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What's The Most Awesome Thing Starbucks In Your Country Has To Offer?

Starbucks is WAY cooler in other countries.

Starbucks! Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying that their super out-there menu items are pretty damn cool.

But the Unicorn Frapp is ~nothing~ compared to the awesome things you can get at Starbucks around the world – like in Taiwan, where you can get this popcorn coffee Frappuccino.

Maybe you've tried something more traditional with a twist, like this honey latte from Starbucks in France.

Or maybe a food item is more your preference, like this delicious-looking cheesecake from Starbucks in Turkey.

Whatever it is, tell us about your coolest international Starbucks discovery in the comments, and your submission could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!