12 Famous People As Adorable Cats

    It's something we all need.

    1. Furiana Grande loves cat treats shaped like doughnuts.

    2. Kitten Harington would like to remind you that EVEN FICTIONAL CATS have nine lives. *WINK WINK*.

    3. Nicki Meownaj can make coughing up hairballs sexy.

    4. Donald Trumpycat isn't taking being fired from KitteNBC very well.

    5. Paw Rudd is so excited to be joining the superhero ranks with THE Catwoman, even if it is as "Ant-Man."

    6. One Purrection is still trying to figure out who will sing the high meows now that Zayn is gone.

    7. But Zayn Meowlick is in the studio throwing down some sick beats; a little more meowing and a lot more hissing.

    8. "Cat got your tongue?" Not anymore. Catlyn Jenner has spoken.

    9. Even Kim Catdashian isn't a fan of being cat-called.

    10. Amy Purrler and Tina Spay have a new movie coming out. Seems like just yesterday they were kittens on SNL.

    11. Ruth Bader Kittensburg is laying in the sun-spot on her couch feelin' pretty great about her accomplishments.

    12. And Taylor Swift is a Scottish Fold whose best friends are named Meredith and Olivia.