People Are Sharing The 14 Signs That A Movie Isn't Going To Be Good, And We're Taking Notes

    "Mean Girls pulled this off but it's the exception to that and about a hundred other movie rules."

    Recently, u/FlintTheDad asked "what are some immediate red flags that the movie you are watching is about to suck?" and we decided to round up some of the best answers:

    1. "When characters exchange information they both already know, and that’s the dialogue."

    2. "If there are multiple trailers that use the same bad joke, that's not a great sign."


    "And if the trailer makes you feel like you've seen the whole movie already."  


    3. "Licensed music that doesn't match the scene but is recognisable."


    4. "When characters are blatantly oblivious to the very obvious clues throughout the movie."

    5. "When people don't speak like people."


    "'Hello my sister who I have not seen since our mother's funeral. How is our drug addicted brother who I also haven't seen since our mother's funeral?'"  


    6. "When it starts with a city girl going to a small town inn."

    "They really need to make some new holiday movie concepts because these are all they make now and they are so boring."  


    7. "Unnecessary jump scares constantly."

    8. "Opening with a voiceover narration that merely repeats what we are looking at."


    "Mean Girls pulled this off but it's the exception to that and about a hundred other movie rules."  


    9. "If it starts in a bar where the protagonist has to beat up some loud mouth patrons to let the audience know he's a bad ass."


    10. "Not really true in every case, but my husband and I have a running joke that if the first scene for a character has a car door open and a booted foot (or stiletto) comes out to stand on the pavement (camera angle low) it's either a shit movie or a comedy."

    11. "Plot contrivances. If something nonsensical happens or someone makes a ridiculous decision just to make the plot happen I automatically start checking out."


    12. "As soon as I see the sixth or seventh production company logo at the beginning I know we’re in trouble."

    13. "When they say 'there's no time to explain!'"


    "Then they go somewhere and they could have explained the situation 10 times over along the way."  


    14. "When they draw too much attention to their foreshadowing."

    H/T to u/FlintTheDad and AskReddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have anything else to add? Let us know in the comments below.

    Additional thumbnail credits: Nickelodeon / Fox / Paramount Pictures / Getty Images / E! / Warner Bros. Pictures