped suncatcher

    42. A spooky glam mantel decoration to really help set the mood for your scary movie nights.

    43. A rechargeable lighter for *safely* lighting your various candle babies without worrying about lighter fluid or a flimsy match.

    gif of using lighter to light a candle
    the lighter
    Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    I bought one of these about a year and a half ago and have only had to charge it a few times. (If I'm home and awake, a candle is most likely lit.) It's super easy to use, I feel safer about storing it than a gas lighter, and I no longer have to be on the prowl for bar and restaurant match books to help fuel my candle habit. Plus the lights on the handle make it easy to see when it's time to recharge...which only entails plugging up a USB cord. Easy-peasy!

    Promising review: "This is seriously the coolest device of my winter holiday. It makes lighting candles a breeze. Yes, there is a weird crackling noise, but that's a super minor annoyance. It's a super intuitive device. Plus the lighter with the USB (included), charge for a bit, then pop it open and light ALL THE THINGS; well, candles. I don't know how well it lights cigarettes or whatever. However, for my personal intended use, it's awesome!" —Jee W

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    44. An oil stain remover capable of annihilating that grease stain that you thought made your garage or driveway a goner.

    Promising review: "Changed the oil on my girlfriend's car and some oil spilled on my NEW driveway...which I didn't notice 'til four days later. Four spots all about the size of a dollar bill baking in the Arizona sun for four days. Put the stuff on (sits on the stain like pancake batter — don't be afraid to pour liberally) and let it sit from 6 p.m. 'til about 9 a.m. the next day. It dried and the instructions said to just sweep the stuff up (right, like I am not going to need a scraper and wire scrub pad for an hour. HA). Well it broke apart with the broom and the stains were gone, just swept up the powder pieces — took about a minute. I WAS SHOCKED! Something that actually works on oil and it's easy." —AmazonBob

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97.

    45. A set of nonstick, heat-safe sheet pan dividers that'll act like little trays to contain various veggies that cook at different time intervals. New season = new veggies from the farmers market to roast. 

    a model holding a sheet pan with four silicone dividers each filled with a different type of food

    Check out a TikTok of the nonstick sheet pan dividers in action. 

    Promising review: "Brilliant. 100000% Recommend them! It lets me separate veggies by how long they take to cook so they are all ready at the same time and nothing is over/undercooked. I love these cheat sheets. They are a great tool for my kitchen." —yule

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in three colors, without or without lids, and in multipacks). 

    46. Solar lights you can stake along a walkway or pond right where you need 'em. Lighting is key for getting more use out of your outdoor space — especially now that it gets dark earlier. Oh, and they look nice in the daylight, too!

    the solar lights at night
    the solar night along a walkway in the day

    Promising review: "Impressed with the size of the cell which provides a larger surface area for charging. The lights are the brightest I've seen for a solar light and the illumination covers a nice range. Placed them along my pond giving the place a classy look." —Percussionist

    Get six from Amazon for $19.99 (available in three colors and also in a pack of eight).  

    47. magnetic stove shelf that's the perfect amount of room to keep your most-used spices so you don't have to go digging in your cabinet while the oil is literally poppin' on your stove top. Time to move the pumpkin pie spice to within arm's reach.

    StoveShelf is a small business, and these shelves are built to last a lifetime. 

    Promising review: "I love this. I have a 5-burner stove with nowhere to put my spoon while cooking... this is perfect for my spoon rest! And the magnets are strong and sturdy. I'd buy it again." —Wife of Ellijiah

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (available in six types and three sizes).

    48. A red wine stain remover you should keep on hand because, well, accidents happen! But you can be prepared for (at least some of) them!

    red wine spilled on a light gray rug
    the same rug clean without a stain

    Promising review: "This stuff is magic! Works in seconds! I highly, highly recommend." —Diane Harper

    Get it from Amazon for $7.95.

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.