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    18 Places To Find Great Deals Online

    Places to find really, really great deals on all the stuff you need.... plus some of the stuff you don't.

    1. Boxed for the kind of stuff you'd spend hours scavengering for at Costco but without the membership fees, chaos, or lugging.

    2. TJ Maxx to get really good deals on home decor and furniture.

    3. Swap.com so you can search a massive inventory of second-hand clothes and toys for everyone in your family.

    4. Woot for some awesome daily deals on things like wine, electronics, food, tools, and clothes that end in a few hours or until they run out.

    5. Sears Outlet because you need a discount and a full warranty on new and refurbished home appliances, tools, and electronics.

    6. Amazon so you can get the best price on nearly everything you can imagine, from their exclusive line The Fix to cleaning services at discounted prices.

    7. Price Plunge to get insanely low-priced deals that only last for a few hours.

    8. Burlington for deals on more than just great coats. In fact, they have deals on brands like Gucci, Valentino, Saint Laurent, and so many other designer brands.

    9. Rush 49 has discounted tickets to events and experiences you'll never forget.

    10. eBay to get really great deals on electronics — and a bunch of other stuff, but the electronics are especially good.

    11. Tanga for limited-quantity daily deals on a bunch of stuff you probably needed to buy anyway.

    12. Groupon has some of the best travel packages so you can finally see the world — and not drain your bank account.

    13. TigerDirect to get all the electronics you need for your office and some of the best customer service ever.

    14. Shnoop is filled with some of the best deals on the web on a variety of products.

    15. Yugster for daily deals that are yours...until they're gone.

    16. Wired for Wine so you can get discounts on wine — you know, that happy juice you love so much.

    17. Big Lots to get awesome discounts on everything you'd buy from your favorite department store — like Halloween decorations and home decor.

    18. And Horchow because it's about time you got high-end, designer furniture at prices you might actually be able to afford.