Mila Kunis And Ashton Kutcher Spent Their Honeymoon In An RV With Their Baby And His Parents And The Story Is Wild

    A 10-month-old baby plus an old RV plus your in-laws is a recipe for disaster.

    You don't need me to tell you that Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher are one of the sweetest, realest couples around.

    The couple are notoriously private, but any glimpse we do get into their life together is totally adorable – like when Mila recently opened up about how they got together.

    But during an appearance on the Tonight Show on Monday, Mila told Jimmy Fallon the crazy story of her honeymoon with Ashton, and it's everything but romantic.

    She began the story by equating their honeymoon to one of the National Lampoon movies, which is how you know it's going to be a ridiculous and hilarious story.

    Now, Mila's first mistake was buying Ashton a trip in a not-so-luxury RV for his birthday, which he immediately decided would be the perfect opportunity to take their honeymoon.

    Now, what I failed to mention earlier was that Ashton Kutcher's parents also came along on this honeymoon, and they enjoyed the luxuries of a significantly nicer RV.

    And then everything took a turn for the even worse: the air conditioner broke when it was 110 degrees outside. Bear in mind they also have their 10-month-old daughter on the RV.

    Then, after they went somewhere to get the air conditioner fixed, the map took them on a road-that-wasn't-a-road and they ended up having to walk for three miles of the journey.

    Things didn't get much better when they eventually made it to the RV park, which had been lovingly chosen by Mila's mother-in-law from a guidebook.

    Because while Ashton's mom had the wonderful intention of ending their trip in the beautiful Napa Valley, that isn't exactly where they ended up thanks to the out-of-date guidebooks.

    But, at the end of the day, not even that could put Mila and Ashton off RVing.

    You can watch Mila tell the whole hilarious story in full here:

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