We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    56 Things That’ll Help You Be Prepared In All Kinds Of Weird, Practical Ways

    Here's to your toddler unsuccessfully trying to throw their dinner on the floor. Thank you, EZPZ.

    1. A 28-inch Fiskars tree trimmer — also called a lopper — that can help you trim tree branches that are close to your property fence or just generally in the way. But it'll come even more in handy after a storm that leaves a bunch of branches in your yard. It'll make for much easier cleanup so you can break the branches down for easier removal. 

    lopper cutting into branch
    reviewer's tree growing right against fence
    branches cut from the tree

    Just make sure that you're cutting *your* branches, lest you start a war with a neighbor. 

    Promising review: "It's really easy to cut the trees. Took me only five minutes to cut half of the branches off the tree, so happy with this purchase." —VR

    Get it from Amazon for $27.43.

    2. Or if you need to reach father to cut some branches, a lightweight extension pole with a trimming saw that'll get to where your human hands can't — or at least safely reach. 

    tree with ton of branches hanging down
    the hanging brushes cut down and in a neat pile on a yard

    Promising review: "Hurricane Ian did a number on my property (Polk County, Florida) and partially knocked down one tree and another had made its home on my roof. This pole saw was a lifesaver, literally. The yard is mostly sand, so using a ladder required circus acrobatic skills, but this pole saw was able to do everything safely and most surprisingly, quickly.

    I have a couple of hand saws that I’ve used on lower branches, and cutting through similar thickness branches required SO MUCH work that I'd tire out after a branch or two. This saw treated them like butter, and the whole yard was trimmed in about an hour total, moderate physical toll. Using the saw as a hand saw turned a good portion of the thicker branches into firewood in no time." —J. Marshall

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three lengths).

    3. A portable mini washer/dryer in case either of your machines is on the fritz and you need to wait it out a little bit to buy a new machine or are waiting for parts or, simply, a maintenance appointment. 

    the appliance

    There are many reviewers who have used this appliance in between working appliances. 

    Promising review: "We bought this for temporary use while our large one was being repaired. It washes, rinses, and spins clothes very well. It by no means works like a full-size washer and there is a lot more manual work to washing, but it worked wonderfully for what we needed and would work as well in a camper." —reader of many books

    Get it from Amazon for $81.99.

    4. Plus a portable clothesline with 12 attached clips that'd be handy to have for your next trip BUT would be good to have at home as a backup in case your dryer isn't doing what it's supposed to do. 

    carrying bag and line with attached hooks
    reviewer's clothesline used on balcony of cruise room to dry clothes

    And! It comes with a waterproof bag. Reviewers have used it for cruises, hiking trips, camping, and a variety of vacations

    Promising review: "If you need to hang clothes to dry but can never find the clothes pins, try this. The clips are attached so you can’t lose them. The product is strong and stretches. Can’t go wrong here." —Rebeka K

    Get it from Amazon for $6.96.

    But if you're doing a little bit of dryer troubleshooting for why your loads need an extra cycle, try out some Wad-Free sheet detanglers for bedding and/or some dryer balls that bounce around to help circulate the dryer cycle air while "softening" clothes and bedding like dryer sheets. 

    5. A ~flexible~ grabber tool that reviewers tout as easily clearing out drains — even ones with clogs in the U-bend.

    tool down sink drain

    Promising review: "Works amazing for U-bend clogs. Actually purchased a 16-foot snake to use with this and ended up not needing it because this cleared out everything stuck in the U bend." —Matthew Witt-Dobski

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    6. Heavy-duty hangers will work *with* your vinyl siding instead of having to drill holes in it just to hang up holiday decorations. SURE. There are much worse homeowner problems to have, but this is still a pretty disappointing one!

    hook by itself, hook hanging on vinyl siding
    heavy looking plant basket hanging thanks to hook

    Promising review: "Works really well for holding outside decor without wear and tear as long as its not too heavy." —Kitt Smith

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $5.92.

    7. A 15-pack of nonslip stair treads tape because you KNOW slipping on a wooden stair is a big possibility but it's always unexpected when it actually happens. 

    person putting grippy sticker onto wood stair treads

    Promising review: "I fell down the stairs and dislocated my shoulder because my steps were too slippery. Immediately after coming back from the doctor I knew I had to do something about my slippery steps because I knew the accident couldn’t have been a lot worse. I had this installed and I haven’t been afraid of slipping down the stairs since. This purchase was a couple of years ago and other than some dust on the edges, I don’t see the need to replace them as they’re still stuck to the floor. I even got a new order of the same product for the stairs to my basement to avoid any accidents and because I know they last a long time." —Amazon Customer

    Get them from Amazon for $28.95+ (available in eight dimensions).

    8. clear toy blocker to stop pets' and kids' toys and balls from rolling underneath the couch, other furniture, and even some appliances. Because of course it happens to their FAVORITE toy and then you have to go to the end of the earth (aka, behind your couch) to retrieve it — only for them to do it again and again and again. 

    It can also help discourage pets from hiding under furniture!

