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    10 Reasons To Vote Elaha #1 For Penrhyn Road Officer

    Elaha is running to be elecred as be elected as Kingston University Penrhyn Road Officer! Here are 10 reasons why YOU should vote for her! Voting starts Monday 9th March, 9 am!

    1) She believes in transparency and democracy! She would work towards building a Union that's accountable to each and ever single one of you!

    She is the queen of multi tasking! From being a student ambassador to academic mentor and Women's Officer, she has done it all.

    3) She is going to make sure everyone is represented fairly!

    She has been highly involved with the National Union of Students and not just that she has experience of working with the international students movement!

    She would work towards affordable housing and fight hidden course costs because money matters!

    She says NO to discrimination of all forms on campus and nationally!

    She has a clean and strong record!

    She believes in empowering and nurturing the students rather than the management.

    Also because she has a great sense of humour, she sure will make you laugh everytime you visit her office.

    And ‘cuz you know she is the best person for the job!