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9 Ways Halloween Is Different After College

Halloween used to be so sweet (pun intended).

1. In college, picking out a costume was like...

Now you go back to visit and you're like...

2. In college, you went out on Halloween like...

Now you're like...

3. In college, you and your friends make awesome group costumes…

Now you're like...

4. In college, when you see a cute couple dress up together…

Now you're like...

but then you're like...

5. In college, when you see someone else with the same costume...

Now you're like...

6. In college, when kids show up to your apartment to trick or treat...

Now you're like...

7. In college, when your friend suggests you enter the costume contest at the end of the night...

Now you're like...

8. In college, when your friend shows up in a costume consisting entirely of lingerie...


9. In college, when someone asks if you'd rather stay home and watch "Hocus Pocus"