    Promising review: "A must-have for ALL pet owners. This contraption is genius and will save cat (and dog) owners huge amounts of time and frustration retrieving toys. We used this beneath our oven and it works PERFECTLY. Cat can't destroy it (the way she shredded the foam insulation we had stuffed under there before) and we no longer have to get the yardstick out when literally all of her toys are 'gone.' Yes, this is a challenge to install, but 100% worth it. I'd buy it again in a heartbeat." —Allison Goldstein

    Get it from Amazon for $13.98+ (available in three sizes).

    9. An Apple AirTag for each bag while traveling to give you peace of mind even if you're driving to your destination and are just leaving your luggage at the hotel before check-in time!

    Screengrab of location of Apple AirTag on the Find My app on phone
    Piles of suitcases at an airport

    Storytime: After traveling last summer carry-on only, and being a person who tries to carry on whenever possible, I finally bought a couple of Apple AirTags during Black Friday sales. And I am SO grateful I did. My normal carry-on bag was too big to fit the Lufthansa luggage requirements (and BOY, do they check that!) so I had to check my bags for a December 2022 trip to Vienna and back from Prague (with a layover in Frankfurt). My bag didn't make it onto the plane in Frankfurt, and once I landed in Newark, New Jersey, I pulled up the app on my phone and saw that yes, my backpack AirTag was indeed with me, but my suitcase AirTag was still in Germany. (The screen grab is from an Amazon review, but you get the gist.) The AirTag also helped me track FedEx's delivery of the suitcase to my parents' house, where I was spending the holidays immediately after my Europe trip ended. I was even able to see it on a highway less than an hour's drive from my parents' house. TL;DR: I think AirTags are very much a worthwhile investment if you travel a few times a year. And I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    Promising review: "Used them in my luggage when traveling on airlines. Track luggage everywhere except on airplane. Good comfort level." —HerbH

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (also available in a four-pack for $89).

    10. neck pillow you can stuff with clothing — even a whole outfit — that'll give you some comfy flexibility and help get around super strict carry-on size restrictions. The listing says you can even pack three days' worth of clothes in it! Which would especially be welcome if your carry-on-only budget doesn't exactly align with your fashionista status. 

    neck pillow stufed with clothes and looped on a suitcase handle
    the neck pillow empty and change of clothes that were stuffed inside

    Check out a TikTok showing how someone used a similar neck pillow to just take that and a personal item onto a RyanAir flight that was charging for hand luggage. 

    Promising review: "It was no problem fitting two days' worth of clothing into this pillow casing. I also found it to be very comfortable as a neck pillow. These days it is always a fear that you will lose your luggage, this way I am protected with a change of clothing, AND a comfortable rest on the airplane. I was a little confused how it worked at first (the tag was in a separate pocket) aside from the two ends, both of which zip open. It has to be loaded from one end or the other, it does not open along the middle. However, I am quite pleased by the multitude of adjustments to the straps for fitting around necks, luggage, or seat headrests." —micki

    Get it from Amazon for $34.95.

    11. A set of Sea Bands with a little nub that targets the acupuncture point on your wrists meant to help reduce nausea. This'll be great in case you get motion sick.

    Promising review: "These are snug enough to do the job; but comfortable enough that on a 5.5- hour flight I forgot I even had them on. I left them on 'til I got unpacked in the hotel, which totaled seven hours. They kept their shape and didn’t stretch out so I’ll get many uses out of them. I highly recommend them." —T. Schneider

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $8.53 (available in adult and children's sizes).

    12. A portable rain hood you can keep in your bag or car for those days when it MIGHT rain but you neither trust the forecast nor want to plan your outfit around your own rain coat that's warm enough. 

    model showing the hood attached to the inside of a trench coat
    the model with a jacket open, showing how the hood goes under the arms to attach it

    Promising review: "I love this! The quality is very nice and it fits great. Wore it last week in the rain with a coat I love that doesn't have a hood, and it was perfect. It slips right under your jacket so all you see is the hood, so it pretty much blends in with your jacket. Such a great idea! Wish there were more colors and patterns, I'd order more." —Jill Hammel

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in two sizes).

    13. Or if you'd just rather work with a hat, a satin-lined Hairbrella will keep your hair looking perfect, no matter the forecast. 

    Model pouring water on another model's head while wearing the hairbrella, then taking it off to show hair perfectly styled and dried
    Hairbrella / YouTube

    Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business established in 2016 that specializes in hats combining fashion and function to protect against all types of weather. FYI, this is included in Prime Try Before You Buy so you can test it out before committing if you’re a Prime member!

    Promising review: "I never carry an umbrella cause they’re too bulky, so when I saw the Hairbrella I was so excited. It keeps my hair dry and my curls nicely quaffed, rather than me looking like I stuck my fingers I a light socket. I’m telling everyone I know about it, it’s an amazing alternative to those wide-brimmed hats or a briefcase LOL! Truly it’s never going Read more about review stating Love it!!to leave my side from now on! I definitely recommend it." —Gina C.

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99+ or Hairbrella for $4499+ (available in five colors).

    14. A watermark-removing cloth that could also do wonders on the nail polish remover you dribbled down your bathroom vanity two years ago and you've been pretending like isn't there.

    nightstand with bleached out stains on it
    same nightstand without the stains

    Promising review: "Worked wonders! I spilled nail polish remover on my nightstand. This worked like magic! Just rub lightly with the cloth." —JMac

    Get it from Amazon for $5.49.

