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    29 Easy Ways To Help Make Your Backyard The Best On The Block

    Don't be surprised when everyone starts inviting themselves over for some outdoor fun.

    1. Pull together decor for an outdoor room or just cover up an ugly surface with an indoor/outdoor rug built to weather rain and more.

    outdoor room with patio furniture with printed rug on the patio surface

    2. Cover up a hard surface that, tbh, is beyond visual help with interlocking Teak tiles you don't need tools to install. They're great for rental properties because you can take them apart and take them with you when you move!

    3. Don't shy away from scattering container plants throughout your yard! They'll give your space ~levels~ of visual interest, especially if you're working in a space with few (or no) flower beds and lots of hard surfaces — like in this gorgeous Brooklyn backyard makeover.

    backyard with hammock and umbrella and container plants in it

    4. But if you're not sure where you start, invest in a pair of matching containers you can set on your patio, along walkways, or around seating areas.

    large plant container pots with gray gradient pattern on them

    5. Roll out a weather-resistant cedar pathway along garden beds or other paths where your family tends to tread and wear down the grass.

    slotted wood walkway beside a bed of hydrangeas

    6. Stash recycling bins, bikes, a lawnmower, and other hefty tools you have no other place to look in this nice-looking shed if you don't have room for a full-fledged shed.

    7. Spruce up stained concrete patios or walkways with some concrete paint for a refreshed look that'll make a HUGE difference.

    the can of paint

    8. But if you're renting or painting is out of the question for other reasons, a power washer will give you an oh-so-satisfying "after" when it comes to stained and worse-for-wear concrete surfaces. (And the same goes for fences!)

    9. Extend your backyard time by investing in a lighted umbrella that'll tilt (literally) to your whims and give you the right amount of shade and light when/where you want it.

    10. Buy a conversation set with coordinating seats and a table so you can sit and enjoy your revamped backyard awhile. You deserve it!

    wood patio set with white cushions

    11. Attach a roll of faux ivy to ugly wire fencing, railing, or a trellis to obscure a view you don't love.

    12. Place a handsome privacy screen as a design element that'll also help obscure something less than desirable (like recycling bins or a neighbor's super ugly swing set).

    three panel wood privacy screen with planters for flowers at the bottom

    13. Make a lil' oasis for yourself — even in the smallest of backyards! — with a hanging lounge chair your dog will adore too.

    reviewer in chaise lounge chair suspended off the ground with an umbrella for shade

    14. Nestle some light-up flowers amongst the *real* flowers in your flowerbeds around seating areas for a whimsical touch that'll make your backyard look like it's out of a fairytale once the sun sets.

    light up pink and purple faux flowers

    15. Bring the island(-ish) vibes to your landlocked home with a light-up palm tree as a fun lighting option where you need it.

    16. Set up shop in your new grass-side paradise with a double hammock you totally have permission to use just by yourself.

    double hammock strung up between two trees in a yard

    17. Refinish tired metal furniture with some metallic spray paint for a weekend afternoon project that'll have substantial payoff. Just look at that zhuzhed bistro set!

    18. Add a pretty focal piece in a seating area with a celestial fire pit that'll look great in the daylight and downright magical when lit at night. (Oh, and it'll be a toasty addition on chilly nights!)

    round low fire pit with stars and moons cutouts on the side

    19. And park a cute s'mores station nearby so no one has to hunt down the marshmallows when it's time for the best dessert on the planet.

    tray with compartments for different s'mores ingredients

    20. Tap into your fam's interests with cute Brontosaurus sculptures. Don't worry, no lawyer is getting eaten by a T-Rex in a bathroom stall so you can marvel at these.

    small brontosaurus shaped yard decorations in front of a bush

    21. Swap out your gate hardware for substantial handles and latches that'll make a serious (but practical) style statement.

    22. Brighten up a railing thanks to some colorful flower pots with draining holes and hooks so the plants inside can ~thrive~ while they sit there looking pretty.

    row of colorful plant pots with hooks that rang on a railing

    23. Establish a garden focal point with an easy-to-install trellis. This one's made of PVC so it'll be super easy to take care of!

    rectangular vertical PVC white garden trellis in a garden bed with vines trained up it

    24. Or really create an outdoor room within your backyard thanks to a dome trellis you can train plants onto for a straight-up magical effect.

    25. Let the good times roll (sorry) with a set of jumbo lawn dice you can keep handy for those lazy afternoons when you wanna do something besides just sit around in your wonderful new outdoor rooms.

    giant wooden die and scoreboards in a yard

    26. Or invest in a rustic tic-tac-toe board that'll fit in with your backyard's rustic aesthetic and get kids pumped to spend time outdoors.

    tree stump with painted rocks as a tic tac toe board

    27. Provide your dog with a wading pool to cool off in so every member of the fam can make good use of the great outdoors on your lil' patch of land! And in case you're wondering, yes, it's great for ducks.

    28. Keeping a set of colorful stacking chairs will make sure that everyone has a spot to sit when they stop by!

    outdoor round table with simple yellow chairs around it

    29. Give other lil' creatures somewhere to go with an adorable bird bath that'll really bring something to your garden decor.

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