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    Studying Abroad In Switzerland

    From finding out you'll be living the life of the rich to realizing you're too poor to eat.

    1. You get your study abroad letter in the mail, and YOU'RE ACCEPTED TO STUDY IN SWITZERLAND!

    2. You start researching all the places you want to travel to, afterall Switzerland is in the heart of Europe.

    3. After months of preparing you are finally at the airport after saying goodbye to friends and family.

    4. You get off the plane and despite your lack of sleep you just want to explore your new home.

    5. Realizing that the paperwork you had to do before leaving wasn't even the start of it.

    6. When you go to the grocery store for the first time and realize your diet will consist of carbs.

    7. After the letdown of expensive food, you wander to the chocolate aisle for the first time and it's like entering heaven.

    8. You go to class the first day and try to introduce yourself to your teachers.

    9. Trying to shop in your new home is a nightmare, and yet everyone else seems to do it easily.

    10. When you finally have your first real conversation in French.

    11. Attempting to venture out of the exchange student cult, you try to make real Swiss friends.

    12. Going on trips in search of a cheaper way of life.

    13. When you dare to venture out in sweatpants and everyone you see gives you this look..

    14. When you first travel to the German speaking part of Switzerland.

    15. After a few months of trying to struggle through your classes you just give up

    16. When there's more than 4 days in a row without rain.

    17. Locking eyes with cute Swiss guys, and thinking you look great, when in reality you look like this..

    18. Trying to find a way to stay another semester, and seeing all the paperwork you would have to fill out

    19. When you trust your French skills but people STILL speak to you in English

    20. When the unversity has free/reduced price club nights

    21. Trying all the "fun" Swiss winter sports

    22. Going to the cheese section of the store and never knowing what kind to try

    23. Realizing how safe Switzerland is after traveling to other European countries

    24. When you remember your Swiss life will be over at some point.