    15. A drill brush cleaning kit you can attach to your drill/driver for an informercial-like cleaning sesh that'll have you seeking out all the dirty surfaces you've been ignoring. This'll handle all the elbow grease.

    caked on disgusting interior of oven
    same oven completely clean

    Useful Products is a US-based small business established in 2007 by car wash owner, electrician, and former bodybuilder Anthony LaPolla that specializes in drill-cleaning brushes and attachments. 

    Each of the different brush colors indicates which tasks the brushes are meant for based on their bristle type, so be sure to check which one is best suited for whatever you need to for! Yellow is the “all-purpose” medium bristle, but some are softer and harder depending on what types of surfaces you’re cleaning (but none of them will scratch!). 

    Promising review: "I’m in love with this. I manage many apartment properties and finding people to do the cleaning has been tricky business, so I end up having to get in and clean these horrendous filth pods tenants lived in and left me to deal with when they move out. The ovens and stove tops are usually the worst, and I absolutely hate cleaning. I came across this drill attachment set, and let me tell you, it helped me tremendously! I still had to get in with a putty knife on some of them but it really cut down my elbow-grease time. If it wasn’t for this drill attachment, I think my arms would have just fallen off trying to clean it as good as I did! My only con would be that it doesn’t have any extension of any sort, so I really had my drill all up in that oven, but well worth it." —alicia haats

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in six colors and stiffness levels).

    16. Or a container of multisurface touch up paint for helping cover up all those chips and marks on your painted kitchen cabinets that seem to follow you around the room like one of those portraits where the eyes look straight forward.

    If you're unsure of what color to get, I highly suggest you use the brand's free color chart tool to help you determine which is the right match for your walls.

    Promising review: "I decided to try this to cover up some of the chips of missing paint in my kitchen. It works perfectly. The bottle is a little bigger than a tube of Wite-Out, but it's going to last me a long time. The paint went on smoothly and dried quickly. I am very happy with this product." —JMar

    Get it from Soto on Amazon for $18.95 (available in 12 colors).

    17. timed safety shutoff plug in case your holy grail hair straightener doesn't have an auto-shutoff and you're a tad forgetful.

    closeup of the timer plugin in an outlet
    a hair straightener resting on a towel on a bathroom counter plugged up to the timer

    No more turning the car around because you don't remember unplugging your straightener.

    Promising review: "Best ever. I just have to press the button and it auto turns on and shuts off after 30 minutes. I'm constantly forgetting to turn off my hair straightener so this is preventing house fires and saving electricity, yay! I originally was worried 30 minutes is too little time to do my hair and was looking for a one-hour version but it turns out 30 minutes is actually more than enough. And it really isn't that bad if I need another 30 minutes and have to press the button again LOL. I no longer worry about setting my house on fire from leaving on my hair straightener so I highly recommend." —AoiMizuno

    Get it from Amazon for $11.59.

    18. A snack bowl that'll fit on top of your Stanley tumbler (or other 40-ounce tumblers with a handle) so you don't have to juggle a bowl of popcorn, candy, and a Lunchables. You deserve snack options without having to juggle bowls or standing up to go to the kitchen. 

    reviewer's tumbler with snack bowl on top
    showing three compartments of the snack bowl

    Promising review: "This snack bowl is a great addition to my 40-oz tumbler. I was worried it wouldn’t fit well since mine isn’t the popular name brand, but it fit perfectly. It has three different sections for snacks and is pretty sturdy without being too heavy. Bonus points for being dishwashe-safe. Would recommend and will be ordering some as gifts for family!" —Michelle I Ink to Novel

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (available in 11 color).

    19. A compact travel eight-compartment pill organizer so you'll have space for all the stuff you take from all the delicious food that sometimes makes you feel bad on your travels. Plus! As one TikToker points out, you can use any empty compartments to store your earrings.  

    reviewer image of the pill organizer in green, full of different pills
    Reviewer holding their pill organizer filled with pills and with the compartments labeled
    Same reviewer holding their closed pill organizer

    I own this after reading many convincing reviews like the below. The compartments are large enough for me to hold some smaller earrings and rings in addition to vitamins, ibuprofen, and Zyrtec.

    Promising review: "My husband and I travel a lot and take a number of prescription drugs. It was always a hassle accessing our medication when needed, so I purchased this organizer to make things easier. I used a label maker and labeled each little compartment and it has performed wonderfully. I highly recommend this organizer to anyone who travels and needs medications throughout the day." —Jacqueline

    Get a three-pack from Amazon for $9.97.

    20. An organizing couch pillow with a spot for everything you require as you catch up on your stories. This is DEFINITELY enabling your Beverage Goblin tendencies.

    Cup Cozy Pillow is a small biz as seen on TV specializing in cleverly designed cup holders. 

    Promising review: "I liked that it worked with cups and mugs, perfect for clumsy friends." —YAZ

    "This thing is great! I’m home on maternity leave with my new baby and spend most of my time on the couch under a sleeping baby. This product makes it easy for me to keep my drinks, remote, etc close by even with crazy dogs running around. It’s a little more expensive than I would have liked but it works and I love it so money well spent!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    21. A Neutrogena makeup eraser stick to do a quick touch-up on that eyeliner wing that you can't get right or you accidentally smeared before it was set. And it's small enough that you can throw it in your bag on the reg. 

