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    30 Of The Best Hampers And Laundry Bags You Can Get On Amazon

    Collapsible, rolling, compartmentalized, and easy to carry. Your laundry day soulmate is right here!

    Hey! While we try to keep our posts updated as much as we can, this post is actually from 2018, so we can't guarantee that the pricing and/or availability of the products featured are accurate. For our most up-to-date recommendations, check out the 2019 version of this post!

    1. A foldable double hamper with removable liners you can simply detach and drag your presorted clothes to the laundry room.

    2. Or a ~fancier~ double hamper to do the same job with a higher end look.

    3. A tall, flexible hamper for handling multiple loads without breaking your back.

    4. A foldable bamboo hamper bc laundry hampers are a necessary evil that can also look very nice!

    5. A mesh drawstring bag for letting the air circulate around your dirty duds while they're contained.

    6. A magnetic lidded hamper to help hide your dirty socks from the world, aka your roommates.

    7. An adorable print with a waterproof coating — it can help it stand up to you kid's messes.

    8. An XL cotton laundry bag for hiding allllll your dirty little secrets.

    9. A charming helper — it might just convince your kid to become a total cleaning animal!

    10. A wicker elephant that'll make picking up after yourself feel like less of a drag.

    11. A collapsible basket you can use to color code each family member's clothes, fold down, and then easily store.

    12. A set of delicates bags to keep your fancy drawers intact in the wash.

    13. A door hamper bag to collect miscellaneous dirty things right where they belong, the laundry room!

    14. A basketball hoop that'll score big with chore avoiders and enforcers alike.

    15. A sorting cart with removable hanging hampers as a one-stop mobile shop for all your clean stuff!

    16. A corner wicker fixture — it can go in tight spots where you gave up on putting a hamper.

    17. A heavy-duty rolling hamper for carting up to 200 lbs. of dirty goods. (Surely that'll be enough?!)

    18. A plastic rolling option that'll provide no-lift transport and easy cleaning with a wipe down.

    19. A charming carryall — it can handle a load and look good doing it.

    20. A sectioned sorter ready to keep your delicates separate from your permanent press regulars.

    21. A canvas duffle to help you schlep your laundry pile to the laundromat.

    22. A stair-climbing trolley you'll thank the laundry gods for again and again.

    23. A huge bag with industrial-strength straps so you won't be caught with a mountain of clothes on the sidewalk en route to the laundromat.

    24. A graphic basket so no one's confused as to where their dirty undies belong.

    25. A foldable bamboo option if you're in the market for something that looks like it belongs in a fancy spa.

    26. A classic wicker hamper — it can hide your sweaty gym shorts and comes in a variety of colors to match your bathroom decor.

    27. A ~ventilated~ mesh pop-up hamper that'll be at home in any dorm room or any other room, tbh.

    28. A collapsible tote with the stuff to carry heavy loads you've been putting off for far too long.

    29. A hamper with two lids so your navy socks don't accidentally end up in the lights load again.

    30. And a simple folding hamper cheap enough to buy a few at a time and stick in multiple rooms.

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