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    25 Cosy Things If You’re Planning On Staying Inside As Much As Possible

    I won't judge you for cancelling any plans that involve going outside.

    1. These slipper socks will keep your feet feeling toasty, plus they have an adorable penguin design.

    2. If you have wooden floors, this faux fur rug will trap the heat so your home stays cosy.

    3. I will definitely be adding these cushion covers to my basket, ASAP.

    4. Or this adorable frog plush is a great option too!

    5. I can't believe nobody has told me about this microwaveable S'mores maker before.

    6. Create a warming atmosphere thanks to this Himalayan salt lamp.

    7. I predict you'll love this LED lamp that looks just like a miniature fireplace.

    8. Enjoy a brew in this mug that has a cute little surprise at the base!

    9. And you can make 3-4 cups of tea in this teapot so you won't have to keep boiling the kettle.

    10. Snuggle up with this hooded blanket that is *way* more appealing than venturing out in the cold.

    11. Or how about this super soft dressing gown that's got luxury spa vibes?

    12. If, like me, your feet always feel chilly, you might want to check out this electric foot warmer. It has a snuggly fleece lining for added comfort.

    13. Not only does this wax melt burner look cool, it'll also have your home smelling amazing. It's electric so you can control how high or low the temperature is also.

    14. And I would suggest pairing it with this wax melt snapbar that smells like a popular bath bomb scent.

    15. These fairy lights may be small but they'll provide a warm, cosy glow.

    16. If you've been scrolling through TikTok recently, you'll have seen that this teddy fleece duvet set is *very* popular.

    17. And why not make every room in your home as cosy as your bed thanks to this fleece blanket?

    18. Fancy a sweet treat? Check out this melting chocolate snowman that you add to hot milk.

    19. Or you can also get this hot chocolate bomb set ready for any guests.

    20. Treat yourself to some 'me time' thanks to these macaron-shaped bath fizzers.

    21. Or give these bath salts a go. The relaxing blend contains vanilla, sweet orange, and lavender so your whole body can de-stress.

    22. Add this extra deep mattress topper onto your bed for added comfort. It's ideal if you have an older mattress.

    23. I will definitely be living in this fluffy loungewear set for the rest of the near future.

    24. You may have seen these slippers on TikTok, and for less than a tenner they're worth the purchase.

    25. Switch up your seating with this jumbo beanbag chair for you to relax on.