    Model using the stick to correct eyeliner

    Promising review: "Why didn’t someone think of this sooner? For years, I’ve been using cotton swabs dipped in makeup remover to remove little goofs or mistakes. This is so much better and portable! Erases waterproof mascara marks around my eyes easily. Must-buy product!!" —Katherine Riordan

    Get it from Amazon for $7.97

    22. LONDONTOWN Illuminating Nail Concealer will give you a no-mani mani that you can quickly brush on before an event you JUST got invited to when you're already out and about.

    Reviewer photo of concealer in pink
    Reviewer holding concealer

    Promising review: "As much as I would love to have nice, manicured nails, i don’t spend money on manicures. Gels are damaging and regular manicures last a couple of days before peeling. I get regular pedicures bc they last but my hands have looked pretty unkempt for much of my adult life. Until now.

    I was definitely skeptical that this polish could be any different from one of the countless neutral Essie shades out there that I’ve tried since the '90s — Ballet Slippers, Light as Linen, etc., — but I decided to give the milky shade a try and I’m so glad I did!!! My nails look incredible. I’m not even sure how to describe why but they look very natural and clean. It’s been a week of wearing two coats and there isn’t one bubble or lift forming on the edges. One coat actually looks great also. I am sold on this stuff. Hopefully it will never be discontinued. So so happy." —Jann

    Get it from Amazon for $14+ (available in four colors).

    23. A bug bite suction tool that'll remove the irritating venom, and helps reduce itchiness, pain, and swollenness on existing bites. Plus it works on other insect stings. Think about all the scratching you could've saved yourself!

    person applying the tool to their arm
    reviewer's pic of the bite after applying the tool to show the difference over time

    Promising review: "We carry our Bug Bite Thing in the car, take on vacations, etc. Love it. We use for mosquito bites mostly...but I will tell you, my husband actually got stung by a wasp after we bought this and I cant tell you how excited I was! Not for this discomfort of course, but I could wait to see if the bug sucker would actually suck out the stinger...it did!!!!! So satisfying." —E. Horvath

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    24. A stick of Gold Bond Friction Defense to stop chafing caused by sweat before it even starts. It's sooo good and better than any other competitor in the thigh-saving category. But really. I have thick thighs and swear by it!

    Promising review: "Whoooo sometimes I feel as if a fire is going to start between my fat thighs, but with this stuff they just glide right on by each other, it has been a summer lifesaver. Only thing is you have to pack it on and reapply maybe four hours in, so bring it along for the ride. I will be buying again." —Ash

    Get it from Amazon for $6.

    25. A set of cooling patches that'll work some soothing magic for a variety of uses including (perhaps most importantly), sunburn. But it'll also help with itchiness from bug bites and poison ivy. And! They're TSA-friendly so you can pack them for your next vacay and leave your aloe vera gel at home. 

    Promising review: "Used these on a sunburn on my back, and they were very soothing. Also provided padding when leaning back in my seat. I stuck one on my shoulder also to keep my seatbelt from rubbing the sunburn there. I bought them to use on the back of my kids' necks to help prevent heat exhaustion on a very hot day outside but ended up just using them for burn relief." —Joanna

    "Recently traveled to Disney. I got a headache that I could not get rid of. I used one of these and it was amazing. I was able to put it on my forehead, and still manage my headache until it started to subside. I will def buy these again." —Jennifer R.

    Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $14.99

    26. A travel scarf with hidden storage in it to keep your hands free for toting back ALL the gas station snacks to the car without having to stick your phone, wallet, and keys in your back pocket. But it'll also seriously come in handy for nontravel life if you just don't like to carry a purse. 

    model showing six ways to wear travel scarf

    Waypoint Goods is a small biz that specializes in travel accessories. 

    Promising review: "I absolutely LOVE my travel scarf. This piece is perfect for every occasion. Whether I am traveling on a plane or a road trip, at work, or trying to dress up an outfit to go out, it is perfect and functional. My phone, credit cards and keys fit seamlessly in the pocket without changing the look or fit of my scarf. At times I have put all of that plus a boarding pass and passport in the pocket!!" —Caroline

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in 14 styles).

    27. garbage disposal brush so you can safely clear the leftovers outta there without grossly (and unsafely) sticking your fingers down there. (Go watch the great horror movie To Let and then you'll *really* wanna buy this.) 

    Promising review: "Do you ever remove the rubber cap between your sink and disposal? It is beyond gross! This is shaped just right and makes quick work of a yucky job. Good to do to keep odors away." —Mom328LSA

    Get it from Amazon for $19.50.

    28. Plus some Green Gobbler drain sticks you simply slip into your drain once a month to deodorize and eliminate drain clogs. They contain natural enzymes that are safe for all pipes and septic systems. 

    drain sticks

    Promising review: "I had a slow sink, I plugged one of these in, and within minutes the situation became considerably better. I've used enzymatic products before, but this one was much easier to use." —Aleks

    Get a 24-pack from Amazon for $11.98.

    29. A "Shower Cat" if you love to stick your loose strands of hair to the shower wall but realize that half the time it ends up down the drain anyway. This gizmo's "teeth" keep it in place 'til removal time. 

