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    The 12 Worst Times To Be A Vegetarian

    Being vegetarian isn't always hard...or maybe it is.

    1. When you’re eating out and the only vegetarian option is something totally unhealthy.

    2. The moment you tell someone you don’t eat meat, so they offer you chicken or turkey.

    3. The moment you reach for some good old-fashioned Campbell’s vegetable soup…

    4. The moment you kindly decline a meal because it wasn’t prepared vegetarian…

    5. When you reach for a delicious piece of Pizza Hut garlic bread, only to find out it contains bird feathers.

    6. Or when you're camping, and all your friends are roasting marshmallows.

    7. In line at Panda Express, when you see a sign explaining nothing is vegetarian.

    8. When you’re trying to eat at an authentic Mexican restaurant.

    9. A few years ago, when Starbucks still colored their strawberry smoothies with cochineal extract.

    10. When you forget to ask if the house salad has meat, and it’s covered in bacon crumbles.

    11. When people assume you’re a picky eater because you only eat plain pasta and dinner roles at social gatherings.

    12. When you’d give anything for a piece of tofu or grape tomato to snack on...

    And then you remember why you're a vegetarian in the first place...