Hey Canberra, This Is Probably The Most Important News For You Today: The International Space Station Will Be Visible Over The City Tonight!

    It travels at 28,800 freakin' kilometres an hour.

    On a very quiet news day when nothing at all of note is happening and we're not, say, facing our fourth successful leadership spill for prime minister in eight years, it's important to look to the skies and tell Canberra that the International Space Station (ISS) will be visible with the naked eye over the city tonight.

    What do we know about a man called Peter Dutton, who resigned earlier this week as minister for home affairs after attempting to topple PM Malcolm Turnbull?

    A little, sure.

    But we also know that the ISS, a habitable satellite currently carrying three American, two Russian, and one German cosmonauts will be hurtling over the ACT tonight at 8km per second and will become visible at exactly 7:04pm.

    Sure, this Dutton guy lost his first leadership challenge 35 to 48 and the next challenge appears imminent, with Turnbull rapidly losing support.

    The largest human made body in low orbit around the Earth, and a symbol for the technological advancement of humankind as a race, unified by our intellectual ambitions, will be visible for three minutes over Parliament House tonight.

    Au pairs? Who cares.

    This is a motherfucking space station, people.

    The ISS will appear at 10 degrees above north-west and disappear 81 degrees above east-south-east, achieving a maximum height of 85 degrees in the night sky.

    As Canberrans settle down to another evening of not much happening, the ISS will be the third brightest object in the sky, after Mars and the moon.

    Enjoy, Canberra. Sweet dreams.