    A small bristled silicone attachment on a wall with white cat-like ears
    Reviewer using the device to put hair in and pull it out

    Shower Cat is a small business established in 2021 specializing in products to prevent shower clogs. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this product on TikTok and I knew immediately that I needed it. I just moved into a new apartment and I didn’t want to be how I used to be, where I’d just let hair go down the drain and plug it eventually, or peel it off of the drain after each shower. It works great but I probably need some practice with it. I currently just floss my hair through it so it will hold them and there are a few stray hairs that don’t stick. I would recommend to anyone who is tired of putting your loose strands of hair on the shower wall." —Cari Schwartzkopf

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95

    30. A bag of FryAway cooking oil solidifier can transform used oil into a solid that's super easy to throw in the trash. Let's not pour that stuff down the drain!

    A before and after pic of oil that got solidified
    A bag of powdered fryaway

    FryAway is a US-based small business specializing in planet-friendly cooking waste solutions. 

    Promising review: "I will always keep this stocked in my house! My husband sent me a TikTok, I know I know, and I thought it couldn't hurt to try it out. I loved after the first night! I could easily remove the hardened oil and throw it out." —Roberta

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99

    31. A jar spatula will scoop out the dregs of your jam, peanut butter, and all sorts of other spreads that'll be good to the last drop. You KNOW there's enough in that PB jar for your kid's PB&J, but you just need the right tool.

    spatula with jam
    the spatula

    Promising review: "No more waste! I love this spatula. Narrow enough to get inside the jar to get every last bit of peanut butter, Nutella, jelly, mayo ... You name it! They even though of the stuff under the rim! The spatula's bottom edge is perfect for getting under the rim of the container. Love this thing! Now I need to find a miniature version for makeup containers." —DisneyMom

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98 (available in five colors).

    32. A flexible washing machine door prop that'll magnetically stick to your appliance and you can adjust as needed so it'll really air out in there and help prevent mold, mildew, and, therefore, gross smells. 

    black magnetic flexible washing machine door holder

    My former colleague Ciera Velarde owns and loves this: "I found this on Amazon because I kept getting frustrated that my washing machine door would close shut whenever I left my laundry room, and I would be greeted with a really gross, musty smell the next time I did laundry. When I ordered it and tried it out myself, I was mad at myself for not finding it sooner. The magnetic base is super strong and doesn't budge at all. The flexible head makes it easy to adjust how much I want the door open. Overall, it's a super easy fix for a problem I just thought I'd have to deal with. Other reviewers have said they use this to keep the door propped all the way open as they load the laundry so the door doesn't keep coming back and hitting them, and I'll be trying that next!"

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99 (available in two colors).

    33. LONDONTOWN Kur Instant Smudge Fix, something I wish I knew about eons ago because I'm forever smudging my at-home AND salon manis when I decide to actually put in a lil' bit of effort.

    before pic of smudged nail polish and then an after pic of the same fingernail looking perfectly polished

    Promising review: "I rarely ding my nails, but did recently just as I was leaving the salon. I carry this with me in my manicure bag and it works perfectly. My manicurist was amazed! Highly recommend." —ZLIONNE

    Get it from Amazon for $20.

    34. A foldable, slip-resistant "Sink Topper" to help you make the best use of a tiny space to get ready. It's the perfect mobile surface for all your makeup, hot hair tools (it's heat-resistant!) and anything else you require to get ready. *Also* it's designed so you can clean your makeup brushes on its surface. 

    Sink Topper is a small business that specializes in household-friendly organizing mats. 

    Promising review: "I was introduced to this item through TikTok and they weren’t joking when they place certain videos on your 'for you page,' because they knew that I NEEDED THIS. It is super helpful for small sinks and I love the material. It doesn’t slide around, it’s wide enough for all my (at the moment) bathroom needs and I can easily fold it up and take it anywhere with me." —Allie West

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    35. A JellyCap you can pop onto the majority of regular drinking bottles that'll more or less turn it into a sippy cup for your kid. This is especially great if your little just HAS to drink out of any beverage you're drinking. 

    reviewer showing the cap on a water bottle with a straw coming out of it
    a review photo with the cap on a yogurt bottle

    Find out why this parent calls this is one of their "coolest" Amazon finds in this TikTok

    Promising review: "Wonderful for my autistic 4-year-old! I absolutely LOVE these Jelly Caps! I found them on TikTok and knew it would be perfect for my son! He’s 4 and I’m always forgetting to bring his cup. He’s autistic and struggles when drinking from a bottle. These fit great on his happy meal milk from McDonald’s as well as every bottled water I’ve tried! Only down side is it takes a smaller straw than you get at the store. But to fix then I always put the straw in from the 'bottom' before placing it on the bottle! 10/10 recommend! Just buy them!" —Nikki

    Get a three pack from Amazon for $14.99 (available in two color options). 

    36. A digital luggage scale will make sure that you aren't slammed with an overweight luggage fee (ugh) or having to move stuff from your checked bag to your carry-on to avoid said fee (also, ugh). 

    You can also switch between pound and kilogram measurements. 

    I tested this digital luggage scale out when packing for a trip to Iceland — check out my demo of how it works on TikTok!

    Promising review: "We used this on a six-flight trip across Europe and it made it easy to know that we repacked our bags according to the various weight limits. Some bags were a 10-kg limit and some were a 50-lb limit so it was convenient to switch back and forth between units (even though dividing by 2.2 isn't exactly rocket science)." —Robert

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in four colors and a two-pack).

    37. A portable door lock to attach to any regular old door for your hotel, vacation rental, room in a guest house, or, well, just any door. It's super easy to install and won't damage the door. It'll be a comfort for solo travelers, especially. 

    lock on door
    how to guide for door lock

    Note: This can get flagged with going through security, so you may want to put it in an easily accessible place in your checked bag to be safe. 

    Promising review: "I went on a solo trip to Europe and Africa and used the door lock to boost security. The lock fits and secures the lock. It's very easy to use. I would just suggest you watch the video and practice at home before your holiday." —Jaye

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (also available in a two- and four-pack)

    38. An anti-theft backpack because yes you should always be aware of possible pickpockets, but the main compartment's zipper facing your back will help you focus a bit more on La Sagrada Familia instead if your wallet is still in your bag. 

    reviewer sitting on a bench with the grey backpack with lighter grey stripe down the middle
    reviewer showing how the bag opens from the inside and holds a bunch of stuff inside

    Not only does the backpack open from the inside, but it also has a phone pocket, document pocket, front zippered pocket, and an exterior side pocket. It's also made of nylon, so it's waterproof and has a strap to change it into a shoulder bag.

    Promising review: "This is a must-buy for international travelers! I cannot say enough amazing things about this backpack. It’s surprisingly spacious for how small the bag is, which makes it portable/practical and comfortable while having it on. This backpack lasted an entire trip through a number of airports and layovers, and all across our trip through Europe. It was amazing. Because the main zipper sat against my back, I never worried about getting my items stolen. But I also had the luxury of having the two front zippers that were also surprisingly spacious to hold nonprecious items such as water bottles or cheap sunglasses, etc. This backpack also is extremely durable. It was the perfect day pack to gather knick-knacks and souvenirs for friends and family and hold whatever I shoved in it! Can we also take time to appreciate how cute this backpack is as well! It went with all my outfits due to the neutral color and had the side strap if we went out to a fancy restaurant. I could easily turn it from a backpack to a purse in seconds! A MUST-HAVE!" —H Bradshaw

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99+ (available in two sizes and 14 colors).

    39. A portable safe you can attach to a beach chair to keep your valuables safe or to keep your passport in your hotel room in case there's no safe or the safe isn't working. (Raise your hand if you've stayed in a small hotel without a safe. ::raises hand::)

    pink masterlock personal safe with belongings inside of it
    reviewer's pink personal safe that's attached to a beach chair at the beach

    Like most people (I hope?) I’m always a little iffy about taking a dip in the water at the beach and leaving my wallet and phone on the beach. So when I booked a 2.5-week Europe trip with LOTS of beaching involved, I bought one of these Master Lock safes that I’ve put in a number of stories. It was a bit bulky in my suitcase, but I left it unlocked and put some stuff in there so it wasn’t just dead space. It came in handy at several beach clubs, where my friend and I stashed our credit cards, cash, and case-less phones while we frolicked in the sea. Despite lots of people milling about our umbrella while we had our fun, we felt our stuff was completely safe and could concentrate on *just* having fun. 

    Promising review: "Just buy it. It's smaller than I had originally thought it might be, but it's perfect none the less. Love this little lock box that you could easily use as a purse when traveling, or at a festival." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $16.70+ (available in three colors).

    40. A Silly Poopy's Hide & Seek game that, yes, is truly made for kids but will come in handy if you're a Cool Aunt or just have pals who bring over their kids to your house and get bored easily. This'll keep kids occupied for some serious fun while you pore over the acquaintance from high school's sudden deletion of her husband from Facebook. Time to get investigating. 

    reviewer holding the rainbow poop toy
    A GIF of the multi-colored plastic Silly Poopy lighting up
    www.amazon.com, John Mihaly / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Silly Poopy in action. 

    Promising review: "Let me tell you that if you want hours of endless fun of hide and go seek without having to hide yourself, this is a must-get! When it's hidden it makes various toot noises and says stuff so the kids know if they are close. And when they find it and press the button to do and sing the Silly Poopy dance ... even you will dance and sing along!!! Doesn't need batteries and come on, it's poop? Who doesn't think poop and toot noises are funny and if they don't they are lying to themselves. A must-have for fun with your kids without barely doing any work!!" —andrea kelli gorman

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    41. Vibes earplugs to help protect your hearing from incredibly loud noise by blocking out the decibels, but not the music! (I wore my pair at an arm hair-shaking EDM show and can report back that they work SO well.)

    the ear plugs in the packaging and different size ear pieces

    Promising review: "I love these!!! I have suffered from vertigo for the last five years and it is stirred up when I am exposed to loud sounds, but I don't let that stop me from doing what I love. When we decided to attend a three-day electronic music festival last year, I knew I was going to need earplugs. However those foam plugs you see everywhere, block out all sound and make you feel like you are in a tunnel, which would be terrible when you paid a lot of money to hear music. I purchased these and could not have been happier. They block out the sound at really high decibels, but still allow sound to go through. I could still hear the music and did not set my vertigo spinning. I would recommend these to anyone. I also wear them at frequent sporting events, which are also loud." —Julie B.

    "I heard of these on TikTok reviewed by StimmyGirl. She is Autistic like myself and spoke highly of Vibes earplugs so I tried them and I absolutely love them. I use them at work every day since I got them and I have been telling almost everyone about how great they are. The only thing about them is that I can hear myself walk and my voice sounds off with them in my ears but I think that’s just normal when you stick something in your ear. 10/10" —Cammie

    Get them from Amazon for $28.95.

    42. The Spatty and Spatty Daddy spatulas – they're flexible enough to help you get the dregs of that luxury conditioner out of the container you got as a free sample at Sephora and have sworn by ever since.

    reviewer pic of large bottle of shampoo and a tub of the extra shampoo the spatula got out of the bottle
    person using the long spatula to get into a toiletry bottle

    Promising review: "The face wash I use isn't the most economical, but nothing else works better for my skin. I got this to help get the remaining lotion out of the bottles that I was too cheap to throw out (I was running out of space in my shower...). This really gets it all out! Also used it with my other toiletries in my shower, and now I have so much room for activities! Read the dimension before you purchase; I thought I was getting these sleek spatulas, but you could hurt someone with the Spatty Daddy if you tried (not saying you should do that). Regardless of size, these work great!" —Amazon Customer

    Get them from Amazon for $9.99.

    43. An EZPZ mat, aka a no-slip placemat/plate, your toddler will try their best to budge but they won't. MUHAHAHAHHAHA. (This should be on *every* baby registry.) 

    top down look at oval silicone mat with walled sections for food on a baby's high chair

    Promising review: "Does your child 'feed the dog' during meal time? While this dish won't guarantee they won't continue that fun habit, it sure helps. Instead of 'wiping all the food' off his highchair tray, now my grandson's food sits in this sturdy dish that can't move. And I mean can't! It stays put and the cut pieces are easy to pick up it. Easy to clean too!" —Reeve

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in four colors and check out the rest of the EZPZ mats).

    44. A straw made to halt hiccups because everyone gets them every once in a while and they are SO annoying. Having this at the standby will come in handy. 

    straw with bend at the top

    HiccAway is a small biz. 

    Promising review: "I can't say anything but WOW. I used to get hiccups all the time, now since I have purchased this product I nor anyone in my house has gotten them one time! It works without even coming out of the package, I haven't even gotten the chance to actually use it LOL!" —Logan P.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.52 (available in seven colors).

    45. A hair tie holder for your keychain so you don't have to dig in your bag so you can do some serious thinking a la Violet Baudelaire. Far superior to having your hair tie put a dent in your wrist. 

    Hait Tie Hub is a small biz.

    Promising review: "I love having this on my keychain over having to hunt for my hair ties in the depths of my purse or backpack. The convenience is what did it for me. It's so light, you barely notice the holder being there." —Staci Ann Turner

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in three colors).

    46. A nifty rearview desk mirror you can position to make sure your mascara hasn't migrated into a raccoon lewk but also give you a heads up when THAT coworker who always asks why you're taking a BuzzFeed quiz is on the prowl. 

    A reviewer's mirror attached to a monitor
    Closeup of another mirror showing a football game playing in the reflection

    Promising review: "I have a home office, and when I'm working from home, I like to have the TV on for background noise. Every now and then I'll hear something that I'll want to see, and now I don't need to stop working to turn my chair around and see — just put this on the shelf that holds my monitor, and now I can just glance over and keep working. It clips on easily, adjusts easily (my cat will come up and rub against it putting it out of whack)." —Robin M. Padon

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in three styles).

    47. An airtight donut keeper to help you transport your delicious creations (whether by your own hand but you just bought). You COULD and HAVE devoured half a dozen in one day but with this, you don't have to use the excuse for that and making sure donuts are enjoyed before they go stale.

    Promising review: "I got this because a normal donut box won't fit on my front bicycle rack. This one does. 10 out of 10, would recommend." —christopher catoe

    Get it from Amazon for $17.95.

    48. A key-shaped multitool (that's even TSA-approved) will help you out with a variety of impromptu tasks thanks to its 16+ common uses. 

    key shaped multi tool

    Geekey is a small biz specializing in this handy tool. It serves as a bike spoke key, screwdriver, wrench, scoring tip, box cutter, serrated edge, can opener, wire stripper, file, ruler, protractor, bottle opener, multi-head fit driver, and more. 

    Promising review: "I love this multitool! It is so handy and safe with 6-month-old. I use it for everything around the house! Don’t have to wait for my husband and trying to figure out all the different tools. I hang my wall decor, open boxes, break down boxes, open my bottle, and pretty much anything I need. I've used other tools in the past but the size and convenience of it makes it so easy to travel with! Even took it to visit my family in California. Would definitely recommend it" —Brittany Rose

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

    49. A pack of 300 soap sheets you can easily slip into a coat pocket or bag because they're a very specific type of grimace you make when you're using a public bathroom and then realize it's out of soap. 

    open envelope of soap sheets
    hands with soap lathered on them

    Fomin is a small biz specializing in soap sheets and tablets. 

    Promising review: "Bought these for a trip to Japan — so glad I did! Super light, so not annoying to have in my purse. Quite a few bathrooms that didn't have soap and I was so happy I had these. No scent either which was great. Absorbed super fast and lathered great. My friends were also glad I brought these along." —CloudxMiku

    Get them from Amazon for $11.99 (available in a variety of scents and pack sizes).

    50. Survive: The All-In-One Guide to Staying Alive in Extreme Conditions as some light reading because you got caught in an Alone marathon and now you're like, "I'd never but I WONDER how you build a lean-to." 

    open book showing how to make a lean to structure

    Promising review: "I purchased this book because I’m not very experienced in survival settings and it looked like a very comprehensive guide book. I’m also a big fan of Ky’s from the Naked & Afraid TV show. If you have watched Ky you know she is a very experienced & knowledgeable survivalist. I really like this book — it’s chock full of survival advice for natural disasters & survival situations. It has detailed instructions and photos. It’s a big book but very thorough. Definitely a great buy!" —Melissa Woods

    Get it from Amazon for $18.55.

    51. CarryAround foldable cup holder you'll think you're a dang genius for buying (and you'd be right) after you easily carry back four beers from the beach resorts' snack bar in one hand. 

    reviewer using handheld grip with room for four cups to carry beer
    reviewer using it to hold four coffees

    Check out a TikTok of the drink holder in action. 

    Promising review: "I am obsessed with these! I bought one for myself and immediately turned around and got a four-pack so I can keep extras in my desk at work and my car and give a few to friends. The cardboard carriers that you usually get from restaurants are wasteful and still need to be supported with two hands. With this, I can carry two to four beverages and a bag of take out food all in one hand with a hand free to open doors and such! There is no support underneath so you cannot leave them sitting in the carrier once you're in a car, but I wouldn't trust a cardboard carrier on the seat of my car full of drinks anyway. It is incredibly sturdy and everywhere I go I get constant compliments when I use it! I have run into very few cups that are too large, overall this is a total win! Can't recommend enough." —Allison

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in multipacks). 

    52. A quick-release bug-catching tool can 1) get a critter out of your space and 2) let everyone inspect it up close without having to actually touch it. Fun!

    kid holding the catcher in hand with a bug in the viewing part
    bug in the viewing part

    Carson is a small biz specializing in outdoorsy gear. 

    Promising review: "Okay, I bought this for my classroom, but now I have to get another to keep at my house! My kids love catching bugs with it! Crickets in the kitchen? No prob! It’s much bigger than we thought it would be. I put a standard sized wine cork to show how much space it takes up and how much space you still have! You could capture some pretty decent sized bugs with this thing!" —Ami Bunch

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    53. An undetectable mouse jiggler in case your boss (or coworker who THINKS they're your manager) seems to keep tabs on when you're active on Slack, Gchat, or whatever else your work uses to communicate. This'll keep your mouse moving and give the impression that yep you're active when in fact you dipped out for an afternoon hot chocolate.

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    Reviewer holding up the power button on the device

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in eight styles). 

    54. An Airplane Pocket tray cover you can slide over an airplane tray to provide much more space for all the stuff you could POSSIBLY need during your flight. Ya' never know!

    Model sliding black cover over a tray, which hangs with pockets the model puts a snack, laptop, and other devices into
    Reviewer image of tray with a pocket on it holding all their stuff

    Check out a TikTok of the Airplane Pockets tray table cover in action. 

    Airplane Pockets is a small business that specializes in sanitary, portable travel organization products. 

    Promising review: "I used it last week and it was terrific. It fit everything: magazine, iPad, tissues, gum, glasses, phone, earplugs and water bottle. It stretched easily but tightly over the tray and both the flight attendant and my seat mates complimented me on it. I plan to use it every time I fly. It would be perfect for children, too. Highly recommend it." —Sue G. 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99. 

    55. A magnetic water bottle sleeve pouch that'll help you hold onto your keys and ID while you pump some iron. AND that it's magnetic means that you won't have to put it on the floor and potentially lead to spills or trips. 

    large water bottle with a wrap around black pocket that is attaching it magnetically to a piece of gym equipment
    smaller water bottle also attached to gym equipment

    Gym Mate is a small business that specializes in magnetic gym accessories for water bottles and technology. 

    Check out a TikTok of the water bottle magnet attachment in action. 

    Promising review: "Hands down one of the best purchases I’ve made on amazon. I can fit my iPhone 13 Pro with the case in the pocket and have plenty of room for my AirPods. Magnets are super strong and hold everything perfectly!" —Nalani

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99

    56. A handy dandy condiment fork with a holder you can wrap around a jar of pickles or olives in your fridge. Because you've more than once walked in on your kid with a BARE HAND in the pickle jar. 

    The pickle fork in a silcone utensil holder wrapped around a pickle jar lid
    A reviewer using the three pronged fork to stab a pickle

    Check out a TikTok of the condiment fork in action. 

    Promising review: "Great kitchen item. Forks are great to get pickles out of the jar, but if you have kids/lazy people (lol) you know that dirty hands are going into that jar. 😉 This has really prevented that from happening. It comes with two different rings to fit whatever size jar, a stabber holder, and a stabbing stick." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $6.50

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.